Daily PLanet

Mar 2008
2:09 PM EDT



Today is the beginning of my new life.

I am starting over today.

All good things are coming to me today

I am grateful to be alive

I see beauty all around me

I live with passion and purpose

I take time to laugh and play everyday

I am awake, energized and alive

I focus on all the good stuff in life

and give thanks for them

I am with peace and one in everything

I feel the love, the joy, the abundance

I am free to myself

I am magnificence in human form

I am the perfection of life

I am grateful to be

ME !!

Today is the best day of my life


With love yr friend Dangles.

2 comment(s) - 09:14 PM - 11/01/2008

Feb 2008
6:58 PM EDT



Feb 2008
11:57 AM MST


Yes!! tomorrow is friday , i have been sleeping for the past one and a half day with this big headache since tuesday...definately not the best week...but i am feeling a little better. I think my feever broke this afternoon and i am actually getting hungry...hopefully be good enough to go back to work tomorrow, even its only the last day of the week the girls are busy and need me and i feel bad not being able to help out...I hate these days. On top of it all it was a gorgious warm day, at least plus ten which is hot for alberta...i would have loved to go for a walk with my dogs..i just was too sick....so back to bed i go and try to sleep some more...so i can go back to work. Hopefully the weekend will be gorgious...gnight...Dangles ;o((

1 comment(s) - 09:54 PM - 02/21/2008

Feb 2008
10:03 AM AKDT


so where is my little friend today and how did her day go.....i will tell you about my day girl...my youngest brother called me at nine in the morning..wow wakeup call!!...he is splitting up with his girlfriend....what else is new..the whole world is splitting up with their girlfriends and boyfriends....you see he ended his marriage to be with this girl and now one year later the girl doesnt want him anymore....stop thinking the grass is greener at the other side cause you will get hurt!!!!...why not try to have fun with what you have instead of trying to find the most incredible person in the world...trust me they dont excisit...period.....whoever wants to be in a relation needs to work for it in order to make it fun...and to all the dude and dandy's outthere that think that their hubby isnt exciting anymore...well duh!! thats your own fault too cause you let it slip!! and gave up on something that could last a lifetime...and with a little work and some special time you MAKE folr one another....your life can be as happy as you want it to be....but it can also be as crappy as you want it to be...so cheer up!! make things happen...work at it...hey no one ever said life was smooth and simple...its hard work in order for you to have a happy and healthy marriage...but if you want it to be happy you will just have to find a way to make it happen....there are choices you can can make and if that choice is to be cranky and mean hey for sure i would leave too...but if that choice is nice and warm then hey why would i leave....i have a good hearted hubby and although we never really see eachother that much as he is working overseas...i never want another man in my life because we have what it takes but we also keep it going..and yes sometimes its very hard..but sometimes i know this is what we both want and need.....so if you have a wife or a hubby and think you dont love him no more think again!!!!!....you made kids together..think about all the good stuff you had together and make him want you again...sorry it wont work if you bitch all the time and that really goes for the both of you......sure there will be always differences between the two of you..geezzzz people you were put together and got married and now you have to live together....is that soooooooo bad??? not if you make it fun....but thats work and people get lazy....all i hear is how unhappy every one is with their livers and how the men make the women cry or the opposite.....learn and listen...and make fun..keep the love of your life..stop the bitching both ways...make love laugh enjoy yr kids instead of putting them under pressure..they were made in a love passion..make sure you keep it that way.....its totally up to you!!! love to all of you outthere Dangles

Feb 2008
3:07 PM EDT

daily planet

wow it worked didnt loose a word how cool is that huh......i am pretty much only using this sight for practise....they say real writers practise writing..no matter what they write so i babble along and write after this in my lil asus comp and it soooooooo works for me....my fingers fly over the keys on my lil baby asus.....its 6.18 right at this minute...and i am not sure what to write about...i dont want to write about people...so lets try wrting about my dogs..i have 3 of themright now..the oldest who is almost 13 is an sharpard and her name is elmo....then i have bentley..he is a little bugger that i couldnt leave in the mall when i saw him...he put his little paw up to my hand and ever since we give eachother high fives all the time.....then i thought he got lonely and should have a girlfriend so i found hannah, a liitle smarty pants pom.... she is the tiniest and funniest creature of all and she's the boss of the other 2....then i have a cat her name is kamikazi but i call her kazie cat....and she is a big fat cat....if she wanted to she could kill the 2 lil dogs in one attack..she's too kind and would never,.....well i hope she would never take revenge at the little dogs...and god knows they tease the shit out of her...but i think she likes the attention....she also like the watertab in my bathroom....im talking to a friend on msn gotta go for now love Dangles

Feb 2008
2:18 PM EDT


Today was such a good day...a fine day...i woke up with an email and learned i actually gained a new friend...and i am so happy with that.....i did yoga for one hour and then i thought oh what the heck i mighy as well do the cardio too as im off and i do have the time....and noooooo i am not FAT!! i just have this belly that keeps growing on me and maybe its time now im still not a 150 pounds to work on it so i did...i managed to get through all the excercises....and i am very lazy and do not like to work out at all ...I rather be very lazy on my days of but reality kicks in now and then and i know its good for me and blah blah blah i did it..i actually did 2 hours of excercise....me!! lazy me who rather sit behind a book or lay down on my bed and watch tv...and i was always lucky...i never gained weith till now...The pressure is on lol....i gained 20 pounds in the last year and went from 120 to 140 i gotta stop this madness of gaining...so i went to chapters and bought myself a yoga dvd and a cardio and tone dvd...havent used the tome one yet...but i will soon..somewhere in the future cause hey i did 2 hours of muscle stuff and jumping up and down......soooooo proud of my self...am i going to keep this up you ask???? hmmm probably not but hey i did 2 hours today and had fun with it so maybe next weekend i will give it another try....i work during the week very hard and all i want to do is eat when i get home and relax...a bath or a hottub....and i want to not think...which is very pleasant when you have a job like me and you have to Think all day long....and be nice to people you dont even know but they know you..i see so many people a day that i forget who is who...comes with age i guess...and i am still off because its family weekend and all though my family is all over the place i still get the day off....works for me....so we studied today and then had a glass of wine..its my hubs 50th bday and he is in australie working his bud of...so i am going to plan something fun for whenever he gets home.....oh well dont have to break my neck over this one yet cause it could take months before he gets back...but thats ok...gives me a shhitload of time to make plans..which i think is fun..although it might never work the way i plan stuff....im more a day to day girl.and im the best when i have no more time left to think but when i have to act i know its going to be good....going to save this before i loose it..after i lost my 2 hour writing on here which by the way was probablby the best i ever put on paper i got scared soo brb dangles

Feb 2008
1:55 PM EDT


I did it!! it saved again!! Maybe there is stilll hope for this journal...have a great weekend all!!

Feb 2008
1:54 PM EDT


wow it worked again...i am impressed..probably because i really didnt write anything at all...nothing that matters but it feels good to just write...I am trying to catch the New York trip on the radio. When i drove back from Red Deer to Sylvan the Jet went and i cant drive and phone at the same time so as soon as i got home i put on the radio and no Jet to New York. Dangles...that would be soo nice you even get a 1000 bucks just to go shopping or whatever, spent it the way you want...you get the flight to New York and Back home and you get to watch some cool shows.....during the day i always miss it because we dont have a radio at work and i always catch it in the truck. Oh well I guess no trip to New York for me, not even a change. I should call the radio and tell them its not fair to us people who work most of the time. I work as an Optician in a Docters office...Good job, lots of fun...great team, and nice docs...who needs that trip to New York....and then you call them and you're caller # 65..unfortunately it had to be caller # 5. I so should give up on New York and just go to the lottery store and buy a lottery ticket...i would have the same chance of winning...None!!.. Although mybrother once won 50.000 guilders and he wasnt even aloud to buy a ticket...His wife said NO..so he sneaked around her back and bought one anyway...she wasnt mad at him and liked the money...i think i still would be a little angry cause i cant stand it when people are not honest to one another....anyway they are divorced now lol...i guess thats life!! you win some you loose one!! And the radio sings"" start spreading the news"". I was ready with phone and all but didnt have the number....so another chance down the drain. Life's hard and so is a rock...they would rock my world by at least winning one time...but then again I dont think I know anyone else then my brother who ever won anything. So give it up Dangles!! New York is just not for you.. I think I pratised enough for one day....time for the other comp and let my thoughts go wild and free..there is nothing better then just to dream along in a mystery murder case haha...till next time...i will be back if you save this one too love Dangles


Feb 2008
1:37 PM EDT


Wow it actually worked, now dont get your hopes up Dangles because it might go wrong again....it's too bad we cant trust a journal like this. I think i still prefer to handwrite because other then my journal getting ripped up by my dogs i never lost anything writing with a pen plus you dont have to drag your laptop around either. I did solve that problem though and bought a tiny Asus computer which is excellent for writing wherever you are. the downpoint is that when i am at home i prefer my pavilion. And on my Asus i dont write on line...and yes I do save my work. I am so not a pro in writing...I write because i like to write and it get stuff out of system which sometimes i just babble and keep my fingers going and my thoughts just flow on paper like crazy. I hardly ever read back, specially just the practises, I am always working on a toilet reader because with a toilet reader you can write anything at all. Imagine sitting on the toilet and do your big thing and read about shoes or a murdermystery on the next page. I step from one world into another with all the ease in the world. And i never look back cause its black and white and really who cares what i write anyways. I mighyt write a real book when i am old and wrinkled and have nothing better to do...for now its just a way to get rid of the stress (not sure what kind of stress ) but the doc says i have stress...oh well i think its just menopause and the changes in my body...ok another save is in place so here i go again just because i am curious if this works yes or no...dangles brb

Feb 2008
1:27 PM EDT

Daily PLanet

Hey my friend its been a while. But I have been very very busy working and attending a course in Calgary. I figured i would do a practise and the best subject is always yourself. I am still very upset about loosing the great work i did weeks ago and lost it all because this site refused to actualy save my work.... Dont tell anyone but i did cry over that as i wrote for almost 2 hours and it was all gone...so now i do my work someone else and use this just for the fun of it..if it saves it fine if not, well thats allright with me too....it was too bad because i could absolutely access this anywhere in the world but its not worth to me to loose all the good stuff...and i wonder if this will post. but if not its just a practise..main thing is that i keep writing and it doesnt really matter what its all about...in the meantime i am listening to the radio and simona is on..nice tune...I did my complete cardio this morning..one hour of dancing..i am sure that if anyone sees me they will laugh their heads of...that is why i closed all the curtains..I wonder if their are more people around making a fool of themselves early in the morning just to stay slim and healthy haha which is important i know..but it's a lot of suffering too, specially the yoga poses i am doing....geezzzz i wonder if i ever get that flexible as the lady on the dvd...and honestly, i dont even think she is that nice toned, I mean people can overdue working out too, to the point that they look a little overdone like an overcooked steak. I wonder if i can save this part of the writing exercise so that i dont loose it again...I feel i am on a roll let me save this first, although its a practise!! Dangles for now and be write (lol) back!!

Jan 2008
12:24 PM MST

writing and writing, then loosing it??? anyone??

hi...so ok this is great a journal on line..even if yr computer breaks down we are not lost...the only thing is that the other night i wrote in my private journal for an hour and a half and before i could even post it it was gone...vvvoooommm disapeared...and that was an hour and a half down the drain but also some good wrting...so ...is there anyone outthere that can give some advise on how NOT to loose yr work?? It would me much apreciated...thanks in advance Dangles.
1 comment(s) - 11:03 AM - 01/30/2008

dangles's Profile

  • Username: dangles
  • Gender / Age: Female, 68
  • Location: Canada
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    DANGLES's Interests:

    About Me: My nickname is Dangles because i refuse to say the "F" word, instead i say Dangles. Married with 2 grown up kids, and i love to write and have a ton of fun!!

    Interests: writing, yoga, step dancing, horsebackriding, skiing, the hottub!!, reading, music and i just love all my friends!!

    Favorite Music: definately rock!! but i like every kind of music...depends on my mood, which normally rocks!!

    Favorite Movies: "the Sound Of Music...lame huh but hey i grew up with that movie.

    Favorite Television: CSI,Law and Order, Ghostwhisperer and American Idol.

    Favorite Books: James Patterson is my absolute favorite..I read them all.

    DANGLES's Friends: