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Daily PLanet
Feb 2008
1:37 PM EDT
Wow it actually worked, now dont get your hopes up Dangles because it might go wrong again....it's too bad we cant trust a journal like this. I think i still prefer to handwrite because other then my journal getting ripped up by my dogs i never lost anything writing with a pen plus you dont have to drag your laptop around either. I did solve that problem though and bought a tiny Asus computer which is excellent for writing wherever you are. the downpoint is that when i am at home i prefer my pavilion. And on my Asus i dont write on line...and yes I do save my work. I am so not a pro in writing...I write because i like to write and it get stuff out of system which sometimes i just babble and keep my fingers going and my thoughts just flow on paper like crazy. I hardly ever read back, specially just the practises, I am always working on a toilet reader because with a toilet reader you can write anything at all. Imagine sitting on the toilet and do your big thing and read about shoes or a murdermystery on the next page. I step from one world into another with all the ease in the world. And i never look back cause its black and white and really who cares what i write anyways. I mighyt write a real book when i am old and wrinkled and have nothing better to do...for now its just a way to get rid of the stress (not sure what kind of stress ) but the doc says i have stress...oh well i think its just menopause and the changes in my body...ok another save is in place so here i go again just because i am curious if this works yes or no...dangles brb
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Female, 68
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DANGLES's Interests:
About Me:
My nickname is Dangles because i refuse to say the "F" word, instead i say Dangles. Married with 2 grown up kids, and i love to write and have a ton of fun!!
writing, yoga, step dancing, horsebackriding, skiing, the hottub!!, reading, music and i just love all my friends!!
Favorite Music:
definately rock!! but i like every kind of music...depends on my mood, which normally rocks!!
Favorite Movies:
"the Sound Of Music...lame huh but hey i grew up with that movie.
Favorite Television:
CSI,Law and Order, Ghostwhisperer and American Idol.
Favorite Books:
James Patterson is my absolute favorite..I read them all.
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