Daily PLanet

Feb 2008
10:03 AM AKDT


so where is my little friend today and how did her day go.....i will tell you about my day girl...my youngest brother called me at nine in the morning..wow wakeup call!!...he is splitting up with his girlfriend....what else is new..the whole world is splitting up with their girlfriends and boyfriends....you see he ended his marriage to be with this girl and now one year later the girl doesnt want him anymore....stop thinking the grass is greener at the other side cause you will get hurt!!!!...why not try to have fun with what you have instead of trying to find the most incredible person in the world...trust me they dont excisit...period.....whoever wants to be in a relation needs to work for it in order to make it fun...and to all the dude and dandy's outthere that think that their hubby isnt exciting anymore...well duh!! thats your own fault too cause you let it slip!! and gave up on something that could last a lifetime...and with a little work and some special time you MAKE folr one another....your life can be as happy as you want it to be....but it can also be as crappy as you want it to be...so cheer up!! make things happen...work at it...hey no one ever said life was smooth and simple...its hard work in order for you to have a happy and healthy marriage...but if you want it to be happy you will just have to find a way to make it happen....there are choices you can can make and if that choice is to be cranky and mean hey for sure i would leave too...but if that choice is nice and warm then hey why would i leave....i have a good hearted hubby and although we never really see eachother that much as he is working overseas...i never want another man in my life because we have what it takes but we also keep it going..and yes sometimes its very hard..but sometimes i know this is what we both want and need.....so if you have a wife or a hubby and think you dont love him no more think again!!!!!....you made kids together..think about all the good stuff you had together and make him want you again...sorry it wont work if you bitch all the time and that really goes for the both of you......sure there will be always differences between the two of you..geezzzz people you were put together and got married and now you have to live together....is that soooooooo bad??? not if you make it fun....but thats work and people get lazy....all i hear is how unhappy every one is with their livers and how the men make the women cry or the opposite.....learn and listen...and make fun..keep the love of your life..stop the bitching both ways...make love laugh enjoy yr kids instead of putting them under pressure..they were made in a love passion..make sure you keep it that way.....its totally up to you!!! love to all of you outthere Dangles

dangles's Profile

  • Username: dangles
  • Gender / Age: Female, 68
  • Location: Canada
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    DANGLES's Interests:

    About Me: My nickname is Dangles because i refuse to say the "F" word, instead i say Dangles. Married with 2 grown up kids, and i love to write and have a ton of fun!!

    Interests: writing, yoga, step dancing, horsebackriding, skiing, the hottub!!, reading, music and i just love all my friends!!

    Favorite Music: definately rock!! but i like every kind of music...depends on my mood, which normally rocks!!

    Favorite Movies: "the Sound Of Music...lame huh but hey i grew up with that movie.

    Favorite Television: CSI,Law and Order, Ghostwhisperer and American Idol.

    Favorite Books: James Patterson is my absolute favorite..I read them all.

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