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Daily PLanet
Feb 2008
1:27 PM EDT
Daily PLanet
Hey my friend its been a while. But I have been very very busy working and attending a course in Calgary. I figured i would do a practise and the best subject is always yourself. I am still very upset about loosing the great work i did weeks ago and lost it all because this site refused to actualy save my work.... Dont tell anyone but i did cry over that as i wrote for almost 2 hours and it was all gone...so now i do my work someone else and use this just for the fun of it..if it saves it fine if not, well thats allright with me too....it was too bad because i could absolutely access this anywhere in the world but its not worth to me to loose all the good stuff...and i wonder if this will post. but if not its just a practise..main thing is that i keep writing and it doesnt really matter what its all about...in the meantime i am listening to the radio and simona is on..nice tune...I did my complete cardio this morning..one hour of dancing..i am sure that if anyone sees me they will laugh their heads of...that is why i closed all the curtains..I wonder if their are more people around making a fool of themselves early in the morning just to stay slim and healthy haha which is important i know..but it's a lot of suffering too, specially the yoga poses i am doing....geezzzz i wonder if i ever get that flexible as the lady on the dvd...and honestly, i dont even think she is that nice toned, I mean people can overdue working out too, to the point that they look a little overdone like an overcooked steak. I wonder if i can save this part of the writing exercise so that i dont loose it again...I feel i am on a roll let me save this first, although its a practise!! Dangles for now and be write (lol) back!!
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Female, 68
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DANGLES's Interests:
About Me:
My nickname is Dangles because i refuse to say the "F" word, instead i say Dangles. Married with 2 grown up kids, and i love to write and have a ton of fun!!
writing, yoga, step dancing, horsebackriding, skiing, the hottub!!, reading, music and i just love all my friends!!
Favorite Music:
definately rock!! but i like every kind of music...depends on my mood, which normally rocks!!
Favorite Movies:
"the Sound Of Music...lame huh but hey i grew up with that movie.
Favorite Television:
CSI,Law and Order, Ghostwhisperer and American Idol.
Favorite Books:
James Patterson is my absolute favorite..I read them all.
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