Daily PLanet

Feb 2008
3:07 PM EDT

daily planet

wow it worked didnt loose a word how cool is that huh......i am pretty much only using this sight for practise....they say real writers practise writing..no matter what they write so i babble along and write after this in my lil asus comp and it soooooooo works for me....my fingers fly over the keys on my lil baby asus.....its 6.18 right at this minute...and i am not sure what to write about...i dont want to write about people...so lets try wrting about my dogs..i have 3 of themright now..the oldest who is almost 13 is an sharpard and her name is elmo....then i have bentley..he is a little bugger that i couldnt leave in the mall when i saw him...he put his little paw up to my hand and ever since we give eachother high fives all the time.....then i thought he got lonely and should have a girlfriend so i found hannah, a liitle smarty pants pom.... she is the tiniest and funniest creature of all and she's the boss of the other 2....then i have a cat her name is kamikazi but i call her kazie cat....and she is a big fat cat....if she wanted to she could kill the 2 lil dogs in one attack..she's too kind and would never,.....well i hope she would never take revenge at the little dogs...and god knows they tease the shit out of her...but i think she likes the attention....she also like the watertab in my bathroom....im talking to a friend on msn gotta go for now love Dangles

dangles's Profile

  • Username: dangles
  • Gender / Age: Female, 68
  • Location: Canada
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    DANGLES's Interests:

    About Me: My nickname is Dangles because i refuse to say the "F" word, instead i say Dangles. Married with 2 grown up kids, and i love to write and have a ton of fun!!

    Interests: writing, yoga, step dancing, horsebackriding, skiing, the hottub!!, reading, music and i just love all my friends!!

    Favorite Music: definately rock!! but i like every kind of music...depends on my mood, which normally rocks!!

    Favorite Movies: "the Sound Of Music...lame huh but hey i grew up with that movie.

    Favorite Television: CSI,Law and Order, Ghostwhisperer and American Idol.

    Favorite Books: James Patterson is my absolute favorite..I read them all.

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