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Daily PLanet
Feb 2008
2:18 PM EDT
Today was such a good day...a fine day...i woke up with an email and learned i actually gained a new friend...and i am so happy with that.....i did yoga for one hour and then i thought oh what the heck i mighy as well do the cardio too as im off and i do have the time....and noooooo i am not FAT!! i just have this belly that keeps growing on me and maybe its time now im still not a 150 pounds to work on it so i did...i managed to get through all the excercises....and i am very lazy and do not like to work out at all ...I rather be very lazy on my days of but reality kicks in now and then and i know its good for me and blah blah blah i did it..i actually did 2 hours of excercise....me!! lazy me who rather sit behind a book or lay down on my bed and watch tv...and i was always lucky...i never gained weith till now...The pressure is on lol....i gained 20 pounds in the last year and went from 120 to 140 i gotta stop this madness of gaining...so i went to chapters and bought myself a yoga dvd and a cardio and tone dvd...havent used the tome one yet...but i will soon..somewhere in the future cause hey i did 2 hours of muscle stuff and jumping up and down......soooooo proud of my self...am i going to keep this up you ask???? hmmm probably not but hey i did 2 hours today and had fun with it so maybe next weekend i will give it another try....i work during the week very hard and all i want to do is eat when i get home and relax...a bath or a hottub....and i want to not think...which is very pleasant when you have a job like me and you have to Think all day long....and be nice to people you dont even know but they know you..i see so many people a day that i forget who is who...comes with age i guess...and i am still off because its family weekend and all though my family is all over the place i still get the day off....works for me....so we studied today and then had a glass of wine..its my hubs 50th bday and he is in australie working his bud of...so i am going to plan something fun for whenever he gets home.....oh well dont have to break my neck over this one yet cause it could take months before he gets back...but thats ok...gives me a shhitload of time to make plans..which i think is fun..although it might never work the way i plan stuff....im more a day to day girl.and im the best when i have no more time left to think but when i have to act i know its going to be good....going to save this before i loose it..after i lost my 2 hour writing on here which by the way was probablby the best i ever put on paper i got scared soo brb dangles
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Female, 68
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DANGLES's Interests:
About Me:
My nickname is Dangles because i refuse to say the "F" word, instead i say Dangles. Married with 2 grown up kids, and i love to write and have a ton of fun!!
writing, yoga, step dancing, horsebackriding, skiing, the hottub!!, reading, music and i just love all my friends!!
Favorite Music:
definately rock!! but i like every kind of music...depends on my mood, which normally rocks!!
Favorite Movies:
"the Sound Of Music...lame huh but hey i grew up with that movie.
Favorite Television:
CSI,Law and Order, Ghostwhisperer and American Idol.
Favorite Books:
James Patterson is my absolute favorite..I read them all.
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