Daily PLanet

Feb 2008
11:57 AM MST


Yes!! tomorrow is friday , i have been sleeping for the past one and a half day with this big headache since tuesday...definately not the best week...but i am feeling a little better. I think my feever broke this afternoon and i am actually getting hungry...hopefully be good enough to go back to work tomorrow, even its only the last day of the week the girls are busy and need me and i feel bad not being able to help out...I hate these days. On top of it all it was a gorgious warm day, at least plus ten which is hot for alberta...i would have loved to go for a walk with my dogs..i just was too sick....so back to bed i go and try to sleep some more...so i can go back to work. Hopefully the weekend will be gorgious...gnight...Dangles ;o((

1 comment(s) - 09:54 PM - 02/21/2008

dangles's Profile

  • Username: dangles
  • Gender / Age: Female, 68
  • Location: Canada
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    DANGLES's Interests:

    About Me: My nickname is Dangles because i refuse to say the "F" word, instead i say Dangles. Married with 2 grown up kids, and i love to write and have a ton of fun!!

    Interests: writing, yoga, step dancing, horsebackriding, skiing, the hottub!!, reading, music and i just love all my friends!!

    Favorite Music: definately rock!! but i like every kind of music...depends on my mood, which normally rocks!!

    Favorite Movies: "the Sound Of Music...lame huh but hey i grew up with that movie.

    Favorite Television: CSI,Law and Order, Ghostwhisperer and American Idol.

    Favorite Books: James Patterson is my absolute favorite..I read them all.

    DANGLES's Friends: