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Courtney1316's Journal
May 2007
10:30 AM EDT
Dear Journal,
Today is going a lot better for me at school. I am actually talking to someone. But the teachers are being assholes. My weekend was alright even though I had to deal with Alyssa, Alyssa, Alyssa all weekend. I hated having to hear about alyssa all weekend long. I drove to Lewistown with my brothers and went to my grandpa's house a few times to clean...I hate cleaning. But anyways before the graduation I had to clean up and shit like that and alyssa didnt even have to or say thank you for cleaning up for her guests! GRRR.....Well I am making this one short. But I may be back later today. I am not sure...I am busy studing for Semester Tests and Finales for tommorrow. Later--Court
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Courtney1316's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 34
USA - Montana
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COURTNEY1316's Interests:
About Me:
I am a Sophomore at Denton High School, in Denton, Montana. I just thought that if I did this journal maybe someone could help and give me some advice. I have 1 older sister and 1 younger sister. I also have 3 brothers.
My two favorite things to do is dance and write. They seem to relax me.
Favorite Music:
I like R&B mostly. But I do listen to many other kinds of music to.
Favorite Movies:
My 2 favorite movies are "A Walk to Remember" and "Failure to Launch."
Favorite Television:
My favorite show is 7th Heaven, but I also like Parental Control and Exposed and Date My Mom. I like the whitest kids you know. (This show isnt very old. It has only been on TV for a few months.
Favorite Books:
"A Child Called 'It"
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