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    nickiss  55, Female, Michigan, USA - First entry!
Sep 2008
3:23 PM EDT

make a note... don't forget to vote!
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    Witch  64, Female, New Hampshire, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2008
4:11 PM EDT

A good day

we knocked about 80% of the apples off our big apple tree, and I cored 4 bags to make applesauce, it is cooking now. I am going to make Apple Wine for next years Samhain, some apple pie and apple muffins.
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    Setgelchlen  47, Female, Mongolia - First entry!
Sep 2008
3:19 PM EDT

It's raining, but I am delighted

������� Entire�day, I was gloomy and depressed, because of my overwhelming homeworks and assignements. I was worrying for my homeworks rather than doing actial homework. So it took time , finally, in the spur of the moment, I had to done it. Yeah, I'm bad student. However, right after I met with my writing professor, plus I got an inspiring email from my best friend whom I have been friend for ten years. She attached a nice French song and�it's lyrics�in her email which made my day.�Eventually, now, I'm delighted and everything seems easy to me. After all,there is always sunshine after the raining.

�������� Late afternoon it was raining hard. After my class, I met with my professor and we talked about the my article's name. Because I did not come up with a good idea, so she helped me to narrow down my subject and be more concrete. I had a random, borad and not clear subjects in mind for long time that I could not reach the point. Thank God ,my professor gave me concrete subject that I can write. Thank you my professor for your insightful thoughts and encouragement. I hope everyone agree with me If I say that the most of the professors are so caring and patient. That's what make them professor.

�������������I did not do exercise for a while, and I eat intenionally a lot of junk foods in cafeteria which is bad even it conforts me forwhile. I'm thinkig to go gym tonight right after my assignment research and keep my diary as usual. I have just found that I tend to be more passive both in physically and intellectually if there is something wrong or I am unsatisfied. However, I have to kick out this bad habits and be more active and strong woman.

���������� That's why I am writing this diary in this site and change myself. I'm gonna be alright afterall even I have still some pain inside. I can do my homework on time, I can be friendly with my roommates, I can restore my friendships with my old buddies. I will be in balanced life.

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    LenoreMaxine  83, Female, Illinois, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2008
11:03 AM CDT

Marcel Somfelean

American Stone Construction and Design, 4950 N. Elson, Chicago, Il. 60630.� Owner is Marcel Somfelean.

On Nov. 19, 2007 I signed a contract with the above company for 4 floor and 4 wall cabinets.� I gave them a deposit of $975.00 and the balance was $975.00� The delivery date would be before Dec. 25th.� Between Dec. 26 and Jan. 9, 2008 several appointments were made to deliver cabinets but they were all a no show.� So on Jan. l0, 2008 I filed a complaint at small claims court against the company for $975.00.�� On Jan. l2 I was notified the cabinets would be delivered in l0 minutes.� There were several discrepancies with the cabinets when the drivers came and Mr. Somfelean agreed to reduce balance to $600.00.� So I gave drivers a check for $600.00.

On Jan. 30, 2008 I found out that the cabinets I received were from Smart Company� and not from Armstrong Co.� Also Smart Co. was not producing the cabinets I received anymore.� The style and the stain of the cabinets I received were not the ones I ordered.� So I decided to go ahead and sue Mr. Somfelean for $975.00� The circuit court date was April 23rd.� On this date both Mr. Somfelean and I appeared in court.� The judge made a judgment for me for $350.00 plus court cost.� But Mr. Somfelean just walked out of court and didn't pay me.� I filed a citation notice but� it was not delivered as the company went out of business.��� Maxine Jaffee

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    Katie225  38, Female, Kansas, USA - 2 entries
Sep 2008
7:19 PM CDT

Right now, I'm sitting in my ex's house with his parents and brother. I know why I'm here, it's to keep me sane and to maybe get some sleep for the first time all week. The problem is that while I'm sitting here, I'm trying to work, but all the while, I'm wishing he was here. I say I don't believe in love...and at this point I don't, but when I was with him I knew it existed. I can't believe that I was able to feel something so strong that it changed my life. To feel something like that is unbelievable, but to lose it is unbearable. I'm sleeping in the bed that we shared and it's just not going to be the same without him next to me. I do miss him and I do still have him in my damn, good ole heart.

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    prissy  46, Female, Hawaii, USA - 75 entries
Sep 2008
10:15 AM HAST


When someone let's you down, it's the worst feeling on earth.

When you're reminded of it, that's just like dying.

Why? ..Most of us want to know why that person did such a thing to us. Simple. Out of sight is truly out of mind. The easiest thing for a person that's embaressed or ashamed, or one that has a very low self-esteem is to exit. "Escapism". So they turn their back on the mess they made, and just walk away.

Where's Karma? Where's the Universal Law? Where's the Law and the Prophets? I guess I'll never know.

There's a lot I'll never know. It's not like you get to sit back and watch the movie. You kind of have to deal with it as it happens... to you.

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    teaching912  46, Male, Minnesota, USA - First entry!
Sep 2008
10:32 AM CDT

This is were you can write a daily journal.
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    foreverlove85  39, Female, Canada - First entry!
Sep 2008
1:13 AM EDT

first entry

So i've signed up for another journal/blog/diary thing. I could've used my old account in livejournal but i feel that it's time for something new. Welcome to inboxjournal.. lol.

Right now, i'm looking for employment again. It frustrates me now how I can't seem to stay in any job. Ever since I've moved to toronto about 4 months ago, i've worked these stupid jobs such as telemarketing, telephone surveying (at 3 different places), customer service at a photograhy establishment, and inbound call centre. since i'm such a picky little twit, none of these jobs ever worked out for me because i'm always finding something wrong with every job. what the hell can i do now?? i'm not getting any luck so far. I'm still waiting to really find the perfect job.

I've been staying up really late recently. i shouldn't keep doing this. Must... get... back... to............. normal.

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    smb  49, Female, Wyoming, USA - 129 entries
Sep 2008
12:48 PM MST


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!� Another year,� THANK YOU GOD, for this year.� I can't believe I have� lived 3 years longer than my first husband.� He died when he was 30.� Sometimes I miss him so much still, which is wierd becaues I am remarried.�

Cory is gone, out of town working,,, weeks of no husband SUCKS!� So, thankfully I have a great mom, who lives close enough to surprise me.,, She brought me starbucks, flowers and donuts to my at work, and then took us out to supper,,,and even brought a lil' carrot cake to supper.� I love my mommy!�


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    puaalaesiva  42, Female, Michigan, USA - First entry!
Sep 2008
2:42 PM EDT

Welcome to the world of Kiri!! Muahahaha! I just really need to see if this darn thing will work.
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