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You searched for: Tag: Bestfriends
    iamunwritten  28, Female, Philippines - First entry!
Oct 2010
4:37 PM AWST


Its 25th of October.�
and I woke up with a memory of magic. :)

It seemed that I was a Charlie's Angel. With my co-angels, Pauleena and Pearl. They were both my best friends which were lost and gone by distance.
Our mission is to free a Fire nation prisoner. My bestie, Abigail. Im with Pearl, so we have to fetch Pauleena from where she is. Boss told us she was at the GSCS building. We an to the school and found her with her SPHS friends, and as usual Pearl got jealous. (happens in real life) then we jumped out in the corridor from the 3rd floor and I just noticed that we were at earth kingdom. We were negotiating with the Fire general and pretended Abigail has been sick. So we told him we'd buy food and medicine for her, we expected he'd leave the place and leave those two Fire benders to secure the prisoner. We were rushed and thought they (the two fire benders) will kill Abby immediately. We rushed and ran thought the vendors of fruits, papers, I didn't knew why did I bought those index cards. Haha. Weird. Then we went back but got fooled by our instincts. The General was still there watching after Abigail then we pretended that everything's okay. We turned back and asked "Charlie" (the man behind our wireless micro earphones and mic) what to do. then we just snagged Abby away from the firebenders, carrying her, we jumped over buildings and got her home safely.. We talked and talked with our boss in the earphones. Then Pauleena was fetched by her Dad at the car and left us again. (sighs). Pearl and I just decided to buy some pizza. I asked her to call boss to buy some pizza for us but he's not answering.. we called again and he asked us what extra topping does he want. then a light flashed!�
Unluckily, I woke up,.

Too bad for the pizza. :(


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