MissMischief's Journal

Jun 2008
9:01 AM EDT

well me and joe have finally broken up. we broke up 2 weeks after our 2 year anniversity. I told him that i thought we should've been ftf so he said okay. That was working for awhile but than i started hangingout with some new people (like HOT guys lol) and he became jealous. so he beat me up and i left him. My jaw was all red and it hurt for like 2 days. I STILL have black and blue marks all over, and we got into this fight like 2 weeks ago. So thats that and i am happy i'm not talking to him. It is now june 3rd and i am graduating on thursday (june 5) so i am alittle excited about that. but not alot and i don't know why. okay dats all for now.
1 comment(s) - 08:51 AM - 06/17/2008

Jan 2007
9:16 AM EDT

well this last week has been great. On friday was me and joe's one year anniversity and we went to atlantic city. Well i thought it was just going to be me and him but Dave and his kid Dustin came with us. Well i still had a good time. I got a red heart diamond ring. It's beautiful. I've been feeling bad because i've been hanging out with him alot and my friends are like you don't hangout with us anymore. So when i finally got a day to stay home{cause that was what i wanted to do}my friend brittany calls me and is like were going to hangout even when i tried to tell her that i was tired and i didn't want to do anything. Than Joe was like come on we can hangout with her for alittle bit. Brittany said that she had to be home by 5:30 so i thought that would be okay. Well she didn't go home at 5:30 she went home at 7 and i was so tired that when she left i just went right to bed and then joe was like why you so tired. I told him that i needed to get a goodnights sleep in my own bed. So that was lastnight and now tonight i get the whole house to myself. I'm kinda happy.

Dec 2006
11:11 AM EDT

omg....i feel depressed. i can't see joe til like thursday or friday and today is only Monday. He said he has to work all this week. Well on Christmas Eve he is comming down and eating with my mom and me. Than on Christmas Day my mom and me are going to his house and eating dinner with him and his mom. well atleast I'm going to have a good christmas this year. I'm so happy i'm not going to be with a guy that does drugs or drinks to much....so I won't have to worry about him doing anything stupid. Okay thats all for today. L8R.

Dec 2006
10:31 AM EDT

I had another nightmare and I tried to talk to joe about it but he was tired and so when he came over all we did was lay in bed.

Dec 2006
10:56 AM EDT

I'm very tired today. Me and Joe have been...i don't know what to call it. Fighting over little things. When me and him go out with my friends he's fine. But when were alone he's been acting different. I dunno whats wrong with him.He told me he went to the new casino and ran into his ex-girlfriend(nothing new)Danielle and since then its like I'm a pain in his ass.

Nov 2006
11:27 AM EDT

Nov 2006
10:47 AM EDT

Well today is Thursday and I'm very tired. I've hungout with my boyfriend alll week. Also this week I'm supposed to go with him to New Jersey. He siad he didn't know because he has to work today and tomorrow so he has gas money to get their. He already has money for food and for me and him to get into the race track. My mom didn't want me to go but i was like well why not i'm doing good in school and i think i should be allowed to go. Semi is next week at my school and everyone is like why aren't me and joe comming? I said because i didn't want to waste money on the semi when i want to go to the prom. Once again Jessica was like well atleast my boyfriend can afford to take me to semi and i just said that if we did want to go to semi he would pay but we want to go to prom. So hopefully i can go with him this weekend and I get to sleep in tomorrow because i don't have school so later!!! have a good weekened EVERYONE!!!!

MissMischief's Profile

  • Username: MissMischief
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    MISSMISCHIEF's Interests:

    About Me: Created by Crazyprofile.com

    Interests: I like to hangout with my boyfriend and friends. I love to travel. I like listening to music.

    Favorite Music: eminem, linkin park,50 cent, evanscene, pink, lillix, fort minor, akon, everlast, jewel, nickelback,theory of a deadman, and many more!

    Favorite Movies: don't really watch movies.

    Favorite Books: You Don't Know Me by david klass