MissMischief's Journal

Jun 2008
9:01 AM EDT

well me and joe have finally broken up. we broke up 2 weeks after our 2 year anniversity. I told him that i thought we should've been ftf so he said okay. That was working for awhile but than i started hangingout with some new people (like HOT guys lol) and he became jealous. so he beat me up and i left him. My jaw was all red and it hurt for like 2 days. I STILL have black and blue marks all over, and we got into this fight like 2 weeks ago. So thats that and i am happy i'm not talking to him. It is now june 3rd and i am graduating on thursday (june 5) so i am alittle excited about that. but not alot and i don't know why. okay dats all for now.
1 comment(s) - 08:51 AM - 06/17/2008

MissMischief's Profile

  • Username: MissMischief
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    MISSMISCHIEF's Interests:

    About Me: Created by Crazyprofile.com

    Interests: I like to hangout with my boyfriend and friends. I love to travel. I like listening to music.

    Favorite Music: eminem, linkin park,50 cent, evanscene, pink, lillix, fort minor, akon, everlast, jewel, nickelback,theory of a deadman, and many more!

    Favorite Movies: don't really watch movies.

    Favorite Books: You Don't Know Me by david klass