sandynassa's Journal

Feb 2007
10:48 AM I

i think nothing can be perfect..any thing can improve for perfection that's it but it can't be perfect.anything may be close to perfection..Perfection is a ideal type of thing and as i think ideal things are only ideal not a reality
Sandeep Nassa

Dec 2006
6:40 AM I

ya it's true? we pretend to be sumthin else which we are n't well the reason may be the qualties which we want to attain lies with that sumthing .

Dec 2006
12:19 PM I

Good luck is what is leftover after intelligence and efforts have combined at their best. Negligence or indifference or inattention are usually reviewed from an unlucky seat

Oct 2006
12:49 PM I

Quiet a hectic schedule today. office party some pending work. but in the end well manage. dont got the time to play enjoy watching action movie. in whole not a bad but busy enough day

Jul 2006
6:13 PM EDT

Whats the difference in PHP4 and PHP5? 1)Can anyone let me know about this the most important 5 differences between PHP4 VS PHP5? 2)And whats is the latest version of MYSQL? 3) What is the difference between PHP4 And PHP5? 4) Is Dotnet is better than PHP? If yes, IN what respect? If not, Why PHP is better than DOTNET? 5) Will PHP is a new threat to DOTNET in coming year? 6) What's Ajax? Any help will be appreciated. Thanx in advance

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  • Username: sandynassa
  • Gender / Age: Male, 45
  • Location: USA - Minnesota
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    About Me: my name is SANDEEP. i live in INDIAMOHAILI CHANG. i will be 18 in march.111

    Interests: Thinking

    Favorite Music: Wow Music

    Favorite Movies: MOVIE1

    Favorite Television: TELEVISION

    Favorite Books: BOOKS

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