heartbreak2007's Journal

Apr 2007
7:19 AM EDT

Now listen to this........I had wrote you earlier today and for some reason it didn't save so I have to write in you all over again.
Well I talked to Justin last night and I hadn't talked to him since Wednesday. Well he has seen so many movies and it ain't funnie. He has seen the following:
*ghost rider
*Blood dimond
He might have seen more but he is always complaining that I am going out to eat a lot with my friends but you know he is always going to the movies with his dad and his friends.
Well he had taken my pictures into work yesterday and they had said that I was pretty and that he should fly me down to Florida to be with him.
Well also yesterday was April Fools day and he walked into work and clocked in and his boss comes out and goes your fired. Well he didn't clock out and he just picked up his jacket and walked outside. His boss comes back out and just laughs his ass off and says April Fools.
Today he is going out with this girl from work and they just got paid so they are going to eat so they can do something instead of being bored. Well I am going to go......
You know who this is.........................
2 comment(s) - 12:12 PM - 04/05/2007

heartbreak2007's Profile

  • Username: heartbreak2007
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    HEARTBREAK2007's Interests:

    About Me: I am 18 years old will be 19 in May. I am moving to Florida to get the hell out of this stupid town.

    Interests: I love to work and I love to play and get dirty.

    Favorite Music: i love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Movies: I love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Television: Ditto

    Favorite Books: I don't read books unless it is for school.

    HEARTBREAK2007's Friends: