heartbreak2007's Journal

Apr 2007
5:10 AM EDT

hey there........how are you today? I am doing good just sitting in my study hall class being bored. Well i started reading this book last night its about real men do it better. if it was a movie then i think that it would be a porn. I just can't wait till i am able to move down to florida. 27 days till school is out and 1 month and 21 days until i leave for florida. I don't know. I am babysitting today and I am going to be online a lot. I don't know though. Everyone is mad at me since i am leaving especially my mom. Her and I have not been getting along since the day she met this guy. I am probably going to just stay in my room everyday when i come home from school because my mom told me its my fault that my gram has high blood pressure. well i am going to go talk to you later.

heartbreak2007's Profile

  • Username: heartbreak2007
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    HEARTBREAK2007's Interests:

    About Me: I am 18 years old will be 19 in May. I am moving to Florida to get the hell out of this stupid town.

    Interests: I love to work and I love to play and get dirty.

    Favorite Music: i love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Movies: I love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Television: Ditto

    Favorite Books: I don't read books unless it is for school.

    HEARTBREAK2007's Friends: