heartbreak2007's Journal

Apr 2007
5:15 AM EDT

hey now....here we go. I am moving to Florida on June 8th and I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun. I still have 55 days until i move down there. it does not feel like it is going fast enough. Justin told me not to count because it will take longer.....brb going to the bathroom:8:57.....oka y i am back 9:02. Well i had broke off a lot of friendships with a lot of people. Meaning a lot of my guy friends. I don't think that it is right for me to talk to other guys right now. I want to be with justin and if he wants to be with me then i am not going to screw anything up between us. So yeah anyways yeah i am just sitting here in study hall and i am bored out my mind. So yeah..............i think that i am going to have to babysiton wednesday again so i am going to be online all night again. Its weird because the little girl doesn't do much but sit there and watch tv orsit there and watch me. I don't know though.
Well i love Justin so much and I can'twait until i get to come down to Florida and be with him. I am so leaving the 8th and not coming back unless i am going to come down andvisit. So yeah.............I think that it is great that Justin wants me tomove down there with him. Well his friends want to meet meand two of the girls are lesbians and one is his friend becka who is into her church and religion. Then there is this guy his name is Kevin and hewants to meet me.
Well in July Brooke and her husband Kevin are coming down to visit me and Justin and I can't wait for that and I am still up here with her. I am so happy about everything you don't even understand me. I wish that everything would come true and i see that it is.
The night i get down there he has everything already planned for us. When I first get there we are going to go out to eat and then we are going to go and look for a job for me. Then we are going to go back to the hotel and we are going to fuck our brains out like we have never ever done before. He left me this message on Friday night "Ashley i really want to fuck you in the ass right now you need to hurry up and get down here, i love you ashley". It was so funny because you can tell that he was drunk out his mind.
They had started drinking by 5pm. I don't think that is right at all. he ended up passing out and then calling me at 5:33 am. He had thought that it was night. Got to run....
1 comment(s) - 12:10 PM - 04/16/2007

heartbreak2007's Profile

  • Username: heartbreak2007
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    HEARTBREAK2007's Interests:

    About Me: I am 18 years old will be 19 in May. I am moving to Florida to get the hell out of this stupid town.

    Interests: I love to work and I love to play and get dirty.

    Favorite Music: i love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Movies: I love anything that will catch my attention.

    Favorite Television: Ditto

    Favorite Books: I don't read books unless it is for school.

    HEARTBREAK2007's Friends: