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heartbreak2007's Journal
May 2007
5:22 AM EDT
Hey how are you? I am doing fine. I am sick and tired of everything that is going on. well I got a phone call yesterday since it was my birthday from my ex boyfriend and he was like ashley i have a great surprise for you and i was like what is it and he was like I am going to be coming home sooner then you think. He is on a bus right now coming home and he left yesterday at 4p.m. I am so happy he has been calling me like every hour on the hour so he can talk to me. He is suppose to be charging his phone at one of the bus stations so he can talk to me when I get out of school. I got someone to work for me tonight so I can pick him up and now I am not even picking him up but we are spending time together. My mom's boyfriend volenteered to pick him up because he is going to be in Harrisburg and he knows where he is going to get to the bus station. I am going to be like a little kid standing at the door waiting on him. My little sister called me yesterday and was like happy birthday sissy. I love my sister so much and I miss her so much. I think on wednesday I am going to pop out and see her for a few minutes. I think that she would love that. I would stay longer and hang out with her but yeah i don't have the time anymore to do that. Okay you know I am a little big for my age. I weigh about 150 and I am wearing this tank top but it covers my stomach and it is a little tight but it's not that bad. If it was bad my mom and gram wouldn't of let me walk out the house today. These girls who are bigger then me and they are in the fucking popular group are picking on my weight and they said that I shouldn't be wearing shit like that. Atleast I look decent because you know I don't always want to be a bum like this one fat bitch in my class. Also this girl is always trying to prove me and my friend Brooke wrong on everything and it pisses me off. Well I don't know if I told you this but my friend is pregnent and she is having a baby girl. She is going to be naming it Brenda LeeAnn and I am so happy for her. I got to go I will talk to you later.
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heartbreak2007's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 37
USA - Pennsylvania
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HEARTBREAK2007's Interests:
About Me:
I am 18 years old will be 19 in May. I am moving to Florida to get the hell out of this stupid town.
I love to work and I love to play and get dirty.
Favorite Music:
i love anything that will catch my attention.
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I love anything that will catch my attention.
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I don't read books unless it is for school.
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