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    brookie175  33, Female, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Apr 2007
6:33 PM EDT

1st entry.

We all have our stories. Mine starts here. On this internet page on April 23rd.
I have friends, plenty and plenty. I'm not miss popular, scratch that. I'm pretty damn popular. But with popularity usually follows with 'whore'. I'd summarize myself into that catagory.

I'd say this because for the past month i've been seeing a boy. His name's Ronnie.
He's older, less mature then what I would usually pick. I'm the classy type of girl. Mature-ness is very sexy to me, a boy who reads, drinks cofee, etc. Then, I have my kind of 'bad girl' side. This boy brings that part of me out. Back to the story line. I've been 'seeing him'. As in sex on every occasion we see each other. It doesn't seem too bad at first, right? well guess again. Ive put a twist on it all. I'm dating another boy named Kyle. Short story I'm dating two men at the same time. They're completely oppisate. Totally different. Ronnie = bad boy. Kyle = good christian, religous, band boy. There's more to the story. Ronnie also has another person named Carrie who he's dating, and they have a kid.

Then kenny comes into the story. I'm dating him as well, And guess what. He has a girlfriend as well. I'm not sure of her name, but i know she's not the cutest thing in the world...

Oh, Best part about it, Ive come down to writing this all on this lonely internet place because i cant tell my girl-friends. My friends would think im the most low-lifed whore they've ever met. and im not about to lose my bestfriends for that.

2 comment(s) - 07:01 PM - 05/04/2007
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    black  44, Male, Canada - First entry!
Apr 2007
5:49 PM EDT

if u a blood throw it up if u a crip geta dick fags ha ha!

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    ghhtk0  70, Female, Texas, USA - First entry!
Apr 2007
4:49 PM CDT

Having some second thoughts about taking this job in Austin manager is a bit on the moody side and tends to tell tall tales. Not sure of course why she would feel compelled to do this but worried about working with someone like that, of course I have worked with someone like this before and did not like it then. She told the other supervisor Stan that she had told me to go home on Saturday early but did not and she never mentioned leaving early, since I was going to Wimberly I would have loved to have left early so I could have spent more time with Lucy. She also told me that she said she told us to use the 0 factor for the revaluation on the 41c stamps but I know that she never did that, that may that she forgot, not sure. I have been catching her in alot of those kind of tall tales. She also was upset because Stan and I had discussed that I needed to go to the doctor but that I would have to take a day off to do that because I have to go to Conroe of course. But if I don't he will not refill my pre scription. Maybe I am just being paranoid.
1 comment(s) - 11:27 PM - 04/23/2007
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    bearcatnw  43, Male, Iowa, USA - 2 entries
Apr 2007
10:28 AM CDT

Well today is monday the 23rd and its been a few days since Mom was in the car accident. She is doing pretty good. So far she has gone through 2 surgeries to fix her shattered ankle. She is supposed to have a 3rd one sometime this week and we are hoping it will be the last. She is going to get a new car!! I guess if you look at this whole situation in a positive note, that can be one. Well thats pretty much it for now. Peace out!!
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    lovesawar08  34, Female, Louisiana, USA - 3 entries
Apr 2007
7:46 AM CST

hey well im in not a good mood...wait that wasnt put ne way i need a ciggarette and that might have something to do with my attitude...well im at school and it basically sucks but which school doent suck..."nada"....well i am so bored and well just writing to do something besides looking like a no problems today except one particular person....but really dont want to talk about that person right now...well i guess all for now and ttyl!......

1 comment(s) - 11:10 AM - 04/26/2007
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    cello1975  49, Female, New York, USA - 5 entries
Apr 2007
5:33 PM EST

I know its not good...and I said I wasnt going to drink anymore.. But..
Everything with the wedding is stressing me out. My hair is falling out.. My Father is showing his selfish, baby pain in the ass side again..I have a million people to pay BEFORE the wedding and I still have my monthly bills to pay.
Lets not forget.. the beautiful amber glow of the check engine light in my car! haha...Sometimes ya gotta laugh I guess.
Things could ALWAYS be worse!
I'm sure there are people all over the world wishing they had it as bad as I do right know
I'm completely aware of that.. I'm just venting.. Venting online so that I don't say something I'll regret to folks I actually have to interact with daily.
I'm off to have a few of those little bottles of white zinfandel that are left over from my sisters wedding!

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    jackets  32, Female, Texas, USA - First entry!
Apr 2007
5:18 PM EDT

LOVE! Love is sacred. Love is something you shouldn't see or feel until ur older like.......high school age like as in like 17,18. NOT when ur in the 8th grade with a TOTAL jerk!!!! When ur young ur in puppy love NOT REAL love!!! Also i dont think ur in love when u hve been 2gether 4 like 3 weeks inaint happin sister sue! LOve is meaningfull,luv is adoring,luv is always forgiving.
Luv is cute
Luv is pleasing
Luv is satisfying
Luv is ALwAys being there 4 one in other
But are u in love??
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    SkaterKitty  34, Female, Texas, USA - 10 entries
Apr 2007
5:37 AM CST

I'm on myspace. so add me if you guys have it....

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    kitkat94  30, Female, Iowa, USA - 9 entries
Apr 2007
5:32 AM EST

so okay i have been talking a lot about bout this guy named jeff daniels i said i liked him when i really dont i just said i liked him to have some1 to like so i don't like any1 right now but i do want a boyfriend because i c all these gurls with boyfriends at like track meets when i am with no1 i want a guy who will let me were his jacket kuz all my other boyfriends just grabbed me by the waste but i want him to tell me he loves me just out of the blue and always kiss me i mean i'm not ugly or fat i am just i dont really no y i just like shy guys who wont asks a gurl out
lookin 4 luv
ps melanie and cameron have been spaending way to much time with eachother its really weird
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    soulthiefcc  38, Male, Florida, USA - 7 entries
Apr 2007
3:53 AM EDT

You see, today is starting to be a good day today. First I just got my leave requested so I can go home for amonth starting May 20th. And second of all, I got off of work early today which makes me very happy. The only thing that ticks me off is that Pizza Hut has the phone off the hook again and is not taking orders for the next two hours. I hate it when the do that kind of shit. Oh well...other than that, I'm cool. Talk to you later. PEACE!!!
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