BayouClassic's Journal

Jan 2008
7:42 PM CST

Sorry :-(

I guess you say, where in the world have you been? Man, so much has happened in my life. It is so many things I just had to let go. Natalie had to take care of NATALIE! Period the end! I set goals for myself and if I am going to attain those goals, it is just a lot of feelings, people and things I have to let go of in 2008!Some of them are family or suppose to be family and some are friends or suppose to be friends. But if I want to be beneficial to my family, I have to do that. So, what will be, will be! Anyway, I will get back on track with everything! Journal-ya later!

Jan 2008
5:35 PM CST


These are MY goals for 2008:

  1. To build a stronger marriage with Cori
  2. To be a better Wife and Mother to Cori and Jazmine
  3. To find a job
  4. To start a savings -- FOR ME, FOR RAINY DAYS OR EMERGENCIES
  5. To start living my life for me -- stop worrying about what others are saying and/or thinking and live my life for me.
  6. To be back in school -- ANYWHERE! This is my # 1 goal for 2008.
  7. To exercise more. I really need to go this!
  8. to try to mend things with my in-laws. I put this in all lower caps as this is not a priority. I would like for us to be a family but I have to face reality, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.
  9. To be a bigger help to my Mom -- financially and any other way she may need me.
  10. To get back into church. When we joined Galilee, things were looking up for our family. We are not active and not going to church and things are back to the same ole same ole.

These are my goals. I want to achieve 90% of my goals by year end. I can as long as I put my mind to doing it and keeping God first in my life and not let others and their feelings for me get to me.

My priority is MY FAMILY -- CORI AND JAZMINE. After that is my Mom. Last but not least, is supporting us in the things that we need and want to do. PERIOD, the end.

Jan 2008
6:48 PM CST


What does it mean? I mean. I thought it meant one thing but obviously, it means something else.

I had my trust betrayed today. I woke up to find my husband going in my journal. Why? He said that he just was being nosey. That is an answer? If I would have given a vague answer like that, all hell would have broken loose back in October.

Am I wrong? I mean. Cori has made it seem like, I am the one that is trippin. No big deal. He apologized and simply said, Oh, I am sorry for going in your stuff. I shouldn't have done that.

You damn right you shouldn't have. This is MY JOURNAL. The purpose of this journal is to get things off of my chest. This is a place for me to vent, speak my mind without getting the strange looks and just to let off some steam.

Now where do I go? I mean, can't talk to him. He doesn't want to hear what I have to say. Especially when it comes to his family.

Well, I am still pissed. I started packing my stuff. I can't be with someone that has to go through my things and violate my privacy. I can't be with someone that doesn't trust me. I asked the question, how can you be with someone that you don't trust? I mean, if you are going through emails and going through the process to get in their journal to see what they have to say in their journal, there is a trust issue. I see it, why am I the only one to see it -- or am I the only one?

I am just tired. I am tired of going through shit unneccesarily. Just like the shit with his parents and sister and now this. I don't want to leave. God knows I don't. 2008 was suppose to be our year. Doesn't seem like that is going to happen.

Dec 2007
6:41 AM CST

Happy New Year!

It is almost 2008! I have a lot to be thankful for! There is so much that happen in 2007 -- Cori's new job, Jaz going to Middle School/New School/New State! The list goes on and on.

One thing I am most grateful for is my loving family. I love Cori and Jaz to death. Don't know what I would do without them. There are so many other places and things I could be or could be doing. I am so happy that God brought them to my life!

Well, until later, Happy New Year!

Dec 2007
6:31 PM CST

Bayou Classic World!

Welcome to Bayou Classic's World!

I have so much to tell! There are so many haters out there! Instead of saying something, I just write down my feelings to get them off of my chest!

So, sit back, relax and enjoy! You never know what will happen in the day in the life of Bayou Classic!

BayouClassic's Profile

  • Username: BayouClassic
  • Gender / Age: Female, 53
  • Location: USA - Louisiana
    BAYOUCLASSIC's Interests:

    About Me: There is so much to tell! Just peep the journal and you will 'read' all about me!

    Interests: Family, sports, reading, shopping, etc.

    Favorite Music: R & B, Neo-soul, Hip-hop, Rap, Jazz, blues, Gospel, a little bit of it all!

    Favorite Movies: The Color Purple, Friday (all of them), Love and Basketball, The Wood, The Best Man, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion

    Favorite Television: Friends, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, CSI:Miami, ER, House of Payne, Deal or No Deal, Everybody Hates Chris

    Favorite Books: The Holy Bible!