2007 年3月1日
å°æ—¶å€™ä¿ºå–œæ¬¢å在俺爹的è†å¤´ä»°ç€è„¸é—®ä¿ºçˆ¹ï¼Œä»–以å‰æ‰“仗时的事。爹ä¸å¤ªçˆ±è®²ä»¥å‰çš„事,在俺一å†åœ°åšæŒä¹‹ä¸‹ï¼Œä¿ºçˆ¹è½»è½»åœ°æŠšæ‘¸ç€ä¿ºçš„头,åŒçœ¼å‡è§†ç€è¿œæ–¹ï¼Œåƒè®²å¤ä¸€æ ·ç»™ä¿ºè®²è¿°äº†ä¸¤ä»¶äº‹ã€‚
第一次上战场,俺爹年轻,还ä¸å¤ªä¼šæ‰”手榴弹,将手榴弹扔得太高,手榴弹刚到åŠç©ºå°±çˆ†ç‚¸äº†ã€‚当时俺爹所在的部队装备很差,å¯æ•Œäººçœ‹åˆ°å‡Œç©ºçš„爆炸,以为共军装上了å°é’¢ç‚®ï¼Œçº·çº·æ…Œå¼ 地退下。阵地ä¿ä½äº†ã€‚真å¯è°“,兵ä¸åŽŒè¯ˆã€‚å¬åˆ°è¿™ï¼Œä¿ºç¬‘了。俺爹也笑了。
有一天夜里,俺爹上岗,到了æ¢å²—的时候,俺爹走下岗äºï¼Œå¦ä¸€ä¸ªå¹´è½»çš„å°æˆ˜å£«çˆ¬ä¸Šäº†å²—äºï¼Œä¸åˆ°å‡ 秒钟的时间,那个å°æˆ˜å£«ï¼Œå°±ä»Žä¸Šé¢æ»‘到了å‘é“里,他的喉部ä¸å¼¹ï¼Œå‡ 乎说ä¸å‡ºè¯æ¥ï¼Œä»–用åŒæ‰‹æ‹¼å‘½åœ°æŠ“ç€ä¿ºçˆ¹ï¼Œç”¨å°½å…¨åŠ›è¯´ï¼Œï¼šâ€œå¿«ï¼Œå¿«ï¼Œå¿«å«æŽ’é•¿æ¥â€ã€‚ 鲜血从å°æˆ˜å£«çš„喉部喷洒在俺爹的脸上和身上。å¬åˆ°è¿™ï¼Œå¹´å¹¼çš„俺æµäº†ä¸€è„¸çš„çƒæ³ªï¼Œä¿ºçŸ¥é“,是那å°æˆ˜å£«çš„æ»æ¢æ¥äº†ä¿ºçˆ¹çš„生。那一刻,俺爹åƒé›•å¡‘ä¸€æ ·çš„è„¸æ°¸ä¹…åœ°åˆ»åœ¨äº†æˆ‘çš„å¿ƒé‡Œã€‚
2007 年2月28 日
海外生活的å五年ä¸, 难得有机会在è€å®¶è¿‡å¹´ã€‚说实在的,这过年的气氛也åªæœ‰åœ¨è€å®¶æ‰èƒ½ä½“会到。记忆ä¸ï¼Œä»¥å¾€çš„大年夜是在震耳欲è‹çš„爆竹声ä¸åº¦è¿‡çš„。今年的三å之夜,大连的è€å®¶åˆ™ç»Ÿç»Ÿæ˜¯åœ¨å½»å¤œä¸åœçš„ç„°ç«çš„笼罩之下。
å©å的大舅有心,抱æ¥äº†ä¸¤å¤§åŒ…巨大的礼花,想让这上洋å¦å ‚的外甥和他的兄弟们有机会体会一下地é“çš„ä¸å›½å¹´ï¼Œæ•¦æ•¦å¯æ˜¯å¼€äº†çœ¼ï¼Œå› 为全世界ä¸æ˜¯å¾ˆå¤šå©å有放礼花的机会,置身于漫天飞舞的礼花和五颜å…色的焰ç«ï¼Œæ•¦æ•¦æ¿€åŠ¨åœ°ç´§æ¡ç€æˆ‘的手。
我也是生平第一次感å—这一夜的ç«æ ‘é“¶èŠ±ï¼Œäººç”Ÿå’Œè¿™ç¤¼èŠ±ä¸€æ ·çš„ç¿çƒ‚,å†ç¿çƒ‚的瞬间也会éšå³æ¶ˆå¤±ï¼Œæ¶ˆå¤±çš„礼花并ä¸å¤±å…¶ç¾Žä¸½ï¼Œä¹Ÿæ£æ˜¯è¿™ç¾Žä¸½çš„瞬间在å©å心ä¸æˆäº†æ°¸æ’。临走时敦敦告诉姥姥,他过了一个éžå¸¸éš¾å¿˜çš„春节,他人è¦å›žä¸Šæµ·äº†ï¼Œå¯ä»–的心å´ç•™äº†ä¸‹æ¥ã€‚
23 Feb.2007
I can't believe that I spent half a year travelling with my nine year old son to so many different places.
Within 6 months ( Sept 2006 to Feb. 2007), we have been to 10 places. We went to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guilin, Xian, Beijing, Sanya, Dalian, Zhouzhuang (a river town near Shanghai) and Cambodia. We reached the peak of Mountain Hua, the most dangerous mountain in China.
It has been such a great experience.
The 9 year old observed the life of poor people in Cambidia and see how simple life can be. He realised the local girls have no money to buy shampoo,we saved all our hotel bath room supply for the little girls he meet all the way, he donated all the money he got by selling rubbish ( RMB 50 Yuan) in past 6 months at home to the Children Hospital in Angkor, Cambodia.
I brought ten bronze Budda figures from a man with only one leg near one of the old temples we visited, I said to Don Don that I bought those figures not for the value but to help handicap people like this man. He lost one leg when he was young. He did nothing wrong but he has to suffer all his life. The poor man has to sell those Budda figures for his family to survive.
I was so glad that Don Don was attracted not only by the beauty of the budda and old temples in Angkor but also or even more by the people who live there. He will never forget the happy eyes of the little girls that got shampoo from him.