martytx07's Journal

Feb 2008
4:17 PM AKDT

Just an update on things....

Ok well let me see what to talk about today. Well one exciting thing to me that is...not sure what other people might think....I got a new laptop!!! Yay! I've been wanting one for a while so yeah, I'm super cite about getting it. I'm on it right now. It's so much conveient I think than having to stay in one spot with the desktop. My sister is paying half and I'm paying the other half with my income. She said that she was planning on getting me one for a late X-mas present, she already had got me a keyboard so I would have been content with just that. But anyways, yeah, I like it. My only problem so far would have to be that the computer is a Vista and my webcam doesn't work with it!!! What kind of crap is that? I think that sucks but oh well. I was even thinking about downgrading it but my sister is like no, just buy you a webcam...I don't know if I want to though. I mean, I don't think it's that bad but omg, the way it loads up is horrible. I takes a minute or two...I read somewhere that all Vista's are like that. For a second I was just thinking that it was my laptop being slow because it's an HP. I don't care for HP' sisters ex had one it and it was horrible...and then my aunt too...both were bad. So yeah, I thought about choosing another laptop than this one but then decdied against it. Oh well...I still like it and I'm so happy that I got it. I love typing on it, lol. So maybe y'all can expect to get more little entry's from me. Let me see what else to talk about...umm, oh, well today was my day off but I went into work to help that girl who I think doesn't work that she's lazy. Anyways, I was sort of like, ugh, maybe I shouldn't go because I know how she is but decided to be nice and go in...that was a mistake. She didn't hardly do anything when I was there working with was horrible.I hope I don't have to work with just's sooooo annoying when she doesn't do much. It's like, ARE YOU SERIOUS??? And other people know it too how she is but I'm just trying to bite my tounge...for the time being. Anyways, yeah, I'm getting sleepy so I'm just gonna bring this to an end...later!!!1

Dec 2007
2:12 PM CST

Update about things :D

Ok, so what to write about..I have no idea, lol. A lot has happened since my last journal entry of course and I always tell myself oh, I'll write one later but always put it aside. I like going back and reading what I wrote because I see how I's pretty neat. I wish I would've wrote since like 7th grade or something, that would be fun to go back and read crap from back then. Bet my grammar would be horrible though, lol. Using all the wrong words (there, their, they're...and can't forget too & to) Ok, well anyways, let me see. As you know, if you read my other journals, I did finally quit Kroger's and I have already started working at the plasma center. I like it a lot more than Kroger's and it's crazy because they tell me about all the people who have worked there for a couple of days and then they just up and quit, it's just crayziness! I like really like it, not having to deal with all the bs of Kroger's and plus just had an awesome ass day today! The computer systems went down and I ended up going home like 4 hours earlier than I was supposed to after doing practically nothing. It was great, plus I got paid for the 8 hours :D And my manager even bough pizza :D Yum! So anyways, that being said...there's like no hotties that work there so that sucks...not one other person I work with is hot...grrr. But some of the donors, mmmhmm, but even then you know they're probably jobless like most of the donors. And yes, I know there are some plasma donors who have a job but I'm sure most of them do not. I had a job and still donated so I'm not saying that all of them are jobless..just some. Anyways, yeah, one dude was Mexican and looked a little thugish, my type! And the other one was a light colored black dude, really, really, cute. Pretty eye brows, pretty smile, and nice cut hair...he was really cute, oh, and had really pretty brown eyes. And what was funny was that I saw him and was like, dang, he's really cute. Then one of the girls that I work with was just like "OMG, why did they put him in front of the window!" And I was like why, and she said that she had a crush on him...I was just like, damn bitch, me and you got the same taste :D Haha. I didn't say that of course because I'm not out but yeah, it was funny. Umm, let me see what else to talk about. Umm, yeah, I have no idea what to talk about. So yeah, this was probably the most boring entry I have ever written but oh well, at least I wrote it :D

Nov 2007
5:47 PM CST

New Job!!!!

Ok, I just wanted to say that I got the job at the plasma center, woopie!!! My pay is going to be $8.50...$2.50 more than my job at Kroger's and more hours so yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I start the 26th...enough time to get my two weeks notice over with. I already put my 2 weeks so yeah, it's gonna be cool. I can't wait to start it, it seems like it will be better than Kroger's. At Kroger's there's just so much bs that you have to deal with and then when your doing something a costumer intterupts you and you gotta tend to them and then go back to what you were doing and then lose some time. It gets frustrating sometimes but anyways, I'm ready to move on pass Kroger's. ANYWAYS, yeah, that's all I'm gonna say right now. Later ya'll!!!

Nov 2007
1:22 PM CST

Ok, well not really much to say. I ment to post a long time ago but I think I did something wrong that made it not post. Anyways, umm, let's see. Since the last post which was way too long ago, I don't even know what to write about. I guess I'll just talk about things from the past week. Umm, well nothing has really been happening. I'm thinking about applying at the plasma center and if I get that job I think I might leave Krogers. I really like the people there and what not but it's just not what I want to do right now. I don't want a job that's like so much physical work, I'm gay and I like light stuff, lol. I know not all gays are like that but shit, I am. I'm the typical gay dude who doesn't like to work hard phsycially but doesn't mind a challenge for the mind. That being said, I'm not 100% sure how hard it would be work at the plasma but the pay is like $2 more so that's a lot better already. Sucky thing though is that I can't donate at that center anymore if I do get hired. I'm just gonna apply later today and whatever happens happens. If I get the job then I'll probably be quiting Kroger's sometime after. I've been getting a lot more hours at Krogers too. I got 40 hours last week (first time ever getting 40 hours) and then I got 38 the week before so yeah, pretty nice checks. Well not that nice, only about $178 for the 38 hour week and I'm expecting like $180something for the one next week. And this week I'm only getting 24 hours...that's not much at all but oh well, I think it will give me a lot of time to relax and get the plasma application done with and give me time to talk to the dude who works at the plasma center. Yeah, and work was pretty nice working in the morning. I spent a lot of time with that Josue dude...the one who I think is like super hot. He's like, ugh, I like him a lot. I still think I like Tony more even though Tony isn't as hot as Josue but for some really odd reason I like those thugish guys...Josue for the most part isn't so thugish. I have no idea what I like those type of dudes, it's really weird. I guess opposites attract or something, I don't know. I couldn't be thugish to save my life, lol. But yeah, I really wish that Josue was a little gay or something, lol. At least bi! Well he has a little girl but he seems like he flirts or something but I'm probably just like making it out to be more than what it is. The other day, when I got there and I was working for a minute he saw me and was like, "What, I don't get a hug?" I just went up to him and like patted him on his back and like stood side by side next to him and he was like, "Man move, I don't want a hug." and he started laughing. And like yeah, he's just so freaking cute. I would give it up to him quick I'm sure which isn't a very good thing to do...damn, I'm a slut sometimes! ANYWAYS, here lately I've been like yearning for...well I don't know if it's only sex, but I just want to you know, lol. Dang, I hate sounding like a complete whore because I'm really not but the last time I've ever done anything with another guy was like four years that's a long ass time. I've thought about just going online and having someone come meet me real quick and just go somewhere to make out or something but no, I would be WAY too scared to do some shit like that and plus since I'm not out...that isn't going to work. Oh, and here's something interesting, see, this happened a long time ago but since it's been forever since I last wrote in this thing I just forgot. Anyways, when I was working one day some black dude like came up to me and like just started talking to me. I was like, umm, ok. I talked to him of course because he's a "customer" so of course I do small talk. And he's like talking a lot and some old man saves me by starting to talk to him and I make a get-away. I go and when I come back out he's not there thank god because yeah, 1) He wasn't cute!
*~*~*Interupted by sister*~*~*
2) He said he was like 25 but his hair was balding...yeah, not cute at all. 3) He was more femine than me...if I wanted a chick I think I would stick to girls and 4) He had a little bo which was not cool.....anyways, I go grab something to eat and when I'm headed back towards the back he stops me and starts talking and talking. I was just like, mmhmm. He talked about how he was stress because some other workers had said some homophobic slurs and yada yada. And then I was just thinking, oh, he probably knows. And he continues talking about how people ignore him and this and that and then says something about if any of that has happened to me and I tell him, what, ignore me. I don't think so. And anyways, he asked if I go to Dallas clubs or something and I bring up Oakland, never been there but Iknew that's what he was talking aboutbecause my cousin goes over there and he just smiles and is like, so you do go over there and I just tell him no and say I heard about it. Anyways, yeah, he then is like, so what do you do for fun, yada yada, and I'm just like, umm, spend time alone...I'm content by myself (even though not compelty true I just wanted to get away from him!) And he's like, well do you like cofee and I'm just like, umm, no! Anyways...ok, well earlier, I had to stop writing and it's like five hours later and after aplying and what not I recieved a phone call from the manager at the plasma center calling to see if I could come in for an interview on Wednesday at 11AM. How neat is that??? I applied and like 4 hours later I get a call...AWESOME!!! Anyways, that's all I'm gonna write right now...and yes, this is a lot but I had a lot to say. From now on I'm gonna write everything in a notepad and then copy/paste least I don't get a warning to hurry up and post or my work will be lost!!!


Sep 2007
5:49 PM CST

Alright, soooo anyways, if y'all read any of my other journals y'all would know that I auditioned for American Idol at the Texas Stadium in Irving Tx...BKA Dallas since it's in the Dallas county. So anyways, yeah, I made it pass the 1st audition where only 400 of the 12,000 people that were there made it through. I was so excited! Ok, so anyways, I'm thinking, yay, I get to audition right away for the 3 judges...WRONG!!! After that there's two more auditions! I know, crazyiness. So anyways, I went to the hotel and I just waited and chatted with other people for about 5 hours. Finally it's our turn to audition and I'm super nervous of course. This one chick was freaking AMAZING! I'm talking about I was like, ok, this B is gonna be on TV for sure, didn't make it pass the 1st audition and I'm like, OMG! This one black girl who I was talking to in the room because she sat right next to me was like in shock along with me and a few of the other people who were sitting there and then she was like super nervous now. I was getting really nervous too. So anyways, the girl who went before me didn't make it and I went in the room and my hands were sweaty and yea, it was just crazy. So anyways, I sang, And I Am Telling You and of course I sing bad and I sing loud :D Just like I love to do and the producer is like, "Yes" and is nodding her head. I was like, oh, ok! LOL. I was super excited. Then I got the big sticker that has the American Idol thing on it and then I went to go wait. Lunch interuppted and we went out to McDonalds and got lost finding the hotel again but eventually we found it a couple of minutes late and it was all good in the end. So anyways, I go sit down and we're waiting and I ask this girl is Simon, Randy & Paula in there and she tells me no, and I'm thinking, UGH! So anyways, when I finally go in there, it's that dude Nigle from So You Think You Can Dance and a lot of other producers. There were probably about 10-15 people in there. So anyways, they ask what song and I decide to do the same song and he's like, "And you know it's a girl song and you're alright with it." I'm like yeah and he goes on to say something about if the American Idol should sing a girl song and I'm like, "I guess" So anyways, he tells me to go ahead and I start to sing and his face is priceless, haha. He looks at me like WTF? And then he's like, well you know you're bad and somethign about that I was fake and whatever. I was like, no, I'm not acting or w/e and then they had me sing "Since You Been Gone" which was my audition song anyways, so anyways, I sing it and then he's like well, "Thank You" and I don't get the golden ticket to go on to see the 3 judges. So yeah, it was pretty sad. My cousin cursed out the cameras and he was just shouting crap like, "My cousin has fucking talent, American Idol is racist. They let all these other bitches in who have no fucking talent! This is bullshit. My cousin can sing! Sing for them Marty!" I was just like, umm, naw, I'm cool. Anyways, yeah, it was a crazy experience. When I thought about it I wasted like 20+ hours of my life but then it's like, it's an experience that I would most likely never get to experience again and I'm happy that I made it as far as I got because a lot of people didn't make it pass the 1st audition, some didn't make it pass the 2nd audition and not many at all made it pass the 3rd audition. So anyways, yeah. Oh, and I got Kelly Clarkson tickets!!! I'm so excited. Never been to a concert before and now I'm just happy that I'm going to let to see her. That's my girl right there :D Well, that's about it for now. Nothing more intresting happening in my life right now so yeah, lataz!!!


1 comment(s) - 11:25 AM - 09/27/2007

Sep 2007
7:33 PM CST

Alright, sooooo umm, let me see. This last weekend was pretty crazy. On Saturday my oldest sister went to out of town to go watch the UT game somewhere, not really sure where she went. She didn't go to the actual game but you know, she went to go visit my brother and they went to go watch the game together. Ok, so anyways, when I get off of work at like 10:40PM I call her and I leave her a message saying something about "Hey, why aren't you home? Me and you were suppose to go see Haloween, yada yada" So then laterlike around 12 I call her again and this time it goes straight to voicemail but her inbox is already full. I figure her phone is dead. Ok, I finally go to sleep at around 4AM and my sister still isn't home and I'm getting super worried but I go to sleep and I just say to myself I hope she's ok. So anyways, I wake up like at 11 and I go to to kitchen to see if I see the car...I don't. I don't even know if she's suppose to work. So anyways, I go to the back room and ask my brother if she came home and he said, "No" that he was up till like 6AM. So I'm thinking, crap did she go to work already, did she get into an accident, yada yada. I mean, I knew she was gonna be drinking even though she shouldn't have because she was driving my other sister's car, it's a 2004 Monte Carlo so yeah, very pricy car. So anyways, we don't get any word or anything from her and her cell still goes straight to voicemail and her inbox is still full. I end up calling my brother who lives out of town and I asked him if he knew where she was at. I didn't even know where the hell she had went on Saturday so calling him was just something I wantedto check. I called and no answer and then I get a call back from my brother's fiance. She tells me that she left like at 1. I'm thinking, crap, she never came home. A few minutes later my brother calls and asks me about it andI tell him we don't know. At around 3 he tells me to start calling hospitals and crap. So I do and there's nothing there. Soo anyways, make a long story short, I'm feeling like crap. There's that stomache ache that just won't go away. I'm getting sick because of all the worrying. I had to go to work at 6. So I get ready for work, go to work and like in the back of my head I'm thinking she's in a wreck and we just don't know about it yet. Oh, andif she would've been in a wreck, my other sister would have been PISSED THE FUCK OFF I mean, that car is her baby but the gas that it takes to drive it is just toomuch for her so she drives her other car. So anyways, yeah, when I get off of work I get a voicemail from my brother telling me that they found her, that she is in jail. Her first time ever in jail and I talk to my other sister about it. I'm like happy that we found her but at the same time I have no sympathy for her because she knew better than to be drinking and driving. It was a matter of time that she got arrested and I'm somewhat happy that it finally did happen. I've told her a million times to not drink and drive because one, she could kill herself, or two, because she could kill and innoccent person who were doing nothing but driving the streets. So yeah, it was crazy. I was up till like 4 in the morning on Sunday figuring a way to bond her out with my sister's friend. She really showed how good of a friend she was and my sister hasn't even known her long. She did everything possible to help and she really did help a lot. Me and my sister didn't know where any of the places were such as the bond place, the jail house, nor the auto pond. She knew everything and yeah, it was amazing. So yeah, enough about that. I worked labor day which somewhat sucked but hopefully I got overtime.I know that I have to work a certain of days before I can get overtime so yeah, that sucks. Well holiday overtime. So yeah, hopefully I got some overtime hours. Umm, let's see. I still don't like working at Kroger's but I really like working with some of the people there. There some cool ass people. This dude named Tony, he's like a gansta type of guy but he's super cool. He's like, I don't know, he makes me laugh a lot. I think he's pretty cute too, lol. I don't think he's as cute as that Josue dude but he got 2nd place :D Haha. I think I could def. do things with that dude ;) Umm, let me see what else...nothing much to say I guess. I better go before my submission becomes lost :D Lataz guys!

Aug 2007
8:07 PM CST

Ok, so let me see...umm nothing has really been going on since my last entry. School is starting for the most part of Texas tomorrow but I didn't register for college. I think I'm gonna get a little more time off and start in the spring. I'm still not even sure what I want to do and I'm sort of scared of making a mistake in what career path I choose, like what if I don't like it. So yeah, and good news! I got an e-mail back from Chase and it talked about that there's a training class starting on Sept. 10th and blah blah, so yeah, I replied with my phone # and stuff so hopefully they give me a call and I can get pass the interview. Like seriously, if I got this job it would be so long to you Kroger's. There's no comparision. Sit on my ass and talk to customers for the minimum of $9.75 an hour compared to working my ass of stalking for $6 an hour...umm, I think I'll choose option A! I mean, I'm not like lazy it's just I really don't like stalking. All my life (that being school) I work using my head not using myself physically. Never played any sports or anything so yeah, I'm a weak little bitch! The sterotypical gay boy! So anyways, I don't care, if Chase decides to hire me on I'm giving my two weeks notice in a heartbeat! My sister works at Chase and she's getting like $13.50 an hour because she has experience and she just got promoted so yeah. In all, about a month she more than $2,000 plus she gets incentives when she opens up checkings and sales credit cards. So yeah, wish me luck bitches! Umm, let me see what else to talk about. Oh, and today's quote, "Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it" I love this quote! I thought that the writer of "A Raisin In The Sun" was the creator of the quote but I guess not...well actually I think their quote was maybe a little different but it really is a great quote. Oh, and since I got this in my e-mail Sun and today is offically Monday the quote has changed to "Love is not fidnign the perfect person, but finding the imperfect person perfect" sweet is that? Haha, I love that one too! I think for the most part I would always find some kind of flaw in somebody. Like all the people who I think are hot become like not so hot after I spend more time around them. Like for instance, there was this dude named Jason in one of my classes. He was, to me, really hot. He has a freaking NICE ass! It is like big! Haha, so anyways, like before I started talking to him I was like, damn, he's freaking sexy. But after I started like knowing him and stuff I started noticing things like one of his front tooth was a little crooked and like how sometimes he would just talking about random things...crap like that. So yeah, I understand the quote and hopefully one day I can find that special imperfect person who I could see as perfect! :D Lataz guys!!!
1 comment(s) - 01:54 AM - 09/03/2007

Aug 2007
5:19 PM CST

Ok, so let me see...nothing really intersting has happened since my idol thingie. I told people at work that I made it and we just had a laugh about it. I told them I couldn't sing but they still wanted to hear me. I didn't want to sing at the freaking grocery store so I didn't...I'm too loud, haha. Man, one of the dudes is so freaking cute. I mean, he is like freaking hot! What I would do with him if the chance came along but I think he's straight...well I'm almost sure he's straight but dang, he's freaking sexy! He seems like he flirts somewhat...well I'm probably just imagineing it but like he was like, "Dang, you can't say hi, I see how it is. What? You can't talk to me? What does my breath stink? Do I stink? Do my feet stink?" I was like, "Well I noodded my head to you, that means like what's up." But yeah, to me it was like a little flirtacious but I was thinking to myself, "Man, don't flirt with me. I might have to jump on top of you" Haha, just kidden. I'm not that FAST!!! So anyways, yeah, work is getting on my nerves. I mean, it's ok but it's just...I don't know, I don't like it. I've applied at Circuit City and I'm thinking about aplying at Best Buy because I'm a huge computer person so I think I would fit in well. Well I would love to help customers and stuff like that. Krogers is alright but I just don't like stalking...maybe I should speak up and maybe they'll change that for me but I doubt it. I think they need stalkers so yeah.

Aug 2007
5:25 PM CST

Alright, where to begin...ok, well this weekend has been crazy! Ok, so auditions in "Dallas", really Irving, were held today and we went at 4 in the morning. My step-cousin ended up not coming, that bitch! Anyways, this isn't about her of course, it's about moi! There were so many people there that could sing. It was really, really amazing how great some of these people were and for some of these great singers to not make it was just sad. I know 100% that I'm not a good singer. If I could get one wish I think that would be to become just an okay singer. I wouln't care if I couldn't pursure a career, I just would like to be able to sing. There's always YouTube, haha. So anyways, it took forever and a day to finally get my audition and what do you know, I made it :) Out of the four that were with me, one being my cousin, I was the only one who made it. I can't wait to meet the judges in September. I know, I had no idea how difficult it was to go through the process. Anyways, we were at the stadium for like ten hours. It was freaking crazy and living in was fucking hot! Hot like a fucking bitch. Sorry for all the cursing but words cannot express how hot and uncomfortable it was in the stadium. From what my family told me after watching the news, only 400 out of the 15,000 that auditioned are going to be able to perform for Randy, Simon, and Paula. OMG, Simon is going to make me freaking cry :( I know I'm not gonna get pass that round but I don't give a crap. I'm gonna get what I wanted. So anyways, that's all I have to say right now. Oh, and if you ever try to audition for idol, take my advice. Sing bad! If you sing bad you have more a chance of makingit to the next round. There weren't many bad singers. Out of all those people, probably like, I don't know, a few were bad and these (myself included) are the ones that they want for TV. Sing bad for the producters and then get pass them and then sing well for the judges. Easy as that. So anyways, I'm gonna go and yeah, I will talk to you all later.

Jul 2007
2:55 PM CST

Alright, wow, haven't written in FOREVER! I don't know why I do that. I really should try to write at least every week but huh, it takes too long, especially with my ass talking, and talking. Anyways, umm, well I did get my tooth extracted at the dentist. Since I have like no insurance or anything the total was $170 It was crazy. I borrowed money from my sister and I put basically my whole first check to pay that back. Anyways, yeah, that's over with and I'm happy I got it done because there's no pain. The whole thing wasn't that bad anyways but the continous bleeding sucked. He also perscribed me some vicatin but I really didn't need it. I took it one night because I was afraid that when I fell asleep that the pain would come but I ended up getting on the computer because after taking the pill the lightheadness that I had felt all day seemed to get better and yeah. Ok, umm, enough about the tooh. Umm, I really don't like my job. It's like..I don't know. I really don't like it. I wanna have like a desk job working on a computer or something, lol. I know, I'm somewhat lazy but hey, what can I say, what gay man wants to freaking work doing stalking??? Ok, umm, anyways, oh, American Idol is having auditons in Dallas and I so want to go! I can't sing, period but I still wanna go audition, just to do it. I think it would be fun. I would love to see the judges! Give Paula a hug even if she's a little tipsy all the time. Umm, the place where they're having the auditons is only like 20 minutes away from the house so I'm totally cool with that. It would be great to see all the talent that's gonna be there too :D Umm, ok, well I guess that's all I have to really say about that for right now. Oh, and I want my step- cousin to come and audition. She said she would so I'm like yay. I'm gonna give my sister gas money to go pick her up. Oh, and speaking of my step-cousins. Ok, well let me start the story first. Ok, when I was in between the ages of 12-14 me and my step cousin (guy) use to fool around. I know, I was WAY TOO YOUNG to be doing stuff but anyways. There's no blood connection whatsoever, my aunt married his father so that became her step-son. Ok, so anyways, he was around the same age as me. His b-day is in January and mines is in June, I'm 19 and he's 18 now. Ok, so anyways, I haven't seen him in like 4 years because I moved away. We were and probably still are the complete opposites. He's like gansta like while I'm like square. When he was 14 he got a tatoo on his back that said his last name. I mean, he's like all out there you know? A hispanic thug! So anyways, during the time that I didn't see him he was locked up like twice. The second time he was locked up they locked him up for 2 year and a half. How freaking crazy is that??? While I'm still in high school, he's getting locked up. I knew he was headed down that path for a long time. Like he would argue with my aunt all the time and like, I don't know, he just had some angerment issues. Ok, so anyways, finally, after like 3 years of ever talking to him I talked to him on Saturday. It was like crazy to talk to him because he sounded so different from when I last heard him but his laugh was the same, lol. He was just like, "Hey Matin (in Spanish), I wanna see you my nigga" See, he's like thugish. And well anyways, I was playfully told him that I dropped that Mexican name a long time ago, and he just laughed and was like, what do you want me call you, Martin (English) I was like, haha, no. My name is MARTY! Haha, but yeah, that's what everyone calls me now and hearing Martin (Spanish) is just weird. So anyways, I just talked to him about what he's been doing and stuff and he said he got his GED while in jail, I laughed about it but I am really proud of him. I knew school wasn't gonna be his forte at all because by middle school he was really stuggleing. Ok, so yeah, he was like he was gonna go to a community college down there and was like, "Come down here Martin and go to college with me" He lives in Waco by the way and I was like,"Shit, I moved out of the ghetto a long time ago, I'm in Dallas now, why would I go back?" And he was just like, man, I'm trying to get out of the ghetto, yada yada. But anyways, I would like to see him again just to see how he has changed but I don't know if I would want to do anything sexual with him anymore. I don't know...maybe if it went down to it I might give in because don't get me wrong, but when we were younger, I thought he was HOT! I doubt he wants it anyways but I guess I'll never know 100% until the time comes where we can have time alone again. I mean...I don't know. I don't think I could ever have a realtionship with him and I really don't want sex to be like it use to...meaningless.

Jun 2007
10:35 PM CST

Ok, well first let me start off by saying that I am stopping my viewing of Q&F right now...I've never really seen any episodes until recently andI gotta say I'm falling in love with them. So anyways, enough about that, let me talk about what's been going on in my life. Ok, first of all I finally got a job! Yippie! I'm doing stalking (not for me actually, haha) I wish I would've signed up to be a cashier or something. Oh, and it's crazy because on my first day, the guy I'm working with asks me if I'm gay. He didn't do it in a mean way or anything. Ok, this how he goes *~*~* "Hey, so do you smoke?" I respond with a simple no and for some reason smile. He goes,"Huh, you have a really good smile, didn't notice that until now." and then right after bluntly he goes, "Are you gay" I deny of course and he's like, oh okay, I was just asking. Wanted to be out in the open, I'm cool with it, yada yada. I think next time I work with him I'm gonna tell him I lied to him the first time. Anyways, I'm working, so yeah. Umm, let me see...ugh, my tooth has been hurting here lately. It started like a long time ago (maybe like 3-5 months ago) lasted like 2 days, you know, pain coming and going. So then, like it happened again like umm, 2 weeks ago. Lasted for like 4 days and it was horrible. It would come out of no where and just bang, like someone had just stabbed my gum with a freaking needle. OMG, I was like shaking from the pain...HORRIBLE! I know...I'm a little girl but man, pain in the mouth is the worst pain EVER! So anyways, I'm gonna sign up at this little clinic thing and hopefully have my tooth extracted. It's crazy, because most people who see my front teeth think I have great teeth...even if I sort of have buckteeth but all my teeth are big anyways so it works. So anyways, but yeah, I haven't been to the dentist in FOREVER! Like 10+ years..I know, horrible but it's not my fault! My freaking mom never took me and yeah, plus we're poor. We did get medicaid for a while but I don't know...I got my glasses from that though :D Dang, I'm just letting y'all know all my buisness today, haha. So anyways, if that place can't do it quick I'm probably go to a real dentist office and get some work done....dang, I'm gonna be broke in a heart beat. Ok, so I'm gonna go now and go finish watching some Q&F! Oh, and I found a lot of great movie sites...I don't know how they do it. CrAzYYYYY!!!!'s one that I think is cool :) It's where I watched some of the Q&F episodes. Catch you guys later. Oh, and here's my case anyone wanna catch a picture of me :) much to see but some pictures of me :D Oh, and did anyone watch the Kelly - Reba special on CMT...Kelly was awesome as usual! Keep on writing guys :D
~Marty~ Oh, and freaking Paris is out....that slut! Haha...not everyone can have balls enought tomake anasty sex tape...just need to be a whore :D

Jun 2007
5:30 PM CST

Ok, so where to start. I haven't written in this thing in so long I really don't know where I left off. I think the last thing I really talked about was before my graduation. Ok, so I'll try to get as much information as possible that I can recall. Ok, well graduation was on June 1st! I was so happy to finally get high school out of the way but I'm still not 100% positve about what I want to do now. College is of course I must but where I wanna go and what I wanna do is the problem. Ok, well let me continue with what has happened. Ok, so the day after graduation my sister threw me and my other sister a party. We invited a few people from school and not many showed up which is totally cool because I had a good time and I know a few of them had their own parties to attend to so that's fine. I'm not exactly popular either so I wasn't expecting a big turn out but I still had a good time. A few of my friends did show up and I had fun with those and my family of course. Of course, it can't be a party without it's share of drama. My sister and my cousin got into because one of my friends had gotten drunk, she's 18, and my cousin who's 28 let her go down on him on the side of the freaking house and my sister, the one who threw the party like went over there and told her to get up and blah blah, my sister and my cousin started arguing. Went down for like 40 minutes I guess but then they were cool again. My friend was crying and stuff but oh well, she's fine now. She just tought that people were talking about her and she taught that she ruined my party and stuff. I'm just like, psh, I don't care, I'm having a good time. It was my first time ever drinking anything other than a few sips here and there from others so yeah, I got a little buzz but that was about it. It went away a little after I ate. Ok, so anyways, oh, and my other friend, this dude like hit on me. At first he like grabbed my hand and was like, hey Martin, go out w/ me. I was like, "Shut up T" I pulled away from him....ok, I better stop writing for right now because it said I have to submit in 5 minutes. Ok, so to be continued I guess...until next time :)

May 2007
3:31 PM CST

Wow, I haven't written in this thing in like a month so here I go :) Umm, ok, well nothing really interesting has been happening in my life...well I don't think anything interesting has been happening. There is some big news for the upcoming week though. On Friday, June 1st, I will be walking the stage for my graduation. I'm excited about it but I'm somewhat scared because I don't think I'm prepared for college...I mean, I know I can most likely handle the college work but I'm not ready in that I'm not sure what college I wanna go to nor have I finish doing my financial aid. I don't know why I'm slacking, I just am. I think I'm going to do the community college because I'm sure it's gonna save me a lot of money in the long run. Umm, so yeah, I'm super excited about graduation. It's a big step I guess. That next day, Saturday, my sister wants to throw a party for me and my sister. We're both graduating but we're not twins. She got APV in 9th grade so yeah. We've been in the same grade since that. I didn't make the top 10% but it's still cool, I made it in the 14% This week is gonna be crazy because I need to get a lot of things done. Shop for some clothes, practice graduation, practice baclurette, attend baclurette, and of course, attend graduation. It's gonna be a little hectic. Oh, and I need to study some for finals. Fun huh? I'm probably gonna cry because I'm so going to miss all of my buddies from school. I hope to keep in touch with most of them. Umm, I guess that's about it. Next time I write on this thing, I'm gonna be a graduate. Lataz guys!
1 comment(s) - 07:57 PM - 05/28/2007

Apr 2007
8:42 AM CST

Ok, well right now I'm at school, in the lirbrary. Just waiting until like 3:40, so like in 5 minutes when I'm going to go to the front of the school and sell pizza for NHS. It's pretty cool selling but sometimes the pizza is like not cut right so I have to stugle for a minute to get it undone. Ok, so anyways, umm, nothing has really been going on. The weekend was pretty boring I guess. We were suppose to go to the lake but it got too late so we just had a bar-b-que so that was alright. Sunday morning, me and my family went to some restaruant in Irving and I ate me this barbocoba taco for like 3 bucks and it was pretty good. The burrito was HUGE and super duper greesy which wasn't very Oh, and my bank is being retarded right now so I'm gonna probably go over there when I get done with all the school stuff. I'm staying till 5 today for I can go to a study session in Psychology. OMG, we got this review today and holy freaking crap, I forgot EVERYTHING, and so that's totally not cool. Ok, well anyways, that's all I have to say right now I guess so until next time! Graduation is in like one more month from tomorrow!!! Excited but still somewhat's a big step from kids to adults. I hope I can figure out what college I wanna go to...I think I'm just gonna go to a community college here in the Dallas area...maybe North Lake or some other community college. Maybe try UTA....Lataz!
1 comment(s) - 07:12 PM - 05/11/2007

Apr 2007
6:34 AM CST

Ok, well right now I wanna write something down because I'm really pissed off right now. Ok, so anyways, I'm really excited about getting my report card today in 2nd period. When I got it I saw that I did a pretty good job in all of my classes and then I see a 84 in freaking PE. I am so freaking pissed because I just think it's freaking ridcolous! I dress out every day and the only day that I didn't dress out was when we got back from spring break because I forgot my shorts. Ugh, and I try to talk to the coach and he makes it seem like I'm the one who made the mistake. He told me I must've not dressed out at least four or five days. Please, everyone knows I'm asways dressing out and it makes me sick for him to put the blame on me. I just don't know what to do because I freaking try hard at everything and now it's like no matter what I do in this stupid ass class that my grade won't be what I deserve. Man, I swear!!! It's just making me pissed and I'm trying to let out my anger in a good way. Anyways, umm, my current GPA is 9.14 on a 9 scale, would've been 9.80something had I gotten the grade that I deserved in PE. I got an 86 in English Dual (college credit class), 93 in AP Calculus, 81 in AP Psychology, 100 in nutrion food science, and 100 in PALS. How our thing works is if you get acertain grade in regulars/honors-dual/AP you get a certain number of grade points because making a B in an AP class is a lot hardder than making an A in regulars.For instance, I got an 84 in PE so that's a freaking 5!!! The 81 in AP Psychology is 10 grade points. So you can see how that 5 brings down mygpa. To get an idea of the gradepoints, 8-English, 14-Calculus, 10- Psychology, 5-PE, 9-PALS, 9-Nutrition Those are the gradpoints that I got and you just average it out to get my currentGPA. My acumlative GPA is 7.65 which transfers to a 4.36 on a 4.0 scale. I think it's stupid that it goes above a 4.0. I think it should be less than a 4.0 but that's how our wierd school has it. Ok, well I think I let a lot of that anger out some...just had to write it down somewhere. I told people about it and they're like, "Are you serious?" but the coach obviously doesn't realize that I dress out. Well I don't know, I'm thinking about talking to my counselor but I don't want to make a big deal out of something that's somewhat pretty small. Yeah, I think I desever a higher grade but how could I prove that I dressed out those certain days. Anyways, yeah, that's all I'm gonna write right now so I'll talk to all of ya'll later I guess. Take care!!! Leave comments to know that someone's actually reading these things :D Lataz!!!!!!!!!
-Marty ;)
2 comment(s) - 02:45 PM - 04/25/2007

Apr 2007
3:59 PM CST

Oo, I wish I did my journals in here for I can change my font :( Haha, oh well, this is my most favorite font ever!!!! It's Book Antiqua and bold and italic. Mmmhmm, isn't it a cool font! Sure is :D

Apr 2007
3:28 PM CST

Ok, so like week was pretty cool because I didn't have to go to school till 12:30 because of TAKS testing Tues. through Fri. I missed Mon. and Tues. and I was really pissed off for missing two days in a row. Thankfully though, we didn't too much in those classes and I think it's because the end of the six weeks was on those days. Umm, I had senior breakfast on Fri. and it was pretty fun. I was a little dissapointed that I didn't get any awards though, lol. I wanted best smile :D No, but it's cool. I think it was a little rigged (misspell probably) because there's this kid named Dustin and his mom is a teacher who is in the head of the Student Council and nobody really likes him and he got an award so yeah, I think it was bullcrap! Umm, let me see, this weekend I didn't do much at all so pretty boring. Me, my sister and aunt went out to eat on Friday after my sister got off of work. I ate me a babocoba taco, soooooo good, haha. love that stuff. Umm, oh, and I watched a lot of cool videos on YouTube. If any of ya'll ever wanna watch any gay videos on YouTube type in boyg33 and it will come up with a lot of gay videos. Not like nasty videos but video shorts about gay love and stuff. It's pretty interesting stories. Umm, so yeah, I don't really fell like writing too much today so I'm gonna come to a closing and I'll write in here once again next week. OOO, and watch American Idol this week because remember, they're having that special!!!!! It's gonna be sooooo cool because the two best idols are gonna come perform. Ms. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood!!!!! Can't wait, lataz. Ooo, and Heroes, OMG, been waiting FOREVER for that to come on, that comes on tomorrow. Watch it if you have never seen and and I'm 100% positive that you will <3 <3 <3 it!!!! Lataz, and good night :D ONE MORE THING TO ADD, I JUST MADE MY PRIVATE JOURNALS PUBLIC BECAUSE I CAME "OUT" ON HERE, HAHA. NOW YOU CAN SEE WHAT I THINK ABOUT THE BOYS ;)

Apr 2007
1:07 PM CST

Ok, soooo anyways, nothing has been going on too much. Umm, I haven't really written in a while...well I only missed one week but I guess that's a lot when I only get these things four times a month. So anyways, umm, over the weekend I didn't do too much so yeah, and I'm debating whether or not I should go to prom. I haven't asked anyone so I'm sorting of thinking oh no, it's getting too late but I don't really care to go. It's senior prom for me so I'm thinking that I really should go...I don't know, lol. Umm, I missed school today because I just didn't wake up. It's a good thing I didn't go because I don't know how I would've gotten home. Rose took Dillion home but his freaking mom wasn't home so she stayed in Waco and she's barley coming back right now. So yeah, oh and she still has Dillion. I hope that Dillion really goes to school tomorrow because TAKS and I really think he needs to take that. His mom needs to get her priorities straight...makes me mad to see other people in control of his life, I just really want the best for him. I think at times I'm hoping for too much because I want him to be more than what I ever was both academically and athletically. A lot of times I think I push him too much because I feel that no one really pushed me, I mean, I think I'm doing really great in school don't get me wrong but I think if I had more encouragement or people wanting to help me when i was younger I could've done so much better. I don't know, I just hope the best for him. I ask him about the future and he says he doesn't want to go to college and when he says that it really makes me mad. I tell him what kind of life he will live but he doesn't seem to care. I see kids like him all around me at school but I didn't think he would become like that. I don't know. Ok, well let me get of that subject, Friday is Senior Breakfast and I paid $13 for that ticket so it better be a pretty damn good breakfast. I'm not sure what I'm gonna wear though, lol. Just throw on some slacks and a dress shirt and some dress shoes I guess. Anyways, so hopefully that will be fun. Umm, the end of the 6 weeks finally came to an end on Friday and I'm not sure what I got in some classes. I think I did bad in English because...I'm not sure if I talked about this in another journal, probably not, but anyways, I didn't do this assignment, daily grade homework, and so that's a 0 in the grade book and it's killing me and we couldn't do it so I'm like stressed out about it. I'm just hoping that I make at least an 80. If anything lower than that I'm gonna be PISSED! Oh well, that's enough talking, later guys. Ok, and I decided that I want to get more personal on this thing and I just hope that my family doesn't find this, lol. I'm gay! Yeah, shocking! Ok, so anyways, I've known I've been gay forever and I'm not out to anyone other than people online, haha, how pathetic? I really wanna come out because I think when I do that I can be more true to myself and people around me. And I'm taking a psychology class and I think the stuff in there is really interesting. I myself think it's ridiculous to think that gays choose this "lifestyle" Believe me, I don't think I would want to choose living a life where I have to be afraid of what my family and everyone else is going to think about me. Well anyways, the book talks a lot about things that are different in gay males compared to straight males. Physical differences <--Ok, well if anyone ever reads my journals you would've seen that it stopped there because my sister came in and of course what I was writing was very personal! So let me continue...Physical differenences that are similar to females so it's not something that people just choose. I never believed that I chose to be gay but I have at times felt that it was wrong. I know, it's stupid because there would be like no way I would've chosen to live my life as a gay person. It was something I'm guessing I was born with just as people were born with blue eyes, blonde hair, etc. So yeah, that's about all I'm going to write. Nothing really more to say :) Lataz!

Apr 2007
3:42 PM CST

Ok, well I really can't say much right now because I need to go finish reading up a book. Umm, we finally got the internet back but it's sort of getting me mad because it keeps on disconnecting. I don't know if it's the router or the cable modem..DSL didn't really have this problem and plus it had wireless for the laptops. The one thing that DSL didn't have is all the speed but I think I prefer DSL, that being said I'm just happy to have any internet really...well anything but dial up, haha. Ok, umm, well next week is the last week of the 6 weeks. Umm, oh, and for Easter (today) I didn't do much but yesterday I was in Denton and I celebrated Logan's 1st birthday, he grew up soooo freaking fast! Love that little boy, so freaking cute and he's my first NEPHEW!!!! No neices or anything either so yeah, big deal. Bout time too :) Umm, ok, well that's all for now, take care y'all!!!

Mar 2007
2:37 AM CST

Ok, well I got the first week back from Spring Break okay. I got my progress report on Friday and I was shocked that I'm doing so well. My lowest was an 80 in AP Psychology, and everything else was an A!!! 92 in Dual English, 100 in PALS, 99 in AP Calculus, 99 in Nutrtion, and a 97 in PE <--Hate that class!!! LOL. Ok, so countdown to the 8 days...I hope I can take it!!! LOL. Oh, some college dude is going to come over on Wednesday to talk to me and my sister about maybe going to their college. I'm not really looking forward to it because I'm not 100% sure what I want to do or if I want to go to a college in Dallas or w/e. But anyways, that's about it that's going to happen. Umm, nothing really interesting happened last week. Umm, Rose brought over her boyfriend...he's a little weird, lol. He like studdards at times <--mispell probably...anyways, yeah. Rose went to Waco with both Leecha and him and they didn't even tell us. I'm getting tired of living there because she's becoming so irresponsible and I hate having a lot of responsiblity when I should be living a little more relaxed. I think maybe living back w/ dad and mom for a while will give me that. I mean, yeah, I need to have some responsiblites but I don't know...I think there would be less worrying w/ mom and dad. Umm, that's about it, I'm gonna go work on my English paper some...lataz guys!!!
1 comment(s) - 09:35 AM - 03/28/2007

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martytx07's Profile

  • Username: martytx07
  • Gender / Age: Male, 37
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    MARTYTX07's Interests:

    About Me: Just a normal gay dude from Texas. Genuinely a nice guy who loves to smile :Dh

    Interests: Computers, music, reading, video games, & YOUTUBE!!!

    Favorite Music: Country - Carrie Underwood, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Blake Shelton, LeAnn Rimes, Dixie Chicks, Pop - KELLY CLARKSON!!! James Blunt, Simple Plan, Natasha Bedingfield, Britney Spears, Nelly, NB Ridaz, Frankie J, Usher, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and A LOT more that I can't think of right now!!!

    Favorite Movies: Titanic, The Day After Tomorrow, The Notebook, Scream, Something About Mary, Butterfly Effect, 10 Things I Hate About You, Hairspray (Oringal with Ricky),

    Favorite Television: American Idol, Heroes, American Dad, Prison Break, The Hills, I Love NY, Ugly Betty, Simpsons, Family Guy, Nip/Tuck

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter, and other books that I had to read for school: Animal Farm, 1984, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and some other books.