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martytx07's Journal
Sep 2007
7:33 PM CST
Alright, sooooo umm, let me see. This last weekend was pretty crazy. On Saturday my oldest sister went to out of town to go watch the UT game somewhere, not really sure where she went. She didn't go to the actual game but you know, she went to go visit my brother and they went to go watch the game together. Ok, so anyways, when I get off of work at like 10:40PM I call her and I leave her a message saying something about "Hey, why aren't you home? Me and you were suppose to go see Haloween, yada yada" So then laterlike around 12 I call her again and this time it goes straight to voicemail but her inbox is already full. I figure her phone is dead. Ok, I finally go to sleep at around 4AM and my sister still isn't home and I'm getting super worried but I go to sleep and I just say to myself I hope she's ok. So anyways, I wake up like at 11 and I go to to kitchen to see if I see the car...I don't. I don't even know if she's suppose to work. So anyways, I go to the back room and ask my brother if she came home and he said, "No" that he was up till like 6AM. So I'm thinking, crap did she go to work already, did she get into an accident, yada yada. I mean, I knew she was gonna be drinking even though she shouldn't have because she was driving my other sister's car, it's a 2004 Monte Carlo so yeah, very pricy car. So anyways, we don't get any word or anything from her and her cell still goes straight to voicemail and her inbox is still full. I end up calling my brother who lives out of town and I asked him if he knew where she was at. I didn't even know where the hell she had went on Saturday so calling him was just something I wantedto check. I called and no answer and then I get a call back from my brother's fiance. She tells me that she left like at 1. I'm thinking, crap, she never came home. A few minutes later my brother calls and asks me about it andI tell him we don't know. At around 3 he tells me to start calling hospitals and crap. So I do and there's nothing there. Soo anyways, make a long story short, I'm feeling like crap. There's that stomache ache that just won't go away. I'm getting sick because of all the worrying. I had to go to work at 6. So I get ready for work, go to work and like in the back of my head I'm thinking she's in a wreck and we just don't know about it yet. Oh, andif she would've been in a wreck, my other sister would have been PISSED THE FUCK OFF I mean, that car is her baby but the gas that it takes to drive it is just toomuch for her so she drives her other car. So anyways, yeah, when I get off of work I get a voicemail from my brother telling me that they found her, that she is in jail. Her first time ever in jail and I talk to my other sister about it. I'm like happy that we found her but at the same time I have no sympathy for her because she knew better than to be drinking and driving. It was a matter of time that she got arrested and I'm somewhat happy that it finally did happen. I've told her a million times to not drink and drive because one, she could kill herself, or two, because she could kill and innoccent person who were doing nothing but driving the streets. So yeah, it was crazy. I was up till like 4 in the morning on Sunday figuring a way to bond her out with my sister's friend. She really showed how good of a friend she was and my sister hasn't even known her long. She did everything possible to help and she really did help a lot. Me and my sister didn't know where any of the places were such as the bond place, the jail house, nor the auto pond. She knew everything and yeah, it was amazing. So yeah, enough about that. I worked labor day which somewhat sucked but hopefully I got overtime.I know that I have to work a certain of days before I can get overtime so yeah, that sucks. Well holiday overtime. So yeah, hopefully I got some overtime hours. Umm, let's see. I still don't like working at Kroger's but I really like working with some of the people there. There some cool ass people. This dude named Tony, he's like a gansta type of guy but he's super cool. He's like, I don't know, he makes me laugh a lot. I think he's pretty cute too, lol. I don't think he's as cute as that Josue dude but he got 2nd place :D Haha. I think I could def. do things with that dude ;) Umm, let me see what else...nothing much to say I guess. I better go before my submission becomes lost :D Lataz guys!
dui drinking driving family issues problems work job cute guys gay
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Male, 37
USA - Texas
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MARTYTX07's Interests:
About Me:
Just a normal gay dude from Texas. Genuinely a nice guy who loves to smile :Dh
Computers, music, reading, video games, & YOUTUBE!!!
Favorite Music:
Country - Carrie Underwood, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Blake Shelton, LeAnn Rimes, Dixie Chicks, Pop - KELLY CLARKSON!!! James Blunt, Simple Plan, Natasha Bedingfield, Britney Spears, Nelly, NB Ridaz, Frankie J, Usher, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and A LOT more that I can't think of right now!!!
Favorite Movies:
Titanic, The Day After Tomorrow, The Notebook, Scream, Something About Mary, Butterfly Effect, 10 Things I Hate About You, Hairspray (Oringal with Ricky),
Favorite Television:
American Idol, Heroes, American Dad, Prison Break, The Hills, I Love NY, Ugly Betty, Simpsons, Family Guy, Nip/Tuck
Favorite Books:
Harry Potter, and other books that I had to read for school: Animal Farm, 1984, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and some other books.
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