martytx07's Journal

Mar 2007
2:30 AM CST

Umm, lets see. Well last week was Spring Break! and it was a pretty good break. I so needed it! Umm, well I'm back in school and this is my internet time :) Umm, were gonna get internet back pretty soon...well in like 2 weeks now I'm assuming. I really, really miss it. I can't do crap without it and there's times when I'm like, let me go check something out like the movie showtimes, weather, phone number, etc. and I remember, "I DON'T HAVE INTERNET!!!" Oh well, I can make it a few days longer...Umm, I didn't do too much over the break but I did go out to eat a lot, lol. I went to a few places with Margarita. I feel bad because I'm not working and she like takes me places. On Friday night she took me to the movies to see Dead Silence. Saturday night she took me to eat at Cheddars. Sunday she took me to go play put-put and then we went out to eat at this restaruant. I'm like, OMG, she's doing too much. If I had known we were gonna go out to eat again I would've just said I could stay home. I had a really good time though. I told her that I'm going to have to wash her car or something. But anyways, that's about it. I had a pretty good week. :)

Mar 2007
3:52 PM CST

Ok, well since I don't have internet right now at my house I'm getting these things every weekend instead of everyday which I think is a little too much to be writing in this anyways. So this week, nothing really happened. Umm, I am now on SPRING BREAK!!! So no school tomorrow! I'm get so tired of it and I'm sort of debating whether or not I should go to college right away. I sort of don't want to but they always tell us that we should go right away. My brother was saying that if I want to take a break I should because I would do better if I go when I want to. I don't know, I think I'm just going to go. I don't have a real idea of what school I want to go to either. I was thinking maybe a community college or maybe UTA (UT at Arlington) Ok, well as I said, the last week of school was last week and what a long one it was. I couldn't wait till Friday. Well on Friday, I got home and then packed some stuff and we (Rose, Leecha, JR. Jolly, and Rachel) all went to Margarita's job. Talk about Mexicans carpooling :) We then transfered us into Marge's car and we headed to Waco. I stayed here and my Bro and his fiance's apartment. Then yesterday, I went to my parents house and spent some time over there. I got me 2 fried burritos...they have those in Grand Prairie too but they're way overpriced...well the one's I found, for dinner. I know, not the best meal for dinner. In the morning...well it was later than 10 but anyways, my parents brought me a barbocova taco <---sorry for the misspell guys! It was so good!!! Well then my bro called and he asked if I wanted to go play golf. I never played before I was like, sure. Plus he offered a free meal afterwards ;) It was pretty fun. I didn't think I was going to like it at all because I played put put and I HATED it!!! It got me so mad! So anyways, it was pretty cool but it started raining so we left. Umm, we then came back to his apartment and we picked up Sarah and my nephew Logan! He's soooo adorable! Anyways, we went to Chilies and I got me a burger and fries. We came home and my brother wanted to take a nap before he went to work and I watched Family Guy and was playing with Logan. He's 10 months so doesn't really do much. If he's in the mood to smile he will but he's really attached to his momma so he cries sometimes when she's not there. He was ok with me for like 10 minutes but then started crying. Sarah came and got him to put him to bed and I watched the rest of Family Guy. Later I caught some of American Idol Rewind...anything dealing with AI is good enough for me :) Well if there's some good singers. This year actually sucks. There's only like 4 good singers. Lakisha, Melinda, Chris, and Blake. Well those are my favorites :D Ok, well I'm getting tired but I actually need to stay awake for a while until my sis (Margarita) comes because I'm gonna open the door for her. Were predicting around 2 o'clock which is going to be HARD for me to do because I sleep early and wake up early. OK, well I wrote way more than enough so I'm going to bring this to a closing. Hope y'all have a good read! Lataz!!!!

Mar 2007
3:24 AM CST

Umm, yesterday nothing really happened. I gave plasma after school and activated my temporary debit card. I called Sarah and she came and got us. Umm, we ate pizza last night and I watched American Idol. OMG people, what are y'all thinking??? That indian dude should've went home and the girl whose boyfriend posted up naught pics. They were both horrible. Everyone knew they should've went home. We could see it in the judges eyes!!!! I didn't work out which was super duper bad!!! And that's about it, lol. Lataz!

Mar 2007
3:23 AM CST

Ok, well yesterday I took my test in Nutrition class and it was pretty easy. I freaking forgot to answer the bonuses and I was soooo mad because I knew them. But yeah, hopefully I did good. Umm, when I got home I did some of my Psychology review thingy because I was going to have a test...I already took it, and I don't think I did so hot...makes me MAD!!! Bernie, Sarah, and Logan came over last night and we went to Benigans and I didn't watch all of AI and Jolly was being a jerk and didn't wanna record it for me. I didn't work out so that was super bad! It sucks without the internet, haha, I HATE it! I want it back but my sis is behind on her bill so yeah, that probably won't happen. I'll probably just go to the libray or something. Right now I'm in my PALS class and Jason doesn't have his car, we hardly ever go. I hate it! Well anyways, that's about it so yeah. 1 period down and 5 more to go :) Lataz guys! Have a good one.

Feb 2007
1:36 AM CST

Well today I went to school and I got my wallet back!!! Sooo happy! Umm, let me think if anything interesting really happened...umm, no, not really while in school. Well anyways, Rose came and got us and I went to go give plasma for some extra money. $30 Well Rose got mad at me for some stupid little thing but I hope she's over it. Oh, and because I canceled my debit card I wanted to see if they could open it back up because I had it now w/ my wallet. So anyways, she's like it would cost again to get a new one. Freaking $12.50 which I thought was ridiculous. But I was willing to pay it. She called the company to see if they could just reopen it but they were taking FOREVER to answer, like 10 minutes, so she said she would just give it to me free because it was ridiculous. Well anyways, I get home, watch Prison Break while doing some homework and then Heroes! If you don't watch Heroes OMG, you're missing out. I missed some of the episode because Margarita came home and she wanted to go work out at the rec. I didn't wanna miss a chance to work out so I went and I caught like the last 5 minutes of Heroes at the Recreation center. There were a lot of people there, more than I ever seen because I have never gone a weekday. Only the weekends. That's what I love about Margarita because she's more determined than Rose was and I don't really want to waste more time by walking. It's like a 20-25 minute walk from my house. Shoot, I have other things to do. Well anyways, I burned, well from what the machine told me, 364 calories and I did some other stuff so yeah, probably a little more. Well Margarita wanted to go weigh herself so she had to go to the woman's lockers. I was waiting for her so I decided to go try mine again. And guess what, I went down to 274!!! I'm sure it's accurate too because it's the scales. So I was super excited about that. Today I'm def. eating a salad for lunch :) Anyways, talk to y'all laterz, have a good one!!!

Feb 2007
1:36 AM CST

Saw some hot ass niggas at the recreation center. Damn, I didn't know there could be that many people. That Kroger dude was there and he is so cuter...well I hate those jeans he wears and his hair could do w/ a working on but other than that, he's pretty cuter I lost 2 pounds according to that scale at the Rec and it just makes me feel sooo good. I hope I can lose maybe like 10 pounds in one week. That would be the coolest thing ever! Lataz!!!!!!

Feb 2007
11:51 AM CST

Ok, well today was a good day. I woke up and started doing a little hw and just browsing the web. I have a problem with that, lol. Well when Dillion woke up I asked if he wanted to go the recreation center. He said yeah, so I told him to take a shower and then we could leave. So anyways, me and Dillion walked to the recreation center and we got there like at 1:50. Me and him played air hokey, foozball, and ping pong for a while and then I saw Bernie's car. I took Dillion out to leave w/ him and I went to go work out because I really wanted to. Well I worked out from then, about 2:30 till like 5:10. So yeah, and I walked home just now but Amber, my next-door-neighbor picked me up like one block from my house. Oh, and I found out my weight w/ some scale balance, and I never actually worked with that before but I have used the balance beam in like science classes so yeah. It balanced out at...ready for this big number??? 276!!! I know...see, that's why I worked out for a long time. So anyways, hope to drop some weight soon. Ugh, and I just ate a PB sandwich..I was STARVING!!! Ok, so anyways, laterz guys.

Feb 2007
6:06 PM CST

Well today was a pretty fun day. I started my day of somewhat boring and then like around 11, me, my sister, my brother, his fiance and their kid, and Dillion went to IHOP. I ate that cinnamon thing and that was all good. We then went to Trader's Village because my bro wanted to buy a comuter for cheaper than what he was paying for his. He was paying 120 a month and he's been paying for like 5 months now. He even installed a DVD burner which cost like another 50 bucks. I'm like really into computers so he wanted me to "sell" one to him. So we found some and they were a little high so we kept on looking and we found this one spot. They had some pretty nice computers. Flat panel too and it was 420 total. Not too bad at all. It had more space than the computer that they had too.They bought it. So anyways, they left and went to Denton and me, my sister, and Dillion stayed around looking around at Trader's Village. It was super duper windy! Dust was like flying in my eyes, it was CRAZY!!! I thought there were gonna be some tornadoes or something. Anyways, we got home and I've been buggin my sister that we should get a membership to the recreation center for we can work out. We finally went today and we signed up. I worked out for like only 10 minutes because it closed at 6. We got there like at 5:20 and she had to set it up and I went to play with Dillion in the game room. In those 10 minutes I burned 130 calories! Woopie, I need to burn a lot more than that to lose some weight but hey, any little counts. So anyways, we later came home and then my sister wanted to go to Hooters. I've never been....I know, shocking, but anyways, we went and it was alright. It wasn't nothing amazing, lol. So now, I got back a few hours's been a while now. I was watching the news for a while then took a shower. Ok, well I need to go. Talk to y'all later!!! LATAZ! Oh, and this website says my right age now!!!!!!!

Feb 2007
6:01 PM CST

Well today started out okay but went bad after 4th period when I found out that I got a freaking 85 for my six weeks grade in English Dual! I was soo mad! So anyways, in 6th period I'm cool and what not. I dress out for PE and I put my wallet in my backpack and then when I go into the stands ( I don't do crap in there because it's either play basketball or sit in the stands which is total BS!!!) put it in my shorts. When it's time to go it fell out I guess and yeah, I went back in when I figured it wasn't in my shorts anymore when I was putting back on my regular clothes. I run back to the stands and I can't find it! I only had like $3 in there but it also had my ID, Recreation Center Card, Library Card, Debit Card, and my account numbers! It sooo sucks! I canceled my debit already so that's fine. Ugh, gonna have to get a new ID which is going to SUCK ASS!!! Anyways, that's all for now, and until next time, as Jerry would say, "Take care of yourself, and each other!"

Feb 2007
5:09 PM CST

Well today was sort of disappointing because I had a psychology test on Monday and I thought I was going to do well on it but it turned out that I just freaking bombed it. I got a yeah, that really sucked. I did some mediation for it for it can go up to a 70. I really think that class is interesting but I'm not good enough for's somewhat discouraging but I know I can pull through. Well that's it for now. Yay, my second post!

Feb 2007
11:45 AM CST

Well today, I went to some college thing and I liked it more than I thought I was going to like it. I had some pretty good laughs with my buddy Frieda so that was all good. Umm, well I just joined this site so this is my first post along with another one that is private so yeah, that's all good. Ok, well I'm just gonna end this one because I'm a pretty private person...Lataz!!!!

Feb 2014
10:18 AM CDT

Just an update

Wow...I didn't know it had been so long since I last updated! Well I think a lot has happened since my last entry. I am now working at the Mesquite center. I actually like it a lot. I am the CSA...I'm not even sure what my position was during my last entry. Dang I need to start typing in this thing more. I think it's amazing to just go back and read what you wrote before. Well anyways, let's see...I am working in Mesquite as the CSA...I have been the CSA for a while now actually but just transferred to Mesquite on the 27th of January I believe. I like it a's so much nicer and the employees there are so much more well behaved....well most of them. I'm sure there's going to be a couple that are going to deviate from the proper procedure but we just need to nip it in the butt to be honest. My sister had her baby in August. She's adorable. Little fat thing. Turtle just got a promotion so I'm proud of him for that. It's gonna be good that he makes more money now that he has a daughter he will have to provide for. Well I won't say much more here because I'm starving and need to get ready so I can go great breakfast with my sister and the baby probably.

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martytx07's Profile

  • Username: martytx07
  • Gender / Age: Male, 37
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    MARTYTX07's Interests:

    About Me: Just a normal gay dude from Texas. Genuinely a nice guy who loves to smile :Dh

    Interests: Computers, music, reading, video games, & YOUTUBE!!!

    Favorite Music: Country - Carrie Underwood, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Blake Shelton, LeAnn Rimes, Dixie Chicks, Pop - KELLY CLARKSON!!! James Blunt, Simple Plan, Natasha Bedingfield, Britney Spears, Nelly, NB Ridaz, Frankie J, Usher, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and A LOT more that I can't think of right now!!!

    Favorite Movies: Titanic, The Day After Tomorrow, The Notebook, Scream, Something About Mary, Butterfly Effect, 10 Things I Hate About You, Hairspray (Oringal with Ricky),

    Favorite Television: American Idol, Heroes, American Dad, Prison Break, The Hills, I Love NY, Ugly Betty, Simpsons, Family Guy, Nip/Tuck

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter, and other books that I had to read for school: Animal Farm, 1984, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and some other books.