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charliemay's Journal
May 2007
11:36 PM EET
he totally ignored me 2day.he didnt say a word 2 me.at alland i dont know why.i keep thinking how well he goes with all these other girls and not me.and i keep on thinking about me being with otheer boys.i love him and i dont want to break up with him so why am i having these thoughts.i just dont know.
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Apr 2007
1:10 AM EET
okey,i know its a long time since i last wrote and im very sorry,ive just had alot of stuff going on.the primary reason im wriying is cos i just found out that 1 of my best friends fancys my kind of ex toby.i know its silly to be woried cos shes my frind and she wouldnt do anyhing like that but im still not sure.she flirts with him alot and im scared hes gonna start liking her.i love him so much and i dont want to loose him now,especialy to maya.are relationship is worth the risk though,i think,its quite fragile at the moment without all this other crap going on.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi just dont know.this is all new to me really.
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- 05:12 PM - 04/25/2007
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Apr 2007
12:06 AM EET
so,i am going to wales to climb snowdon(big mountain)with my dad.fun,fun,fun eh.mmm.we are leaving on wednesday at 6 IN THE MORNING!!!!!oh my,not sure il be able to get up that early.the only good that i get out of this is that maybe,just maybe il get rid of that flab on my legs.oh yeah and i got some new clothes and shoes into the bargain.sooooooooooo,to the interesting stuff.um,well i spent the night at tobys on wednesday night,with markiss,bex and ben.yeah and me an tobz were lying next to each other and we were talking and im not sure how exactly it happened but we started holdin hands and he leaned in to kiss me but i didnt know that that ws wat he was doin and i didnt do anything.i only found out from bex after that that was wat he was tryin to do.which is realy weird cos we are broken up but i still fancy him.confusing or wat.
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Mar 2007
11:37 PM EET
okey,i now look like one of the weaslys.i so could be rons younger sister.basically i got a bit bored of my hair colour and decided to dy it.so i bought reddish brown dy and now instead of being reddish brown,my hair is ginger/blonde/red.it looks pretty cool but alot of people dont like it.especially my dad.he totally freaked out.it was quite funny.hey hoo thats life.
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Mar 2007
1:16 AM EET
okey so tobys still mad about me according 2 becca.i miss him but i dont think i should get back with him,its just the thought of being alone that scares me.oh and you know what i found out yesterday.my 3 best friends have all had sex,so has toby.and they never told me.and my other friend mike has almost.they asked me what the worst thing ive ever done is and i couldnt think of anything.seriously,im such a good girl.the only person who hasnt done it is reuben.at least im not the only one.
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Mar 2007
12:43 AM EET
soooooooo it finally happened.i broke up with toby.hmmmmmmmmmmm.im not sure how i feel.at least im free now and i can do whatever i want.i m not exactly sure why i ended it but it could possibly be something to do with mikey.but i have been thinking of dumping him for a while.i was just not myself around him,it would have been great if it worked out.we would have made a great pair.oh well,its over now,i can be whoever i want to be.whoopeedoodas.o yeah,i really like the saying at the top today.
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Mar 2007
12:57 AM EET
god why is jemima so obsessed wit luke?hes not that good lookin and he dosent even know she existeds,and if he does hes only eva gonna look at her as his teachers daughter.shes totally wastin her time.everyone says toby is totally devoted to me but i just dont see it. people are sooo blind sometimes.
you know wat reuben said to me the other day?he said "all guys are gay until proven otherwise". how wierd is that! i was all" so have you been proven yet" and he was like" im not gay full stop just like johnny depps hot full stop" and i went into hysterics and he was like "wat are you laughing at?" and then he realised wat he had said. it was sooooooooooo funny!
my wisdom for today is: live until you cant live anymore.dont think,just do,and if that gets you in trouble start thinking.
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Mar 2007
12:34 AM EET
ó i dont no whether to love england or to hate it.its so messed up but sometimes its so beautiful.
i dont no whether to love school or hate it.sometimes its so wicked and creative and sometimes it just sucks.
i dont no whether to love the way i look or to hate it.sometimes i feel so pretty and sometimes (most of the time)i feel so ugly.
i dont no wether ito love my life or to hate it.sometimes it feels so wonderful to be alive and sometimes i just wanna curl up somewhere and die.
the only thing that dosent change is that things change. you just gotta roll with the punches and take life as it comes. thats what makes it interesting!
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- 08:37 PM - 03/10/2007
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Mar 2007
12:18 AM EET
i luv wine gums blah blahdy blah.why does every one but me have a best friend?i amnot even joking everyone has one.even you,whoever is reading this,i know you do to.if you dont please comment so i know im not the only one..
also i would really like a boy best friend. if you are a boy in need of a girl best friend please comment aswell.
thanks peoples
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Mar 2007
12:06 AM EET
today was so random.i went to the b-day party of a boy from my class called allen.hes this really small japanese kid,kind of a dork.you know the type,bringd his lunch into school in a little wooden lunchbox and has a thing for snoopy. dont get me wrong.he s nice n all but well you know.so any way i went to his party and we played pass the parcel!!!(omg you would think he was3 not 13!)football and made sushi.toby was there as well but it wasnt that exciting cos of allens 17 year old sister who was acting like shed never seen people kiss before and being generally anoying!after the party i went back to mayas and saw her cats new kittens who are only a week old!there so sweet!
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Mar 2007
7:36 PM EET
i feel so crap at the mo!!!!!!!!!!!i really need to get fit again,my legs are so flabby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- 06:45 AM - 03/09/2007
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Mar 2007
1:31 AM EET
i luv him so much!!!!!!!!!!!forget what i said be fore he is the best in the world!!!!!!!!!!i am totally in love...this is bliss!!!!!!!!!!!he is so sexy!!!!!!!!!!
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Feb 2007
3:23 PM EET
why are boys such idiots?i mean really what is wrong with them,they dont take hints,they think all girls do is sit around and talk about them,get real guys,god.
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Feb 2007
1:59 AM EET
i feel so sick . too many wine gums .
abit of wisdom;
girls are 4eva
guys are wateva
when it comes to worst
ma girls come first
remember this girls when you have to choose between your best friend and your guy.i didnt and now everythings totally screwed up and all the girls dont like me and think im a slut just because i let a couple of boys try to undo my bra(4 some reason my boyfriend didnt).anyway all the guys now think im easy and that ill let them screw around with me whenever they want(not literally,of course) well im sorry if i like too hav a little fun and thesome of girls in my class are fridgid.at least i have becca and zoe who are like me and think they need to lighten up.
luv u 4 listenin
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Feb 2007
1:39 AM EET
just sitting here eating wine gums(wish they really had wine in them,i could use some of that right now)blogging,watching the lottery.hope we win this time.i put some wine gums in my ginger ale and it tastes surprisingly nice.god do i like wierd things.i am the only one in my school who likes good charlotte.they all say they dont 'get' their music and im just like'what is there to get.jeez
oh yeah i didnt win the lottery this time.maybe someday.the first thing id get if won is......concert tickets to good charlotte and my own house in new jersey,far away from my parents who are driving me CRAZY i mean give me a break,god.
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Feb 2007
1:23 AM EET
omg!whats wrong withme!he was totally all over me and i gave him nothing!nothing.i was just not into it which is really wierd cos last week i would hav given anything for him to be like that with me.seriously anything.but this week.......nothing,nada,zip,zilch.....you get the picture.i dont know whats up i am soooo confused!
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Female, 31
United Kingdom
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CHARLIEMAY's Interests:
About Me:
well im blonde and i like it.so nah!!!!!!
music,law,cooking,reading,swimming and world peace.
Favorite Music:
maroon 5,micheal buble,no doubt,hilary duff,good charlotte,country music and lots of other stuff.
Favorite Movies:
my best friends wedding,two weeks notice,down with love,troy,pirates of the carribean
Favorite Television:
HEROES!!! top gear,ugly betty,hannah montana.
Favorite Books:
helen of troy,harry potter,the opposite of chocolate.