charliemay's Journal

Mar 2007
12:34 AM EET

ó i dont no whether to love england or to hate it.its so messed up but sometimes its so beautiful.
i dont no whether to love school or hate it.sometimes its so wicked and creative and sometimes it just sucks.
i dont no whether to love the way i look or to hate it.sometimes i feel so pretty and sometimes (most of the time)i feel so ugly.
i dont no wether ito love my life or to hate it.sometimes it feels so wonderful to be alive and sometimes i just wanna curl up somewhere and die.

the only thing that dosent change is that things change. you just gotta roll with the punches and take life as it comes. thats what makes it interesting!
1 comment(s) - 08:37 PM - 03/10/2007
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charliemay's Profile

  • Username: charliemay
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: United Kingdom
    CHARLIEMAY's Interests:

    About Me: well im blonde and i like nah!!!!!!

    Interests: music,law,cooking,reading,swimming and world peace.

    Favorite Music: maroon 5,micheal buble,no doubt,hilary duff,good charlotte,country music and lots of other stuff.

    Favorite Movies: my best friends wedding,two weeks notice,down with love,troy,pirates of the carribean

    Favorite Television: HEROES!!! top gear,ugly betty,hannah montana.

    Favorite Books: helen of troy,harry potter,the opposite of chocolate.

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