charliemay's Journal

Feb 2007
1:39 AM EET

just sitting here eating wine gums(wish they really had wine in them,i could use some of that right now)blogging,watching the lottery.hope we win this time.i put some wine gums in my ginger ale and it tastes surprisingly nice.god do i like wierd things.i am the only one in my school who likes good charlotte.they all say they dont 'get' their music and im just like'what is there to get.jeez

oh yeah i didnt win the lottery this time.maybe someday.the first thing id get if won is......concert tickets to good charlotte and my own house in new jersey,far away from my parents who are driving me CRAZY i mean give me a break,god.
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charliemay's Profile

  • Username: charliemay
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: United Kingdom
    CHARLIEMAY's Interests:

    About Me: well im blonde and i like nah!!!!!!

    Interests: music,law,cooking,reading,swimming and world peace.

    Favorite Music: maroon 5,micheal buble,no doubt,hilary duff,good charlotte,country music and lots of other stuff.

    Favorite Movies: my best friends wedding,two weeks notice,down with love,troy,pirates of the carribean

    Favorite Television: HEROES!!! top gear,ugly betty,hannah montana.

    Favorite Books: helen of troy,harry potter,the opposite of chocolate.

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