charliemay's Journal

Mar 2007
11:37 PM EET

okey,i now look like one of the weaslys.i so could be rons younger sister.basically i got a bit bored of my hair colour and decided to dy i bought reddish brown dy and now instead of being reddish brown,my hair is ginger/blonde/ looks pretty cool but alot of people dont like it.especially my dad.he totally freaked was quite funny.hey hoo thats life.
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charliemay's Profile

  • Username: charliemay
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: United Kingdom
    CHARLIEMAY's Interests:

    About Me: well im blonde and i like nah!!!!!!

    Interests: music,law,cooking,reading,swimming and world peace.

    Favorite Music: maroon 5,micheal buble,no doubt,hilary duff,good charlotte,country music and lots of other stuff.

    Favorite Movies: my best friends wedding,two weeks notice,down with love,troy,pirates of the carribean

    Favorite Television: HEROES!!! top gear,ugly betty,hannah montana.

    Favorite Books: helen of troy,harry potter,the opposite of chocolate.

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