charliemay's Journal

Mar 2007
12:57 AM EET

god why is jemima so obsessed wit luke?hes not that good lookin and he dosent even know she existeds,and if he does hes only eva gonna look at her as his teachers daughter.shes totally wastin her time.everyone says toby is totally devoted to me but i just dont see it. people are sooo blind sometimes.

you know wat reuben said to me the other day?he said "all guys are gay until proven otherwise". how wierd is that! i was all" so have you been proven yet" and he was like" im not gay full stop just like johnny depps hot full stop" and i went into hysterics and he was like "wat are you laughing at?" and then he realised wat he had said. it was sooooooooooo funny!

my wisdom for today is: live until you cant live anymore.dont think,just do,and if that gets you in trouble start thinking.
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charliemay's Profile

  • Username: charliemay
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: United Kingdom
    CHARLIEMAY's Interests:

    About Me: well im blonde and i like nah!!!!!!

    Interests: music,law,cooking,reading,swimming and world peace.

    Favorite Music: maroon 5,micheal buble,no doubt,hilary duff,good charlotte,country music and lots of other stuff.

    Favorite Movies: my best friends wedding,two weeks notice,down with love,troy,pirates of the carribean

    Favorite Television: HEROES!!! top gear,ugly betty,hannah montana.

    Favorite Books: helen of troy,harry potter,the opposite of chocolate.

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