Journal4Jackson's Journal

Mar 2007
11:16 AM PST

3/13/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed in living room with sister for about 20 min. Had breakfast, ate well. Cleaned up, got ready for the day. Went to meet a friend and went for a walk (not in the stroller) and to the park. Had a small meltdown when we got there because he wanted to go inside and play, but calmed down fairly quickly. After we got back we played at friend's house for about 20 minutes. Set a timer, did pretty well when it went off and didn't make too big of a fuss when it was time to leave. Came home (gone about 2.5 hrs) and had a small snack, then went out to lunch with Grandma. Did really well in the restaurant, didn't act up much at all and followed directions well. Came home, played with trains and cars for about 30 minutes and then it was time for nap. Went down for nap, but didn't sleep. Had to wake up early, Mom had to go out unexpectedly (rested for about 30 minutes). Came home, played with Mom and Grandma in living room (cars, various games) for about an hour. Then had dinner, ate well. Watched short video (half hour) and then Daddy played with him until bedtime. Didn't clean up during cleanup time, went to bed w/o stories. Total TV time: 30 min. Total TO's: none Brushed every 3 hours w/o problems (including right before naptime and bedtime).

Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - California