Journal4Jackson's Journal

Mar 2007
11:36 AM PST

3/15/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed until breakfast. Ate breakfast well, took vitamins. Took a bubble bath (played with squishy foam and blew bubbles in tub). Got dressed and ready for day afterwards. Did arts/crafts at table (coloring, etc) and then played a few games. Had freeplay in living room and watched Sesame Street. Then had lunch and left for OT. Came home, read stories and nap time. SLEPT for a hour, then did heavy work in living room. Freeplayed until dinner, ate well. Played with Daddy after dinner. Cleaned up, got ready for bed, stories and went to bed. Fell asleep within an hour. Total TV for day: 1 hr. TO's: none. Brushed every 3 hours.

Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - California