Journal4Jackson's Journal

Mar 2007
12:12 PM PST

3/24/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed until breakfast. Ate well, then played with sister and watched Saturday AM cartoons (a hr and a half). Then played in front yard, then helped do some housework. We got him a "big boy" bed today. He used it at naptime (we had to lay with him until he went to sleep, took about an 1/2 hr). Got up, pretty much played in room for the afternoon with his new bed and toys. Bed at normal time, we layed with him again until he fell asleep (about a 1/2 hr). Total TV for day: 1.5 hr. Total TO's for day: none. Brushed every 3 hours. No going potty on own.

Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - California