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    PurpleStar  34, Female, Michigan, USA - First entry!
Aug 2011
1:34 AM CST

Nervous for what the new begining has for me, yet scared to remain in the present!
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    SimplyMe  27, Female, Georgia, USA - 5 entries
Jul 2011
10:00 PM CST

Rapid Life

Today I am more in touch with the poetic side of me. Writing and all is what I love to do, it's who I am.� There is no greater feeling right now, than the feeling I get when someone likes my poetry.
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    cadorine  49, Female, New York, USA - 5 entries
Jul 2011
5:13 AM CST

Looking for a way out of the Rut

I'm going to get over this hump no matter what. I'm going to find a way to get tougher, stronger and thinner, even if it kills me. This morning, after a whole night of worrying about it, I got up at 5:15 and tackled a 5K. My time left something to be desired -- a measely 10:40, but I did it and proved to myself that I could do it. It was even a new route. I broke out of my old pattern of running around Lakeshore Drive and headed out onto 22 and Wilmont Road. I promise myself that I'm going to tackle this route again -- maybe tomorrow?

It has been two weeks since I started training with Paul. I've given up Dr. Alejandro's clean diet and have moved onto Run Like a Mother. Just hope I can find my groove, break 135, and find some balance.
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    girl002  31, Male, Canada - 23 entries
Jul 2011
5:03 AM AST

Fast As You Can - Fiona Apple

I let the beast in too soon, I don't know how to live
Without my hand on his throat; I fight him always and still
Oh darling, it's so sweet, you think you know how crazy
How crazy I am
You say you don't spook easy, you won't go, but I know
And I pray that you will
Fast as you can, baby runfree yourself of me
Fast as you can
I may be soft in your palm but I'll soon grow
Hungry for a fight, and I will not let you win
My pretty mouth will frame the phrases that will
Disprove your faith in man
So if you catch me trying to find my way into your
Heart from under your skin
Fast as you can, baby scratch me out, free yourself
Fast as you can
Fast as you can, baby scratch me out, free yourself
Fast as you can
Sometimes my mind don't shake and shift
But most of the time, it does
And I get to the place where I'm begging for a lift
Or I'll drown in the wonders and the was
And I'll be your girl, if you say it's a gift
And you give me some more of your drugs
Yeah, I'll be your pet, if you just tell me it's a gift
'Cause I'm tired of whys, choking on whys,
Just need a little because, because
I let the beast in and then;
I even tried forgiving him, but it's too soon
So I'll fight again, again, again, again, again.
And for a little while more, I'll soar the
Uneven wind, complain and blame
The sterile land
But if you're getting any bright ideas, quiet dear
I'm blooming within
Fast as you can, baby wait watch me, I'll be out
Fast as I can, maybe late but at least about
Fast as you can leave me, let this thing
Run its route
Fast as you can
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    KittykatMegan  49, Female, United Kingdom - 4 entries
Jun 2011
11:08 AM GMT


Around three days ago Dave (Step-dad) found a Hedgehog down the open drain, so he got it out and called my mum and told her about it, �and she said to see how it goes and take him to the Vets the next day......�So�he took the Hedgehog to the Vets and the Vet said to keep it for a couple of weeks soo we have a new Pet � � � � � � � lol aaaww!!!!!

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � His name is: � � ��
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � TITCH! sweetie Pieee!!! <3�
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    Meganemily  49, Female, United Kingdom - First entry!
Jun 2011
2:59 AM GMT

My Beestieee`s :P

Saskia Rogers,
Megan Milton,
Charlotte Bargeman

Luv yaa!
3 comment(s) - 03:10 AM - 06/28/2011
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    MyNameIsSteve  31, Male, Illinois, USA - 6 entries
Jun 2011
10:13 PM CST

Ass Itch

I give up on everyone. It's too much for me to deal with the same mind-numbingly dull personalities every day. They're all the same. Im not even sure anymore�if im any different. Id be happy if i could meet one person with a mind like mine so i could stop feeling insane and alone. I can't relate to anyone around here. I fucking hate feeling this way, i feel like other people would look at this as typical teenage high-school-drama bullshit... but im not in high school anymore, im not 12 years old anymore, i should stop being this way, i just cant seem to do it by myself.
i have my goals and plans on how to reach them. I just need to get far far away from here. I don't even know if anyone would understand what im trying to say. Ill be 18 on the 29th of this month. I plan on getting black out drunk and high as fuck. It'd be cool if i got laid too, but on account of how distant ive become with everyone, i doubt anything like that is gonna go down.

On an unrelated note, i have a deviantart account that i update far more often than this. i doubt ill even be back on here any time soon. If you're interested, here,
i like writing. I hate sharing it with people i know because... well... i think its weird for a guy to write shit like i do. but it helps to clear my mind so.... whatever...
and before you assume your ass off, no its not over dramatic poetry about how my life sucks. Im not THAT typical pfft.....
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    lyubomirb  35, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Jun 2011
11:12 PM CST

I tried to go the whole day without any pills, and then comes the night and�I am wide awake. I am having a withdraw and paniking, resisting to take another. I want to stop and have a normal life. I want to fall asleep without any drugs. Occasions became daily consumpsion. My blood pressure is high and I am trying everything to keep it low. but I cannot stop taking all these pills. Such an unbalanced life cycle I can no longer control. I don't know whats gona happen to me, I just know I have a lot of things to do tomorrow.

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    rockriver101  25, Female, Wyoming, USA - 2 entries
May 2011
3:32 PM

OMG!!! i hate todays and this weeks weather too. it sucks plus there is flood warnings every where!
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    kartika1703  37, Female, Indonesia - First entry!
May 2011
11:08 AM WIB

what are they want???

dear diary,
sunday, 22:51 WIB

baru hr ni q buka FB aku...
emang uda lama sh q g buka fb dr laptop, dan br mlm ni q buka
sepupu aku lgs sapa q ketika q br log-in fb dan kami pun berbincang2 sebentar
ternyata g sepenuhnya q dapat berita bagus dr dia, ternyata q malah jd kesal plus bingung slth dia berikan satu statment/ berita dr keluarga besar kami.

singkat cerita, sepupu kami yg baru lahiran (mskpun q uda jenguk dia k RS bersama doi) , meskipun q g ketemu sama ortu mereka, hnya ketemu dg mertuanya saja, q anggap bahwa dg begini q g dianggap lupa dg sodara ataupun menghindar dr mereka ketika q skr menjalin hub dg doi.

nah ceritanya, ketika q berbincang dg sepupu q ini d FB, dia britw bwha jumat kmrn ada akekahan bayi sepupu aku itu dan aku br tau hr ini, dan g ada yg beritau ttg hal ini atopun ngundang q sebagai perwakilan kelg.q sndr.
mskpn q g diundang/ diharapkan, setidaknya hargai kelg.aku/ ato setidaknya beritw aku jika emang ada acara sprti itu. q g berharap lebih, tp dg mrka bgini/ sengaja lupain aku, mrka pun melupakan keseluruhan dr kelg.aku. tu yg membuatku jengkel.

sekarang apa q tetep dianggap menghindar/ melupakan kelg.besar q jika kenyataannya merekaa yg menghindar/ melupakan/ bahkan mngkn tak mau dan sengaja melupakan aku dan kelg. aku ?

pantaskah aku marah?

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