I remember the way you use to kiss my lips and the way that your hands would ever so softly rub my skin and I think of the raging passion that I felt inside and I wonder could I ever feel that way again. You are an angel that was sent to me by heaven above. We shared more than our thoughts...we shared our lives, our hearts, and our souls. Together we laid� in a bed of love that only could come from above. I told you I would always love you and I do still love you till this day but the problem now is that the situation is more complicated that what it was....I can not just walk out of her door....I still love her but I love you more so the question then becomes what do I do...Do I stay or do I go or do I just get to love you when the chance comes along.....then the question becomes the next time that you make love to me what will I feel....will I stay or will I go.....the way you look and the way you dress is enough in itself to drive me crazy.....you were my first true love and I will never forget the moments of love that we shared and I just wonder when will I feel that way again.
That's what this is but what is boredom
its that feeling you get when you have absolutely nothing to do
but all you can think of is the things you'd rather be doing and the places you'd rather be
its sitting there with the tv in front of you and nothing's on so you turn on the radio
but there's nothing on the radio either none of your friends are available so all you really can do
is think and the thoughts you think you don't want to be thinking because they torture you
yup that's boredom and that's exactly what this is!!!!