tami2005's Journal

Oct 2011
5:03 PM CDT

I want you to know that I love you and I have enjoyed the times that we have shared and no matter what happens in the future I will always love you. You have brought such meaning to my life...you are the reason that I wake up in the mornings and the dreams that I dream about at night. You said that you needed your space and I am trying to respect you and your wishes but it is so hard to do.....knowing that within my heart I want to touch you and to kiss you and to let you know how much my heart yearns for you.....maybe one day you will come back to me and we can be as happy as we once were but until that day I will always have the memories of the times that we have shared and know my angel that I will never forget and that you will always be in my heart...I love you my heavenly angel......now and forever

Sep 2011
5:04 PM CDT

I remember the way you use to kiss my lips and the way that your hands would ever so softly rub my skin and I think of the raging passion that I felt inside and I wonder could I ever feel that way again. You are an angel that was sent to me by heaven above. We shared more than our thoughts...we shared our lives, our hearts, and our souls. Together we laid� in a bed of love that only could come from above. I told you I would always love you and I do still love you till this day but the problem now is that the situation is more complicated that what it was....I can not just walk out of her door....I still love her but I love you more so the question then becomes what do I do...Do I stay or do I go or do I just get to love you when the chance comes along.....then the question becomes the next time that you make love to me what will I feel....will I stay or will I go.....the way you look and the way you dress is enough in itself to drive me crazy.....you were my first true love and I will never forget the moments of love that we shared and I just wonder when will I feel that way again.

Feb 2011
5:04 PM CDT

I love you more than words can say

My dearest angel....I know that you can not love me back the way that I would want you to right now but know that I love you more than words could ever say. You have my whole heart. There is nothing in this world that I would not do that is within my reach for you. Your very touch can drive me crazy.....your smile lets me know that you need and want me....your kiss tells me how much you desire to hold me and to make love to me. I look at you and I see my future within your eyes. They say that you will know when you TRULY fall in love...well my heavenly angel I can say that I have found that person that I want to spend the rest of my life with....I know that I can not have you right now but my love for you is so strong that I will be here waiting for you to take me in your arms and say yes now we can be together....whenever that day may be....I will be here....patiently waiting for you to come to me.....but until that day I can enjoy the little moments that we get from time to time and those moments tell me how you truly feel about me...I love you my angel....with all of my heart, mind, body, and soul....

Jan 2011
5:04 PM CDT

My Angel Forever

When you love someone that can never love you back there comes a time you have to let them go.
That time has come for you and I but no matter where life leads you or I you will always be my angel and I will always love you.
You gave me pleasure that no one can fathom. You rocked my world and gave me my first orgasim.
The time has come that I must set you free and to be the wife that you need to be but always remember how much I love you.
Maybe one day our paths will cross again but until that day I will hold the memory close to my heart and know my angel that you ever need me that I am only a touch away.
Go now my heavenly angel to be the wife that you need to be and I'll keep you in my heart forever


Jan 2011
5:05 PM CDT

A poem my best friend Kimberly Harris wrote

everybody that knows me knows that i love to write. well i wrote this in training class one day


That's what this is but what is boredom

its that feeling you get when you have absolutely nothing to do

but all you can think of is the things you'd rather be doing and the places you'd rather be

its sitting there with the tv in front of you and nothing's on so you turn on the radio

but there's nothing on the radio either none of your friends are available so all you really can do

is think and the thoughts you think you don't want to be thinking because they torture you

yup that's boredom and that's exactly what this is!!!!

Jan 2011
6:49 PM CDT

Today was a good day. I kinda got mad at a couple of things but then again being here that is just a part of life and all I can do is bite my tongue. Hopefully one day we will be out of here and I will not have to worry about all that is going on here...The stress that I have from living here makes it so hard to keep my head on straight and not want to go back to the past but every day I get up and tell myself that it is not worth it and I have my family to talk to when I need them...I know that my mom is always here anytime that I need to talk to her and I am grateful for that. I just have to keep telling myself one day at a time and then one day I will wake up and this battle will be over....It will help to get in a different place but that will come in time....Thanks to my mom for being here for me when I need to talk to....you are more help than you know....I thank you for all you do and I love you.

1 comment(s) - 01:53 AM - 01/06/2011

Jan 2011
7:55 PM CDT

A good day

Today was a good day today. I helped daddy in the kitchen with cooking what was suppose to be our Christmas dinner but this will be our Christmas dinner since he was not here for Christ mas due to certain issus that we were dealing with. It has helped to keep my mind off of other things that I do not need to think about. There was a couple of times that I did think about what fun it could be but then again it is not worth living that lifestyle anymore. I am glad that I have this journal so that I can let my feelings been known if it is only on paper. This is helping me fight my battle that is raging inside of me but like I have said before I can only take this one day at a time....one day at a time....I can and I will win this battle......It is getting better day by day...I love my family and the support that they give me....There is nothing like having your family by your side when you need them the most.
1 comment(s) - 01:56 AM - 01/06/2011

Jan 2011
6:26 PM CDT

Another day

Today was a streesful day today. I just have to focus on that things will not always be this way and that there is always a brighter day. I have not done anything bad today so for that I am proud of myself. I did get mad at someone today for something that they said...it bothered me for a while but like I said I just have to remind myself every day that things will get better. I just have to bite my tongue and focus on the postive and know in my heart that the things that my family is going through will get better and one day we will have our own place and we all will be one happy family....My� focus right now in my life is staying clean although it is a daily fight that I must fight on my own and I will one day overcome this pain and struggle that is inside of me...the next focus in my life is finding a job so that I can help out my family and myself and be able to stand on my own two feet again with out someone being there to help me...I want to know that I can do it all on my own before I have someone special in my life that I have to take care of too....If I can manage these two things then I know my life will once again be what it is suppose to be. I know that I can do it with the help of my loving mom...my loving daddy and all of my loving sisters and that is all I need in life to keep my life on the straight path....I will do this....one day at a time....I just have to keep biting my tongue right now considering this is the only place that my family and I have and I will do that even though it is hard to do at times. I look at my little nephew that is four years old and I wish that I could be that young again because at that age you have nothing to worry about...Adults take care of you but then one day you wake up and you are an adult and that is when you reliaze that life is real and that life is hard....all you can do is hold your head high and look towards the future because as long as you can resist all temptation then you have a future and I just have to keep telling mysef that I do have a future and that I am loved by my family and that is all that I need in my life right now...Good night my dear journal and I will write again tomorrow.

Jan 2011
12:21 AM CDT

Happy New Year

It is now after New Year....and for once I can say that iwill remember this New Years because I am sober and not off with some friends getting high. It feels good to be able to know that I do not have to have the drugs anymore....It is a constant fight and I have to fight it every single day of my life......Maybe one day this sruggle with be over with but for now I just have to wake up each and every morning and say not today....today I will not do the drugs....today is my day to�prove to myself that I can live without them and I do not need them.......they are no longer my crrutch in life and I am happy with out them......thank you to my mom who has stood by my side through all of this with me and thanks for being there for me......without the love and the support that i get from my mom then it would no even do me any good to try because I would not succeed and that is why I say thank you and I know that with her by my side all things are possible and I will get over this....One day at a time......one day at time

tami2005's Profile

  • Username: tami2005
  • Gender / Age: Female, 39
  • Location: USA - Alabama
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