Nov 2009
8:08 AM MST

My heart has so much pain in it....

Nov 2009
6:32 AM MST

All I can think about is my Dad taking his own life, no matter how much pain he was in with the cancer. It not fair he could at least said good-bye to his own kids. When Uncle Mike told me his dying wish was NOT to contact any of us kids, I was hurt, sad, angry, mad, devastated, lost. He had seen me twice in two years because his wife forbidden it. Why? Why? Is all that keeps going through my mind? Why did he not want to say good-bye? What was wrong with our children that they did not deserve a grandpa? Why wasn't he there for us? Why didn't he tell his wife that we were his kids no matter what, and he was going to be in our lives? Or did he just not want to? Why did he choose to adopt me at two if he didn't plan to full fill the role as a father? Being a father or a Mother is forever or in till death. How could he be a father-grandfather to his wife’s kids but not his own. I had a man who adopted me at birth, who beat the living hell out of my mom and myself. My mom said the last straw was when he held me to the ceiling at 10months old dropping me to the crib because I was crying while he was beating her. She left that night. My Grandpa became a father to me till dad adopted me. I never gave up hope of meeting my real father (the donor) He was killed when I was 12yrs. old In a motorcycle accident, I was told he hit a 18 wheeler head on (both of them doing about 100 miles per hour) I was happy when dad adopted me, only to lose him 20 years later by his choice not to have anything to do with us kids. Then He decided to take his life with no good-bye, or go to hell, nothing. My mom died in 1992 and now my dad is gone. I never gave up hope he would want us back in his life, But The Fact Are The Fact Now. I am only left with pain and whys, which will never be answered. Maybe he was just selfish. I am so lucky to have my mom's late husband Gregg (dad) & his wife mom (Sharon) Without I don't know what I would do. I think of them as parents and have adopted them as my own. But what my dad did will forever haunt me, I can't help to think maybe that was his plan...

Oct 2009
11:40 AM MST

Ian sick of the girls fighting, over nothing. one want to be in control while the other wants to prove a point.

Oct 2009
11:39 AM MST

Colin off today. Colin got out of work really late.

Oct 2009
11:38 AM MST

Parris, Abigail, and I went to the library. Parris had a show to attend on books. Abigail and I got my books I placed on hold by Patricia Cornwell.Then Abigail took off to find her some books. After Parris class we waited till she found some books to check out. It alway like Christmas when you leave, since you can check out thirty-five books each. We stopped by McDonalds and got Abigail and I a soda. Then took Parris to Starbucks. I called Corina she just got back from her brothers trial. The judge saw he had changed and gave him as little as possible. Thank God!!!

Jan 2009
3:37 AM MST

My daughter has been really sick for 3 days with a fever. I feel so bad for her.

Jan 2009
3:37 AM MST

My daughter has been really sick for 3 days with a fever. I feel so bad for her.

Jan 2009
3:37 AM MST

My daughter has been really sick for 3 days with a fever. I feel so bad for her.

Jan 2009
3:37 AM MST

My daughter has been really sick for 3 days with a fever. I feel so bad for her.

Jan 2009
3:37 AM MST

My daughter has been really sick for 3 days with a fever. I feel so bad for her.

Jan 2009
3:36 AM MST

My daughter has been really sick for 3 days with a fever. I feel so bad for her.

Jan 2009
3:36 AM MST

My daughter has been really sick for 3 days with a fever. I feel so bad for her.

Jan 2009
3:35 AM MST

�I got an A in my first online class. I was kind of nerves because I haven't been in school for years. I got 1402 out of 1405 points. It was a essay class. I just started my next class ( exploring medical language ) on 1/26/09. I hope I do just as well. Then I will start taking more classes on 2/23/09 at Phoenix College, yeah!

Dec 2008
3:19 AM MST

online class

So far I have recieved all points possible on my essays. I hope I do as well on my first midterm.

2 comment(s) - 11:32 AM - 12/12/2008

Dec 2008
2:49 AM MST

Have a great weekend everybody!

Dec 2008
2:32 AM MST

Cleaning house and doing laundry.� I also have alot of home work to do as well. As well as doing the second part of my work-out today ( still sore from first work-out on Thursday) ( I hope it gets easier). Abby woke up at 8 am ( yeah me). Chilly in the house this morning. Honey and Cloe went out and got all muddy, just after I mopped the floor.� Colin stopped by the store. I made cimm. rolls. Colin sleeping. Turn in Midtern yesterday, it was due today. hopefully I recieve my grade today.

Oct 2008
11:27 AM MST

Went and got Abby's Heart vest today.Bought cake for Abby's Birthday at OTR.Bought her a couple snow globes.Honey had a piece of Birthday cake.(for his birthday which was yesterday.

Oct 2008
12:12 PM MST

Abby went to E.R. this morning for and irregular heart beat.Came home and rested.Then we went to Walmart took back phone charger.Then went to Frys to cash Colin's check.we then went to Home Depot to return round-up.Then we went to Mall to Build a Bear,Abby got blue bear & I got Hope bear.When we got home I heated up ribs and Bush beans.Colin laid back down. We all felt a little more sick with our colds today.

Oct 2008
9:11 AM MST

Worked 7:15 till 3pm. Colin picked Abby up Earlier and took her to book store to buy begginer reading books.Abby had a half a day today. There was a parade at abby's school.Colin went back to bed. bought max a bed

Oct 2008
11:20 AM MST

Abby teacher conference was at 4:20.Mrs Silverstein said Abby was the smartest kid.She had nothing to bad to say at all. Abby is above the class.

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    Favorite Books: Danielle Still