Oct 2009
11:38 AM MST

Parris, Abigail, and I went to the library. Parris had a show to attend on books. Abigail and I got my books I placed on hold by Patricia Cornwell.Then Abigail took off to find her some books. After Parris class we waited till she found some books to check out. It alway like Christmas when you leave, since you can check out thirty-five books each. We stopped by McDonalds and got Abigail and I a soda. Then took Parris to Starbucks. I called Corina she just got back from her brothers trial. The judge saw he had changed and gave him as little as possible. Thank God!!!

melissakaspszak's Profile

  • Username: melissakaspszak
  • Gender / Age: Female, 57
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    MELISSAKASPSZAK's Interests:

    Interests: My beautiful daughter, School, Scrap Boooking, Shopping, Eating out, spending time with my family. Computer, Dancing......

    Favorite Music: Rock-n-roll= Ac/Dc, Rolling stones, Savage Garden, Elvis, The Beetles, Janis Joplin, Kid-rock, Heart, Stevie Ray Vaughn, CCR, and a whole lot more

    Favorite Movies: Love stinks, Road House, Top Gun, Shattered, Wizard of Oz, 13 goinng on 30, Fools Rush In, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, A Man Apart, Triple X and alot more

    Favorite Television: All of the CSI's, House, Cold case files, and Days Of Our Lives.....

    Favorite Books: Danielle Still