Sep 2008
3:37 PM MST

Colin had to work. Today he brought me frozen dinners for the next four days.( that was nice) Abby had cheer./ pom 6pm-7pm. No break at work ,Three babies! ( timmy,Analisa, & Domanik. Colin was asleep when we lefted

Sep 2008
12:38 PM MST

Worked 7:50-4:39.(infant room all day, No break) 5 babies.

Sep 2008
12:35 PM MST

worked 7:50am-4:50pm.Couldn't find my good glasses.So i wore my old ones.Abby had cheer/pom at 6pm-7pm.Took shoes back to walmart. My phone died.Talked to Ashley.Stopped and washed my windows.I couldn't see anything out of them. I called wallgreens had them transfered medicine from walmart. Then went to pick up my pills on 51st Ave and bell road.

Sep 2008
12:48 PM MST


Work today at Over The Rainbow. helped jessica with the floor.Abby's 1st day of cheer class.Walked 2 miles.Went to Sonic Abby & I.

Aug 2008
2:57 AM MST


Dakotah & Ashleigh are here visiting from California. They got here last wednesday night and are leaving saturday. Colin is really sick with flu.Abby is so excited to see here sisters.It's been nice having them here.

May 2008
10:35 AM MST

Abby & I went to go get gas at QT.Then we went to the new dollar store to get cards for Grandma's birthday.Then we went to post office to mail box to Colin sweet daughters,also mailed pictures to Grandma & Grandpa Kaspszak,Michelle,Paul,Robby,aunt Glenda and Mamaw.Abby & I went to Kinkos to re turn pictures for new ones.then we dropped off goodwill stuff,went to Walmart,then to CVS for my photo I forgot.Then came home made lunch & started cleaning,laundry,etc..Called Mamaw today,Steve is staying there again for free.

May 2008
8:16 AM MST

Abigail & I went to church today.Pastor Brad was there.

Jul 2007
5:28 AM MST

My birthday is today! I'm feeling happy but a little sad that I'm one more year closer to 40. I got alot of nice things from Colin & Abigail for my birthday-Shoes,computer light,movie,pen set,Mom necklace,my nail's done,Bubble bath set,lunch at Uncle charlie's,Swimming at the spa,Steak dinner. Also going to have cake.My 4yr old gave me stickers & a bratz tatoo as well.Colin takes his Rn test today.I also got a new job yesterday.
Tags: Birthday

Jul 2007
2:41 AM MST

colin hurt my feelings so badly today.He does this alot.He had no concern with how much he keeps hurting me.It alot these days,name calling,etc...He hurts me alot when it comes to abby.she was all I ever wanted and a good husband to love me and share our daughter's experiences with.He made this impossible.

May 2007
1:28 PM MST

I feel very lost at a dead end.Life wasn't suppose to be like this.Does it ever get easier?

May 2007
5:30 PM MST

I'm worried and scared of making a wrong move.

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melissakaspszak's Profile

  • Username: melissakaspszak
  • Gender / Age: Female, 57
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    MELISSAKASPSZAK's Interests:

    Interests: My beautiful daughter, School, Scrap Boooking, Shopping, Eating out, spending time with my family. Computer, Dancing......

    Favorite Music: Rock-n-roll= Ac/Dc, Rolling stones, Savage Garden, Elvis, The Beetles, Janis Joplin, Kid-rock, Heart, Stevie Ray Vaughn, CCR, and a whole lot more

    Favorite Movies: Love stinks, Road House, Top Gun, Shattered, Wizard of Oz, 13 goinng on 30, Fools Rush In, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, A Man Apart, Triple X and alot more

    Favorite Television: All of the CSI's, House, Cold case files, and Days Of Our Lives.....

    Favorite Books: Danielle Still