Oct 2008
11:27 AM MST

Went and got Abby's Heart vest today.Bought cake for Abby's Birthday at OTR.Bought her a couple snow globes.Honey had a piece of Birthday cake.(for his birthday which was yesterday.

melissakaspszak's Profile

  • Username: melissakaspszak
  • Gender / Age: Female, 57
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    MELISSAKASPSZAK's Interests:

    Interests: My beautiful daughter, School, Scrap Boooking, Shopping, Eating out, spending time with my family. Computer, Dancing......

    Favorite Music: Rock-n-roll= Ac/Dc, Rolling stones, Savage Garden, Elvis, The Beetles, Janis Joplin, Kid-rock, Heart, Stevie Ray Vaughn, CCR, and a whole lot more

    Favorite Movies: Love stinks, Road House, Top Gun, Shattered, Wizard of Oz, 13 goinng on 30, Fools Rush In, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, A Man Apart, Triple X and alot more

    Favorite Television: All of the CSI's, House, Cold case files, and Days Of Our Lives.....

    Favorite Books: Danielle Still