mOmmy2Be's Journal

Mar 2007
10:39 PM CDT

A True Best Friend

I don't think you know her,
She's not very popular.
She's the most beautiful person I know,
And she always makes me feel great.
She knows how to brighten my day,
Even if it's the darkest one yet.
She always has my back,
No matter what.
She's a True Best Friend.
She has a heart of gold.
She has hair of dark brown.
She's my angel.
She's my soon-to-be childs' God Mother.
She's the only one who understands me 24/7.
We've been through thick and thin,
Ups and downs,
Boys and more boys,
And even stupid girls.
We've been through hard times,
And we've been through good times.
We enjoy each other's company.
No matter what time of day.
She's the first person I talk to in the morning.
And the last person I talk to when I go to sleep.
She'a a True Best Friend.
She has her fault's,
But, then again, who in this world doesn't?
She sees every tear.
She catches the next,
And she stops the third.
She is there and already knows what's going on before anyone else.
She's the type of person that you can give your life to,
And not expect her to hide it,
or give it back.
She's always here for me,
Whenever I need her.
She drops everything for me,
And she'll use her last drop of gas to come get me,
And not expect nothing in return.
She's A True Best Friend.
Her name is Elisha Lynn and she's the most amazing person I know. Girl, you're my angel and I love you so, so much.

Much Love from me and the baby...
Best Friends Forever and Always
May 2006 - 'til the day we die!

Mar 2007
2:08 PM CDT

I got this out of a MAXIM magazine, which belonged to my best friends' dad, so I thought that I'd add it in here, too. The article is actually quite funny! And the pictures are out-of-sight!
Can your parts handle three days of backbreaking,
body-numbing sex? We'll see about that private!





Weapons of mass seduction.

Mar 2007
2:06 PM CDT

These are some short phrases that I got in text messages and in e-mails and I just thought they were worth putting in my journal. Most of them are from my best friend.

Best Friends
Friends ask why you're crying, but best friends already have
the shovel to bury the asshole who made you cry.

The Key To A Girl's Heart
A Girl wants what she can't have, period. Guys, If you don't
understand, leave her alone.

Every girl needs her own special to feel beautiful. Whether this
day is everyday, once a month, or one day, she doesn't need a
man to tell her she's special.

True Friends
A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second one, and
stops the third tear.

Who Matters?
There comes a point in your life when you realize who really
matters, who never did, and who never will.

Love Hurts
Love is giving someone the ability to hurt and crush you, and
trusting them not to.

I Promise
I promise I'll never forget the day we kissed, or the day we met.
The sky may fall and the stars my too, but in the end, I will still
love you.

First Sight
When I first saw you, I was afraid to meet you.
When I first met you, I was afraid to kiss you.
When I first kissed you, I was afraid to love you.
Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.

I Do
If you're asking if I need you, the answer is forever.
If you're asking if I'll leave you, the answer is never.
If you're asking what I value, the answer is you.
If you're asking if I love you, the answer is I do.

Mar 2007
2:03 PM CDT


Caring and kind. Smart. The center of attention. Too sexy, damnit.
Very high sex appeal. Has the last word. The best to find, and the
hardest to keep. Fun to be around. Freak in the sheets. Extremely
weird, but in a good way. Good sense of humor. Thoughtful. A partner
for life. Always gets what he or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular.
Silly, fun, and sweet.

Mar 2007
2:12 PM CDT


I thought about you today.
It isn't anything new.
I think about you everyday, but today it made me blue.
I looked through pictures of us.
And I thought of all the good times we shared.
But something wasn't right; Something is missing.
Something deep inside my heart.
I'm trying to start over; I'm trying to get over you.
But there's something holding me back.
I wish we were still together.
Forever, just like we said.
'Cause the truth is, I still love you.
Time goes by so slowly.
And it seems like I'm nothing without you.
Just a soul, pacing the Earth.
Or a person without a face.
There's no other like you in this place.
You're one of a kind.
You stole my heart away from me.
And I thought that I stole yours, too.
But you stole it back from me.
I love you so much.
And I don't want to let you go, but I'm going to have to.
So that we can get on with our lives.
It's so hard not seeing you.
Not being with you, in each other's arms.
All this hatred inside me wants to come out.
Why do I want to hate you so much?
I don't; I love you with all my heart.
I can't be mad at you.
You did what you had to do.
If it's right for you, then I hope it's right for me.
But I feel so empty without you.
Why do I feel this way?
It hurts so much, and I hear your voice saying you love me.
It echoes inside my head.
I need you.
You're like oxygen, without you, I'd die.
I just want you to know, that however long it takes;
I'm here, waiting patiently, for you to love me back.
I'll wait a lifetime for you.

Mar 2007
1:58 PM CDT

So Many Things

Ther are so many things,
Your heart and love brings.
You moved away, without thinking of today.
And how man times have you written me rhymes?
So, now it's my turn.
ANd take it from me to learn.
There are so many things.
I sit in m room, thinking of how our love bloomed.
Like a wildflower in spring,
There are so many things.
So many things to keep us together,
To make our lives better.
So many things to break us apart,
I love you with all of my heart.
So many thigns in this crazy place,
Without you, I'm a head-case.
There are so man things,
Your heart and love brings.
I can show you how much I love you,
With so many things.
I'll love you for an eternity.
I'll love you in serenity.
I can't help but wonder,
If our love will blunder.
I'll love you forever and never forget that beautiful smile.
Because with so many things,
I'll show you what my heart and love brings.

Mar 2007
1:57 PM CDT

Nothing In This World

Love ended here today,
And the dreams we used to share.
I watched you walk away,
As you told me you still cared.
Now, I can't believe you're gone.
How could you say goodbye?
You told me you'd never make me cry.
You said nothing in this world would come between us.
YNo way you'd ever let me go.
You said nothing in this world would come between us.
What did you know?
What difference does it make if I understand,
The promises we break are never what we planned.
'Cause we planned to stay together until forever,
And now forever has just come to and end.
You said goodbye.
I hear it echo through this empty place inside.
Let it rain, just let it rain; No, let it pour.
Now there's nothing left between us, but the lonely days.
You said nothing in this world would come between us.
No way you'd ever let me go.
You said nothing in this world would come between us.
WHat did you know?
You left me in the cold with no blanket to protect me.
How could you leave me like that?
You said nothing in this world would come between us.
What did you know?

Mar 2007
1:56 PM CDT

My New Best Friend

Today, I met a great new friend, who knew me right away.
It was funny how she understood, all I had to say.
She listened to my problems.
She listened to my dreams.
We talked abotu love and life.
She'd been there, too, it seems.
I never once felt judged by her,
She knew just how I felt.
She seemed to just accept me,
And all the problems I've been dealt.
She didn't interrupt me.
Or need to have her say.
She just listened patiently,
And never went away.
I wanted her to understand,
How much this meant to me,
But as I leaned into hug her,
Something startled me.
I put my arms in front of me,
And went to pull her nearer,
And realized that my new best friend,
Was nothing, but a mirror!

Author Unknown

Mar 2007
1:54 PM CDT

Mr. Right

He is the guy you meet, when all you need is a friend.
He is the guy you meet, when all you need is a hand.
He is the guy that makes you smile.
He is the guy that is worthwhile.
He is the guy you found.
He is the guy who is always around.
Did you ever think you would feel this feeling?
Or what about your happiness hitting the ceiling?
He is the one who is never sorrow.
He is the one you will be with tomorrow.
Or have you had a perfect day, that started out crappy?
Has he ever stuck up for you, or put his life on the limb?
Did you think you could love someone more than a friend?
If so, it's him.

Mar 2007
1:52 PM CDT


It was all lies.
Everything you said to me.
It was all lies.
How you said we were meant to be.
It was all lies.
Everytime you said you loved me.
It was all lies.
I knew it wasn't true.
It was all lies.
When you said you'd call me right back.
It was all lies.
Every word out of your mouth.
It was all lies.
Everytime you speak.
It was all lies.
Every word in the poems you wrote.
It was all lies.
You wrote the same ones to Jade every night.
It was all lies.
Our relationship stank.
It was all lies.
And all your friends think I'm a skank.
Itr was all lies.
"I love you, baby!"
It was all lies.
Well, I did love you, but not anymore because
this time, I'm not going to made out as a whore!
And not as a little toy to you.
It was all lies.
And now I can finally say,
"I hate you, and now that I'm over you, I don't need
you and all your LIES!!"

Mar 2007
1:34 PM CDT

An Unmistakable Break In Time

The world seemed to stop in its tracks, as people from all
over the world stopped what they were doing and we all watched
in horror. I know I did. I had no idea what to do. I was too
young to do or say anything, but I know it's a day I will NEVER

Through the love and the pain,
Through the hope and despair,
The past collided with the future.
Every man became a hero,
Every child became innocent.
Time has fallen apart.
We strive for the survivors,
And pray for the lost.
All became one.
Everything became nothing.
People stand together in all nations.
The vision of what has happened could never change.
For it has altered history.
The memories will never be forgotten.
For those who celebrate, are malicious.
Now, we rise stronger.
Now every breath we recieve, may be our last.
But what we long for so much, will never come back.
The black smoke brings a tear to your eyes.
But the depiction brings many.
Many offer out their hearts.
So we'll never give in.
As many as are amid the angels.
Our unity will survive any attack.
We should truly embrace all that we have,
because we may not have it anymore.
So we'll always remember.
Because we can't forget love.
In our hearts forever.
It has truly become a day to remember.
So we'll never forget lives lost.
And all the hurt families.
We pray everyday.
And God strengthens us to make our lives better.
We will never forget the tragedy of September 11th, 2001.

Mar 2007
1:31 PM CDT

All-Star Kid Award

This is to certify that

Sarah Mata

is an All-Star Kid, special in more ways than one.
You're someone who does things
that others are proud of,
You're someone who's always such fun.
At home or in school, with family or friends,
all those around you can see
You're one of the nicest and greatest kids ever,
and you're liked just as much as can be!!!

Presented to Sarah Mata on the 15th of February 2000
by William R. K. Bearden

Feb 2007
4:14 AM CDT

Last Chance

Hold my hand on the moonlight.

Help me see forever in just one night.

Don't just speak words, in which I've already heard.

Be different, be real; Make my heart stand still.

Speak to me with your eyes.

Wipe my tears, if I should cry.

Come closer to me; your arms are where I want to be.

Sing me a song.

And don't leave me in the night all alone.

Be at my side, when the morning sun rises high.

Don't tellme you love me, unless you know it's true.

I don't want another heartbreak.

That much pain, I cannot take.

Only come to me, when forever us you see.

Can you be my friend, until all times end?

Or are you just another guy, who wants to see me cry?

I need your answer today. Before I travel forever on my way.

Once gone, I won't return.

You only have one last bridge to burn.

So make up your mind;

Be gentle, be kind.

Don't stay if you can't give me your heart.

I'm going to be strong enough to make a brand-new start.

Feb 2007
4:06 AM CDT

You Were It

My problem, my blindness from the world.

My soul, my heart, my love.

The hatred inside me;

The coldness in winter.

It was you.

You drove me crazy.

I didn't sleep at night.

Day after day; Night after night.

I was obsessed.

It was you.

Now, today, I look back.

To me, you're nobody.

A soul trapped in glass.

I'm up here; You're down there.

Blindness is gone;

And all this was you.

Feb 2007
3:16 AM CDT

Forever Goodbye
I can still feel the wind blowing, harsh and cold.
As the end of our time together began to unfold.
I walked away, feeling there was nothing left to say.
I let go of you, wondering where I'd go and what I'd do.
I'd be missing love once shared.
And leaving behind the one who claimed to care.
But for all the words unspoken;
My heart would be forever broken.
Broken hearts can mend, but can never take pain back in.
You left me with tears in my heart.
Looking for a brand-new start.
I shall always remember our time together.
But this goodbye shall be forever.
Don't call if you should think of me;
Don't come by, if my face you wish to see.
I'm leaving on a train, with tracks leading away.
But never back again.
I thought I loved you, I thought you loved me.
But I guess I was wrong, it wasn't meant to be.

mOmmy2Be's Profile

  • Username: mOmmy2Be
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Texas
    MOMMY2BE's Interests:

    About Me: Well, for starters, I'm 18, and I'm with a guy that I love very much, and I'm pregnant. I love to write, but I can only do it when I'm in the mood. I am still in high school, but I will graduate in May of this year.

    Interests: I like to write, read, watch tv, hang out with my friends and my hunny bunny, Ryan. I like to just chill and do whatever.

    Favorite Music: I like all kinds of music. Anything, that appeals to me.

    Favorite Movies: Any good movies.

    Favorite Television: Anything that's good.

    Favorite Books: I always like a good book.

    MOMMY2BE's Friends: