mOmmy2Be's Journal

Mar 2007
1:58 PM CDT

So Many Things

Ther are so many things,
Your heart and love brings.
You moved away, without thinking of today.
And how man times have you written me rhymes?
So, now it's my turn.
ANd take it from me to learn.
There are so many things.
I sit in m room, thinking of how our love bloomed.
Like a wildflower in spring,
There are so many things.
So many things to keep us together,
To make our lives better.
So many things to break us apart,
I love you with all of my heart.
So many thigns in this crazy place,
Without you, I'm a head-case.
There are so man things,
Your heart and love brings.
I can show you how much I love you,
With so many things.
I'll love you for an eternity.
I'll love you in serenity.
I can't help but wonder,
If our love will blunder.
I'll love you forever and never forget that beautiful smile.
Because with so many things,
I'll show you what my heart and love brings.

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mOmmy2Be's Profile

  • Username: mOmmy2Be
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Texas
    MOMMY2BE's Interests:

    About Me: Well, for starters, I'm 18, and I'm with a guy that I love very much, and I'm pregnant. I love to write, but I can only do it when I'm in the mood. I am still in high school, but I will graduate in May of this year.

    Interests: I like to write, read, watch tv, hang out with my friends and my hunny bunny, Ryan. I like to just chill and do whatever.

    Favorite Music: I like all kinds of music. Anything, that appeals to me.

    Favorite Movies: Any good movies.

    Favorite Television: Anything that's good.

    Favorite Books: I always like a good book.

    MOMMY2BE's Friends: