MrsOakley's Journal

Mar 2010
8:18 AM CST

My Fiancee and I Have Finally Picked The Date For Our Wedding...July 10th, 2010...We'll Being Having It In His Home Town...For One His Family Is Larger And Mine Are Willing To Drive To Be Apart Of The Celebration...Two Decorah Is Absolutely Beautiful For A Wedding...

3 comment(s) - 11:09 AM - 03/20/2010

Feb 2009
7:42 AM CST


I want children and with the way my life is going that isn't going to happen.� Everytime I put my heart on the line the guy gets bored and absent.� When did finding someone to love and love you back become nonexistent?� I'm in a relationship at the moment and all I get is the silent treatment when I want to talk about the future.� He's is a great guy and says he wants to settle down, but I only hear this after a six pack.� He's stationed in Vegas and I just got called back home to Texas to take care of my sickly mother.� I've lived here in Vegas�part time since before thanksgiving and now when I'm just beginning to get used to the weather here my mom falls sick.� I tried talking with my boyfriend about what to do when I leave... either take a break or push through the distance... and I got a shrug of the shoulders.� I know I shouldn't dwell on the little stuff but he proposed a week after I moved permanently to Vegas... or so I thought.� I told him I would think about my answer and I was about to tell him yes when I got the news about my mother.� I'm out of answers and I don't know what to do.

Mar 2007
1:17 AM CST

As of today my friend Sarah is 3 months pregnant. I'm so excited.

I was the first to find out after her boyfriend and of course her. duh.

Then she calls me a few days later telling me that her big brother found out and told her parents before she had a chance to decide what she was going to do with the baby.

By that time she already knew deep down that she was keeping the baby because her doctors said she couldn't have kids.

This baby is going to be so spoiled by Aunt EE (me) that Sarah won't have to think twice about asking me to baby sit. I really can't wait to see who the baby looks more like. Hopefully SARAH.....
1 comment(s) - 08:58 AM - 03/16/2007

Mar 2007
1:08 AM CST

Spring break so far has flew by too fast, but yesterday I found out that I don't have a job anymore until between April 1st - 7th. This sucks because I have to make today's paycheck last until April 13, 2007.
Fuck that it will be gone after I pay my insurance for 2 months. Which means I will barely be able to drive to class three days a week because I won't have gas money. No money to party with at all.

Mar 2007
9:34 PM CST

I see the walls around me and I can't help but think they are getting farther from me. This doesn't necessarily mean I'm free. It's more like a tease. The candle on the table across the room still flickers reminding me that I'm still inside behind the bars constructed by my mind. This is the life I've created around me. The love of my friend is the only thing that frees me long enough to see how great the world should be for me.

She draws next to me with the dry erase of the symbols that represent our key. The different meanings flash out to me. Our birthdays, which her's is today. Restrictions fallaway for she is 18 today. Our next green break arrives shortly to another moment of glee.

Mar 2007
9:22 PM CST

I maybe a yankee by birth, but I was raised a Texas girl.
I may be blonde by heart, but my roots give me away.
My best friend is a 5 foot 6 structure of attitude that always has my back
Even when the road gets bumpy.
I will forever be Daddy's little girl, but Mama's baby.
The blood that runs through my veins is the blood lineof strong women
With the temper of the amazon.
I might not find the guy for me but I will expierence great sex on the way.

The blood runs from my chest to the ground where my heart now lays. Broken again by the wrong thing. I thought this would be different with you, but like most songs nobody knew. My life isn't over for I still see my heart beating waiting for the next heartache to come through.

Mar 2007
7:53 AM CST

Happy Birthday To You

You are now of age
And with this you will gain wisdom,
For your family and I love you so much.
You will bring me so much joy with the arrival of
My goddchild.
Too bad I won't be going through it with you.
But you will take enough for the both of us.
You have been in my life for almost a year.
We have been through so much
And somehow we are still here
Next to each other
Like we're secret lovers.

You are trully my forever loyal warrior and bodyguard.
Someone one day will write songs and books about
Our kind of friendship.
No amount of affection or words will ever explain
How much I depend on your opinion
Like from the guys I fall for to the clothes I wear
And the way my hair falls when you straighten it.
Chicks before Pricks
Always and Forever
From May 2006 to our dying day!!!

I Love You, Hot Mama!

1 comment(s) - 02:25 AM - 03/04/2007

Feb 2007
1:29 AM CST

Elisha Makel Lynn
Written: January 2007

My Sister

Today's a new day, it started off right,
Until I recieved a phone call later that night.
It was my sister callin' me.
She said she had a rough night.
Later on, I'm driving beneath the moonlight,
Heading to a bar I call a dive.
When I arrived, she was toasted.
With the help of two guys,
We were on our way past the motel lights.
I look over at her and wonder
How raising three boys must feel.
When she needed help the most, she was all alone.
Until the night I recieved a phone call.

This is for my sister, Erica Rice. I think about
you all the time, and I'm always here if you need
me. I love you and be safe.

Feb 2007
1:28 AM CST

Elisha Makel Lynn
Written: Spring 2003

Turning around, A speeding bus.
It's coming after us, no, it has caught us, and two other cars.
Fiberglass and metal tangling together like siblings fighting.
Glass flies as wild as a caged bird being freed.
Glass in my hair.
Oh God! It's everywhere!
Blood-stained clothes from the cut in the back of my head,
Broken bones, bruises, and lost memories.
Our truck is an accordian; No use saving it now.
We CAN'T pay the hospital bills,
Bill collectors suffocate us.
But it's only the endless chase with reality.

This poem is dedicated to my mother, Frances Rader.
When I was 10 years old, my mother and I were rear-ended
by a city bus on our way home. My mom's neck was broken,
and I got staples in the back of my head. I have never been
so scared. I thought I was about to lose my mother. So, this
is to you mom, I love you, and be safe.

Feb 2007
7:59 AM CST

Elisha Makel Lynn
Written: Febraury 12, 2007

Friends & Me

My friends mean so much to me.
And the little ones they bring.
But what about me?
Where are my little ones?
When will they be brought to me?
Wrapped in little blankets and booties.
The time for my friends is now,
and when it is my time,
I shall be proud.
Of my friends and their little ones.
For my little ones will be wrapped in my arms soon.

This poem is dedicated to my best friends,
who are like family.
You're all my sisters. I love you all.

*Krystel�Garcia - Haylie: April 30, 2007
*Nicole�Gonzales - Miguel: May 30, 2007
*Brittany Smith - Landyn: September 20, 2007
*Sarah Mata - Austin: September 24, 2007


Jan 2007
3:15 AM CST

Why is life such a bitch?
1 comment(s) - 06:13 PM - 02/20/2007

Jan 2007
3:28 AM CST

I actually like my teachers and they seem to be exciting. Government: We don't take notes and he's going to try to play music videos everyday. English Comp: She young but she seems to have a good writing plan.

Jan 2007
3:24 PM CST

Writing bits to songs is very simple. You can take the smallest influence on you a put to good use. I write songs throughout the day. Just scribble whatever is on your mind and come back to it later with a few ideas on what the word or phrase or even paragraph mean to you. So don't just forget what was on your mind write it down and use some creativity.

Jan 2007
12:45 PM CST

Ask me why I keep on loving you when it's clear you don't feel the same way for me... the problem is that as much as I can't force you to love me, I can't force myself to stop loving you. -Unknown

Jan 2007
11:20 AM CST

Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars. -Violeta Parra

MrsOakley's Profile

  • Username: MrsOakley
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Nevada
    Photo Album

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    MRSOAKLEY's Interests:

    About Me: I'm easygoing, but hardworking. I hate when I'm out of a job(no money).

    Interests: Working, school, and singing. Oh, and family and friends.

    Favorite Music: All kinds but I rest towards country.

    Favorite Movies: Too many to list.

    Favorite Books: I'll give favorite authors Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and others...

    MRSOAKLEY's Friends: