kevinkoppel's Journal

Dec 2006
12:12 PM EDT

a dawn upon a new found respect of both mind and spirit will be the path to peace. with an understanding of self and the realities of what society says is true, one may find comfort in sleep. For now I lay awake and paint the ceiling with my eyes. at some point my lids will brace my strained eyes, and i will begin to chase my deams through memories and mistakes. the clock will strike on the hour and i will snap back into this predetermined, meaningless life. as a child the holidays are magical. presents. homemade food. family. all tightly packed between four walls together as one. happiness and laughter ring through the sounds of tearing paper and christmas carrols. as i get older i see it on a broader levelv. its no longer about family or Christ but an excuse for people to go nd purchase an identity at the local shopping enter or mall. it is fucking depressing
1 comment(s) - 02:15 PM - 12/21/2006

kevinkoppel's Profile

  • Username: kevinkoppel
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
    KEVINKOPPEL's Interests:

    About Me: Kevin Russel Koppel Poet. Musician. Artist. child. im optomistic. im simple. im intellegent. enjoy.

    Interests:  Music. Poetry. Art. Photography. Literature.

    Favorite Television: Read a book.