kevinkoppel's Journal

Dec 2006
12:04 PM EDT

a grey film smothers the southern california sky. or at least the sky that i am looking at. About a month until my 18th birthday and i feel just as lost and scared as i did when i started my teen years. as you grow you mature and it always seemed as if answers came with age. they dont. I have not one answer to any of my questions. I am 17, my name is kevin koppel, and my life is a wreck. those are my constants. those are the things i can rely on to be true at all times. Its depressing. Its cold, and not very wlecoming. im content with who and what i am, for what i understand, but there is always a feeling of doubt. i doubt my feelings, i doubt my actions, i doubt myself in every way. im a fucking manican for the whole world top gauk at and pick apart. society dresses me in the finest clothes and then strips me down for all to see me bare and naked. i am a walking advertisement for all the wrong things. fuck my face. fuck my name. The only thing that matters is that i can see. thank god for the blessing of vision, for i can see the coprruption and the depression that america desparately tries to mask. without being able to see this i would be another capitalistic bastard caught up in politics. well im not in politics, but i certainly have a voice.
1 comment(s) - 07:08 PM - 03/06/2007

kevinkoppel's Profile

  • Username: kevinkoppel
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
    KEVINKOPPEL's Interests:

    About Me: Kevin Russel Koppel Poet. Musician. Artist. child. im optomistic. im simple. im intellegent. enjoy.

    Interests:  Music. Poetry. Art. Photography. Literature.

    Favorite Television: Read a book.