irene's Journal

Sep 2007
2:42 AM EDT

Now he is mad I warned him that I would hurt hi if he eey hurt yy friend or me again I would hurt him

Aug 2007
11:15 PM EDT

Hi! Calum and me are ot mad at each othe ay more, I a i sixth grade ow and he asked me to the dance! SHould I say no or ys?

May 2007
3:57 AM EDT

Dear Journal,
Whats with all the quotes on the top??? I am so bored. Today I had to write this Letter in the coloniel times. It was kinda fun. Well there is nothig to write. Well there is somethig to write but I wrote in my private joural....
1 comment(s) - 04:03 PM - 05/10/2007

May 2007
4:29 AM EDT

May 7,2007 Monday : Stuff
Dear Journal,
Today we had another science experiment. It was about Mass or something like weight. It was so borring (not gonna get into the details). I don't know what to write about...Oh I know! I have this new friend in Her name is Casey. We are pen pals. She is 11 or 12. WHat else is there to write about. Nothing!!!!!!!! Except for the fact that I am a retard for writing stuid things when nobdy is even reading this!!! Oh well better just talk about stupid poems. Nahh. That would be way to borring. Oh well I will just talk about some stupid thigs like bows and wall papper lol. SO bored. Hey somebodey solve this code
See if you ca solve it...
1 comment(s) - 04:45 PM - 05/07/2007

May 2007
4:28 AM EDT

May 5,2007 Saturday
Dear Journal,
Hey sorry for not writing in you for so long. Been kinda busy. Today we one the basket ball game byeightpoints. ext time we are V.S the Monarchs. Stuid Name for a team no offense. I can't wait to get back to New York But for now I am so dead in Tawain. Well Can't write much more.


Apr 2007
12:34 AM EDT

April 25,2007 Wensday : American Revelutioarry War
Dear Journal,
Today we are learning about the Revealutionary War.It was sort of intresting. But not instresting enough. So I luached a questio about King HenreyIII and got the teacher to switch the subject. Hehehe. I am a eviel master mind. Thats what Kevien and Benita said. It was fun. We had to write like colenist to.Well I got to go. Sorry
P.S Promise I will write moe tommorow

Apr 2007
2:28 AM EDT

April 24,2007 Tuseday : Science experiments
Dear Journal,
Today we had a science project. We put ice into a pan. The pan is on the hot plate. Then We observed what happend. Natrally it melted. It stunk. Steam started coming out and the waterr started boiling. Mrs.Gorf took the pan off and she went into the classroom. She told us to stay out there to make sure no one steps on the hot plate. I decided to do a more excited experiment of my own. I tested the heatness of the hot plate by putting a blue scrap of paper o the hot plate. It was so hot that almost instanly it turrned black and started smoking! Calum and Lizzy backed away because they thought it would exploud. I knew better then them. I took two forks and I scraped them off. Whe Athnony came out I took a white sca of paper and did the same thing. Anthony thought it was cool. I guess the science project is pretty cool
1 comment(s) - 10:43 AM - 04/24/2007

Apr 2007
1:48 AM EDT

April 23,2007 Monday : School Days
Dear Journal,
My school is gigantic. The school I go to is Taipei American School. There are so may students there. The grades go from little babies that arethree years old to the 1st year of college.Today I can'twritemuch. I've got homework. I have Vocabulary, Study Links, Everyday Mathematics, History, Writing, Chinese, singing and piano. I wish we had art homewok because I love to draw. In art we made candles and right now we are making candle holders. Then there's my teacher Mrs.Gorf (not her real last name). She's nice I suppose. But she is not nice when she gets angrey. I swear sometimes when she is really mad there are tiny horns growing on her head. She freaks me out. Ashely agrees with me. Oh forgot to tell you we are starting a new uit on poetry. This is one I've writen
Calmness is like the deepest blue youcould imagine
Like the rythem of theocean swaying beside you
Like when you feel likecrying when theres no body there for you
Like whe you relize you don't belong any where

Apr 2007
10:10 PM EDT

April 22,2007 Sunday : About me
Dear Journal,
I am 11 years old. My name is Irene. In Greek that means peace. My brother Justin says I am the opposite of that. I am not greek though. I am asian though I speak better english. Write better too. I have dark glossy black hair. Dark brown eyes, and tan skin. I like to play soccer, read, write, play on the computer in my spare time. My favorite color is blue. I have many friends in NewYork and Tawain. I moved here (Tawain) three years ago. Other then that I lived my life in New York. My best friends in new york are Samatha and Stephanie. I used to hang out with Stephanie a lot. So often that people would usally mistaken us as sisters....sometimes twins. Samatha is younger then me but she is youthful, mature and fun. My best friend here in Tawain is Sheridan. She is so nice. She is like a playful sister. And Joey. He was my first boy best friend. I had so much memberies with him. But then he had to move.
Well I type in you tommorow.
-Irene Liao

irene's Profile

  • Username: irene
  • Gender / Age: Female, 29
  • Location: USA - New York