irene's Journal

Apr 2007
1:48 AM EDT

April 23,2007 Monday : School Days
Dear Journal,
My school is gigantic. The school I go to is Taipei American School. There are so may students there. The grades go from little babies that arethree years old to the 1st year of college.Today I can'twritemuch. I've got homework. I have Vocabulary, Study Links, Everyday Mathematics, History, Writing, Chinese, singing and piano. I wish we had art homewok because I love to draw. In art we made candles and right now we are making candle holders. Then there's my teacher Mrs.Gorf (not her real last name). She's nice I suppose. But she is not nice when she gets angrey. I swear sometimes when she is really mad there are tiny horns growing on her head. She freaks me out. Ashely agrees with me. Oh forgot to tell you we are starting a new uit on poetry. This is one I've writen
Calmness is like the deepest blue youcould imagine
Like the rythem of theocean swaying beside you
Like when you feel likecrying when theres no body there for you
Like whe you relize you don't belong any where
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irene's Profile

  • Username: irene
  • Gender / Age: Female, 29
  • Location: USA - New York