irene's Journal

May 2007
4:29 AM EDT

May 7,2007 Monday : Stuff
Dear Journal,
Today we had another science experiment. It was about Mass or something like weight. It was so borring (not gonna get into the details). I don't know what to write about...Oh I know! I have this new friend in Her name is Casey. We are pen pals. She is 11 or 12. WHat else is there to write about. Nothing!!!!!!!! Except for the fact that I am a retard for writing stuid things when nobdy is even reading this!!! Oh well better just talk about stupid poems. Nahh. That would be way to borring. Oh well I will just talk about some stupid thigs like bows and wall papper lol. SO bored. Hey somebodey solve this code
See if you ca solve it...
1 comment(s) - 04:45 PM - 05/07/2007

irene's Profile

  • Username: irene
  • Gender / Age: Female, 29
  • Location: USA - New York