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XoXcaseyXoX's Journal
May 2007
10:46 PM EDT
5th of may 4:40pm
Yes i am writting this at my friends house from my maraculas sick recovery.....
not much to say realy as my friends probably want me to hurry up... he he he ...
Well im here finally, we went to the Swimming Pool and when
was getting out of the pool she cute her foot, she might need stiches... i dont think she will but the perents think she will...
poor leese!
Where about to have dinner and yeh , were going to rent stick it the movie so yeh and were going to watch it and eat and
go to
make that not go to sleep...
So yeh, she might make an account, yay ( everybody cheers! )
From Casey
P.S. i write to you later!
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- 11:53 PM - 05/15/2007
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May 2007
8:20 PM EDT
friday 4 may 2007 2:00pm
yeh i know what yoru thinking 2pm, she skiped school!!!!!!!1 but no i didnt, i got
and it sucks because im going to my friends tomorrow, luckly for me its almost gone already..... yes!
All i had was a saw throat, saw stomach, headache and i was dizzy.
But now i only havea saw throat....
hopfully i will be writting to you tommrow from my friends house if i keep on getting better at this rate!
Im going to
I have just been doing the normal stuff that you always do when your sick... well ateast normal to me...
watch tv, play computer and draw.
I am listerning to the same songs over and over again.... yet they dont get boring!
P!nk - leave me alone ( im lonely)
Buggles- video killed the radieo star
My chemical romance- famous last words
Fallout boy- carpal tunnel of love
Ashely tisdale- he said she said
Mc lars- download this song
yep i like some weird songs alright, from
to old
80's songs from the buggles
then to
Mc lars
and my
chemical romance
.... im a weird one!
im also just surfing the net because no one is on msn... because every one is at school!
So any way, onto the sleep over tomorrow, im going to wear my
monkey PJ's
or my
purple short shorts
with a
blue singlet
, eh i will take both.
At sleeps overs me and
talk about boys and friends
some times we
give eachother makeovers... kinda...
we play computer
go for a swim
play basket ball
play with her dog jack
and also
we play this weird game were we pretend that were 18 and make weird stories....
some times when i get home i write them in my journal but now i know my journal aint safe wiht my brother Blake snooping around.... so i do it on the computer
I have 2 borthers,
Mitch's 18 and his fun and harmless
Blake is 14 and his the one i have to keep an eye out for, his always in my room looking at my stuff, well i guess he has to, his got nothiung better to do, all he does is play computer or playstation, watches tv or eats..... and he bugs me all the time!
Well i dont want to go but i have nothing better to say.... hmmm.... i also made a card for mum for mothers day... its a normal size card made out of dark purple cardboard, im the corners it has 2 pink harts and 2 silver hearts all faced into eachother so they look like a 4 leave clover! and in the middle in silver writting it says... of course...
Happy mothers day!
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May 2007
10:13 PM EDT
3rd of May 2007 3:55 pm
Ok im going to
to write in this every day, but cut me some slak if i dont i mean i have enough problems, like
my fri
my homwoks
my family
and even my
school work
- The guy that i like but i dont know if he likes me... mabey...
My friends
- Elise, melissa, irem ,yiana , olivia, tiffany, melanie and Angela, one i have to stay in touch with them... not to mention were going to different schools next year, also i dont want to get into fights with them... ahhhhh
My homework
- yeh homwork sux but we all have to do it.... also we have to do it neat or our teacher makes us do it again, sure we get the easy pessy homwork and we get hardly any but now it takes me forevery not to mention danceing and gymnastics!
- ok gymnastics is my favourite sport and i pretty good at it to but if i dont do constant training i will lose my abilaty to ben all the way back with out it hurting, and i wont be able to master a backfilp... im learning how to do a backflip and if i dont train it not going to happen
- ok i lvoe danceing to and im not bad at it, also if i dont practice i wont be able to do the splits anymore4, wont be able to suck my stomach in while standing on my toes also locking my knee caps in , lowering my shoulders my hands in the right position and the right heasd movment all at the same time...
My family
- Sure we all have a family... well atleast some peopel do, and we need to make sure there happy expecially your parents other wise they yell at you...
so i need to do everything right like clean my rom, do my home work , do good at school, do good at gymnastics and dancing among other thing and that just stinks...
School work
- we all have to go to stupid school, sure its fun when your with your friends or doing sport or art, but other stuff like maths and engligh stinks...
i talk way to much so i goota lern to shut up... well we all know thats not going to happen so lets just learn how to not talk when the teacher is looking at you... he he!
well thats it for today.. lol i have to go dancing, i go gymnastics on monday and tuesday from 6:30 till 9:00 then on wednesday and thursday go danceing for 3 hours.....
From Casey
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- 06:04 AM - 05/05/2007
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May 2007
9:50 PM EDT
3rd of May 2007 3:30 pm
I am in love.....
for languages i do indonesian and there is this rally cute boy i know who does it and im in love.....
his name is...
i dont know if he likes me or not, he use to, but i dont know... should i give up, should i give up... so many options... i guess i shouldnt, and he asked me to the year 6 farwell, thats were all the years 6's have a big party and you
have to dance with a boy...
does that mean he
me... i dont know
oh well, i will just have to wait and see how it all pans out...!
I talked to him today in indonesian... well not really, he just asked me if his pattern (
we were doing patterns in indonesian because we had a sub
) looked good, of course i said yes... even though it wasnt that great oh well....
well thats it for today
from Casey
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Apr 2007
1:29 AM EDT
29th of April 2007 7:10
Ok , this is just an entry to tell you alittle about myself.
I am a little bit smart, very sporty, lloves animal music and sport.
My best friedns are ...
Elise: 11 years old,has a dog called Jack and its a jack russle, she is cool funky funny, the most popular in my group of friends, and is really really cool. She follows fashions, ans then mixes it up to make it her own fashion!
Melissa: 11 years old, she is cool, a little bit shy, really cool, i have known her for like EVER and we are best buddies! She has a cool sence of style and she follows all the cool in fashions!
Yiana: Yiana is the most mature in the group even though she is the same age as all of us, 11, she has the best fashion sence along with irem. Yiana has a dog called Zac and she is really cool and also follows fashions.
Tiffany: Tiffany is cool just like every one else in the group, she is funky and cool, she is liek elise, follows fashions and then makes them even cooler... she is really cool! so is all of my friends!
Angela: Angela is a little bit shy but is cool and very funky, her an tiffany are the coolest asians i know, so they are just soo cool
She doesnt follow fashins and she doesnt care, she wears her own clothes and still manages to look great keep rocking angie!
Melanie: Melanie is the danceing queen she is one year younger than us but that doesnt matter, she is tiffanys little sister, so she is very cool and also the same as tiff, follwos fashions and make them her won and is really cool and funky!
Olivia: She is 11 and dances and is very cool, she isnt smart, well not very, shes a pure artist, she draws real piturse, and melisa draws cartoons, she doesnt shut up and she can get really annoying and she is anything but shy, she i abit of an idiot sometimes, but shes my idiot , lol, and i join her when she does idiotic stuff so i guess im an idiot to :)
Irem: shes my funky little friend, she follows fashions, and always looks great in what ever she wears... she makes fashions, lol, i would be suprised if she wore some thing and the very next day it was the latest fashion , l0l, she is one of my best friends... and soo is the rest of my group... and well that is the rest of my group!
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- 05:25 PM - 05/02/2007
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XoXcaseyXoX's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 30
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XOXCASEYXOX's Interests:
About Me:
Hey im Casey, Im 11 and live a normal life, well atleast thats what i think, i have 2 brothers called Mitchell and Blake, a mum called Kerrie and a father called Gary, oh and we cant forget my dog Colby now can we... I have 8 fantastic friends... Elise, Irem, Melissa, Yiana, Tiffany, Olivia, Melanie and Angela! There the best friends a girl could have! Im in year six but next year i'm in year seven which means high school, i'm going to high school with Elise. But i dont want to split up with all my other friends... i wonder how this will end?
I love Gymnastics and i do that with Elise and Irem, and i love danceing, which i also do with Elise and Irem... I also like surfing,listerning to music,netball, shopping and eating, but what girls dont like that, lol! I love dogs but my favourite animal is the tiger! Raaaa!
Favorite Music:
Were do i start, i like a little hip-hop, i like pop, Punk, rock and i like some old music! I like John Farnham ( old singer), i llike Hilary Duff a little bit, The veronicas, greenday, Avril a little bit, Panic! at the disco, Kelly clarkson alittle bit and people liek that...
Favorite Movies:
Hmmm... i must admit, haveing a sleepover with friends eating junk food and watching movies is ONE of my favourite thinks to do, i like that movie.... sleep over, step up, hmmm when i was little i watched the lion king and 101 dalmations 10 times everyday, lol!
Favorite Books:
Theres this great book that i love reading Its called i captured the castle byDodie Smith. Listern to what the back says... This is the journal of Cassandra Mortnaib, an extordinary account of life with her equally extrodinary family. First there is her eccentric father, Then there is her sister rose- beautiful, vain and bored- and her stepmother- Topaz, an artist's model who likes to commune with nature. Finally, there is Stephen, Dazzlingly handsome and hopelessly in love with Cassandra.... It is the best book ever...