MissMischief's Journal

Dec 2006
10:56 AM EDT

I'm very tired today. Me and Joe have been...i don't know what to call it. Fighting over little things. When me and him go out with my friends he's fine. But when were alone he's been acting different. I dunno whats wrong with him.He told me he went to the new casino and ran into his ex-girlfriend(nothing new)Danielle and since then its like I'm a pain in his ass.

MissMischief's Profile

  • Username: MissMischief
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    MISSMISCHIEF's Interests:

    About Me: Created by Crazyprofile.com

    Interests: I like to hangout with my boyfriend and friends. I love to travel. I like listening to music.

    Favorite Music: eminem, linkin park,50 cent, evanscene, pink, lillix, fort minor, akon, everlast, jewel, nickelback,theory of a deadman, and many more!

    Favorite Movies: don't really watch movies.

    Favorite Books: You Don't Know Me by david klass