MissMischief's Journal

Dec 2006
10:31 AM EDT

I had another nightmare and I tried to talk to joe about it but he was tired and so when he came over all we did was lay in bed.

MissMischief's Profile

  • Username: MissMischief
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    MISSMISCHIEF's Interests:

    About Me: Created by Crazyprofile.com

    Interests: I like to hangout with my boyfriend and friends. I love to travel. I like listening to music.

    Favorite Music: eminem, linkin park,50 cent, evanscene, pink, lillix, fort minor, akon, everlast, jewel, nickelback,theory of a deadman, and many more!

    Favorite Movies: don't really watch movies.

    Favorite Books: You Don't Know Me by david klass