KeshiaLovesCJ's Journal

Jun 2007
9:10 AM EDT

hey! whats going on? oh nothing here just waiting for my dad to come get me so i can go driving yay! not really cuz i am really tired and i am cramping really bad! but anyways! I may be getting a new digital camera soon yay! i cant wait it is awesome!!!! lol so i have a question who thinks that when you're best friend says that you guys are going to be friends forever that its true? i dont think it is because your so called best friend could possibly screw up pretty severely or you could or whatever but i dont think so.... but i dont know im going to get off here and get ready so i can go driving!!!!
2 comment(s) - 06:23 PM - 06/28/2007

KeshiaLovesCJ's Profile

  • Username: KeshiaLovesCJ
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Kentucky
    Photo Album

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    KESHIALOVESCJ's Interests:

    About Me: Hi! My Name is LaKeshia!!! I am 16years old... I have been dating this guy name CJ for 15months and He is an AWESOME GUY!!! I LOVE HIM SO VERY MUCH!!! I like to hang out with my family and friends including my boyfriend! To find out more info read on!!!Pimp My Profile Pink Hawaiin Flowers myspace layout ' I <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJPimp My Profile

    Interests: Cheerleading, Softball, and singing!!!

    Favorite Music: Country and some Rock

    Favorite Movies: The notebook and Dirty Dancing

    Favorite Television: Brothers and Sisters

    Favorite Books: The notebook, Tears of a Tiger, and The Face on the Milk Carton