KeshiaLovesCJ's Journal

Jul 2007
6:06 PM EDT

Hey! I cant believe the 4th of July is almost here... this will be mine and CJ's 2nd one together!!! yay!!! i love watching the fireworks its kinda romantic lol... anyways.... *change of subject*
"Love is not finding the perfect person, but finding the imperfect person perfect." -Unknown
This is so very true because no one is perfect but when you love somebody you look at them as being the perfect one for you and in your eyes you see them a being so perfect and their not.... i hope that mad since... it made since to me lol ...
1 comment(s) - 08:16 AM - 07/02/2007

KeshiaLovesCJ's Profile

  • Username: KeshiaLovesCJ
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Kentucky
    Photo Album

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    KESHIALOVESCJ's Interests:

    About Me: Hi! My Name is LaKeshia!!! I am 16years old... I have been dating this guy name CJ for 15months and He is an AWESOME GUY!!! I LOVE HIM SO VERY MUCH!!! I like to hang out with my family and friends including my boyfriend! To find out more info read on!!!Pimp My Profile Pink Hawaiin Flowers myspace layout ' I <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJPimp My Profile

    Interests: Cheerleading, Softball, and singing!!!

    Favorite Music: Country and some Rock

    Favorite Movies: The notebook and Dirty Dancing

    Favorite Television: Brothers and Sisters

    Favorite Books: The notebook, Tears of a Tiger, and The Face on the Milk Carton